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Add ESLint plugin #1991

merged 18 commits into from
Mar 20, 2023

Add ESLint plugin #1991

merged 18 commits into from
Mar 20, 2023


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@robinmetral robinmetral commented Mar 13, 2023


This PR adds a new package to the Circuit UI monorepo, @sumup/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui.

Approach and changes

We're in the process of migrating from a JSON-based theme to CSS custom properties (#1880, #1944, #1951).

This has performance benefits and enables using tokens outside of JavaScript. However, it also has a major downside: IDEs and lint tools have no way (currently) of warning developers if they use an invalid custom property, which can result in uncaught bugs.

To mitigate this, we are releasing a new ESLint plugin which currently contains a single rule that checks that all custom properties prefixed with --cui are valid, by matching them against the theme:

  • the rule uses a RegExp to match invalid variables prefixed in --cui. Playground and breakdown:
  • this will also error if developers concatenate custom properties, for example --cui-${colorMap[state]}. This is a good thing, because full-length variables are easier to find, maintain and codemod in future theme changes.
  • the rule was benchmarked and should not affect linting performance too much: Add ESLint plugin #1991 (comment) (this will be verified in production applications)
  • the rule was written using @typescript-eslint on top of eslint, even though it isn't type-aware, since this is what we already use in the project. Documentation: Some knowledge of custom ESLint rules is still a prerequisite to work with @typescript-eslint rules
  • 🐛 this PR already installs the plugin on the Circuit UI monorepo (it's not on npm yet, but lerna does the trick) and this caught a minor bug already: Add ESLint plugin #1991 (comment). The bugfix (9115ef1) is shipped along with this PR (cf. changesets)
  • ⏭️ in a follow-up PR, we will centralize all tokens to avoid having to make changes to 4 different interfaces for them in the future (currently BaseStyles, Storybook docs, Storybook themes, and this plugin). Add ESLint plugin #1991 (comment)

Definition of done

  • Development completed
  • Reviewers assigned
  • Unit and integration tests
  • (n/a) Meets minimum browser support
  • (n/a) Meets accessibility requirements

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changeset-bot bot commented Mar 13, 2023

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Latest commit: ba51a18

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This PR includes changesets to release 2 packages
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@sumup/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui Patch
@sumup/circuit-ui Patch

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vercel bot commented Mar 13, 2023

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oss-circuit-ui ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add your feedback Mar 20, 2023 at 11:37AM (UTC)

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@robinmetral robinmetral left a comment

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Mid-implementation notes 👇

This is still a draft (I'll work on tests and benchmarking this thing's performance next)

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The plugin is already catching bugs! 🎉

Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 11 50 52

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robinmetral commented Mar 16, 2023

Benchmark (TIMING=all yarn lint):

Full output

Rule                                                   | Time (ms) | Relative
prettier/prettier                                      |  2770.764 |    20.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment                |  2600.208 |    18.9%
compat/compat                                          |   719.023 |     5.2%
import/no-cycle                                        |   706.740 |     5.1%
import/no-relative-packages                            |   598.244 |     4.3%
@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises                |   508.647 |     3.7%
import/order                                           |   487.787 |     3.5%
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument                  |   449.478 |     3.3%
import/no-extraneous-dependencies                      |   403.686 |     2.9%
import/no-useless-path-segments                        |   257.532 |     1.9%
@typescript-eslint/no-redeclare                        |   249.347 |     1.8%
@typescript-eslint/naming-convention                   |   228.019 |     1.7%
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return                    |   204.671 |     1.5%
react/no-direct-mutation-state                         |   204.657 |     1.5%
jest/no-standalone-expect                              |   171.139 |     1.2%
jest/no-conditional-expect                             |   131.775 |     1.0%
import/no-self-import                                  |   126.274 |     0.9%
jest/no-disabled-tests                                 |   124.265 |     0.9%
jest/no-identical-title                                |   115.534 |     0.8%
import/no-duplicates                                   |   112.125 |     0.8%
notice/notice                                          |   110.038 |     0.8%
jest/unbound-method                                    |    93.470 |     0.7%
jest/expect-expect                                     |    92.148 |     0.7%
import/no-import-module-exports                        |    86.865 |     0.6%
react/require-render-return                            |    73.505 |     0.5%
jest/valid-expect-in-promise                           |    64.051 |     0.5%
jest/no-done-callback                                  |    63.826 |     0.5%
jest/valid-title                                       |    60.895 |     0.4%
jest/no-test-prefixes                                  |    58.607 |     0.4%
jest/valid-describe-callback                           |    57.867 |     0.4%
jest/no-export                                         |    57.551 |     0.4%
jest/no-focused-tests                                  |    56.524 |     0.4%
react/no-unknown-property                              |    54.447 |     0.4%
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access             |    53.201 |     0.4%
@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises                 |    50.672 |     0.4%
max-len                                                |    48.151 |     0.3%
@typescript-eslint/keyword-spacing                     |    42.305 |     0.3%
@typescript-eslint/comma-dangle                        |    36.467 |     0.3%
import/named                                           |    34.464 |     0.3%
@typescript-eslint/unbound-method                      |    34.046 |     0.2%
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call                      |    33.285 |     0.2%
react/jsx-uses-react                                   |    28.641 |     0.2%
no-restricted-globals                                  |    27.698 |     0.2%
react/no-deprecated                                    |    26.266 |     0.2%
object-shorthand                                       |    24.260 |     0.2%
import/no-unresolved                                   |    22.822 |     0.2%
comma-style                                            |    22.705 |     0.2%
spaced-comment                                         |    22.493 |     0.2%
import/no-named-as-default                             |    22.235 |     0.2%
react/no-danger-with-children                          |    20.354 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/func-call-spacing                   |    19.759 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function                   |    19.624 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/space-infix-ops                     |    18.831 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars                      |    18.550 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/object-curly-spacing                |    18.128 |     0.1%
camelcase                                              |    17.740 |     0.1%
one-var                                                |    16.664 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-shadow                           |    15.513 |     0.1%
react/no-string-refs                                   |    15.019 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/comma-spacing                       |    14.623 |     0.1%
semi-spacing                                           |    14.590 |     0.1%
space-in-parens                                        |    14.544 |     0.1%
react-hooks/rules-of-hooks                             |    14.460 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision                |    14.397 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion       |    14.081 |     0.1%
no-useless-return                                      |    14.018 |     0.1%
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps                            |    13.870 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define                |    13.102 |     0.1%
no-whitespace-before-property                          |    12.603 |     0.1%
no-unused-vars                                         |    12.266 |     0.1%
no-global-assign                                       |    11.917 |     0.1%
no-trailing-spaces                                     |    11.850 |     0.1%
no-extend-native                                       |    11.719 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/semi                                |    10.914 |     0.1%
no-param-reassign                                      |    10.853 |     0.1%
react/no-children-prop                                 |    10.548 |     0.1%
no-redeclare                                           |    10.470 |     0.1%
no-unexpected-multiline                                |    10.340 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions       |    10.061 |     0.1%
jsx-a11y/interactive-supports-focus                    |     9.616 |     0.1%
no-alert                                               |     9.498 |     0.1%
no-multiple-empty-lines                                |     9.258 |     0.1%
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions        |     9.223 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/quotes                              |     9.019 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions               |     8.887 |     0.1%
no-underscore-dangle                                   |     8.816 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/ban-types                           |     8.668 |     0.1%
jest/valid-expect                                      |     8.536 |     0.1%
prefer-exponentiation-operator                         |     8.511 |     0.1%
no-undef-init                                          |     8.469 |     0.1%
no-regex-spaces                                        |     8.214 |     0.1%
react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes                         |     8.073 |     0.1%
jest/no-deprecated-functions                           |     7.858 |     0.1%
@typescript-eslint/await-thenable                      |     7.733 |     0.1%
semi-style                                             |     7.728 |     0.1%
+ @sumup/circuit-ui/no-invalid-custom-properties       |     7.564 |     0.1%
key-spacing                                            |     7.467 |     0.1%
no-script-url                                          |     7.455 |     0.1%
linebreak-style                                        |     7.442 |     0.1%
padded-blocks                                          |     7.365 |     0.1%
no-unsafe-optional-chaining                            |     7.267 |     0.1%
react/no-render-return-value                           |     7.196 |     0.1%
import/newline-after-import                            |     7.150 |     0.1%
array-callback-return                                  |     6.806 |     0.0%
import/export                                          |     6.781 |     0.0%
no-spaced-func                                         |     6.693 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/brace-style                         |     6.600 |     0.0%
arrow-spacing                                          |     6.527 |     0.0%
react/jsx-no-duplicate-props                           |     6.416 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types                 |     6.390 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/dot-notation                        |     6.268 |     0.0%
react/no-unescaped-entities                            |     5.975 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-throw-literal                    |     5.832 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval                     |     5.825 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference              |     5.795 |     0.0%
import/no-amd                                          |     5.772 |     0.0%
no-multi-spaces                                        |     5.736 |     0.0%
no-useless-escape                                      |     5.723 |     0.0%
no-restricted-properties                               |     5.632 |     0.0%
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs                               |     5.512 |     0.0%
no-constant-condition                                  |     5.437 |     0.0%
react/jsx-key                                          |     5.280 |     0.0%
no-misleading-character-class                          |     5.249 |     0.0%
block-spacing                                          |     5.236 |     0.0%
react/jsx-no-undef                                     |     4.974 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands              |     4.950 |     0.0%
no-shadow-restricted-names                             |     4.842 |     0.0%
no-control-regex                                       |     4.835 |     0.0%
no-unreachable-loop                                    |     4.802 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/media-has-caption                             |     4.801 |     0.0%
jest/no-interpolation-in-snapshots                     |     4.759 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members         |     4.756 |     0.0%
keyword-spacing                                        |     4.743 |     0.0%
no-octal-escape                                        |     4.732 |     0.0%
jest/no-jasmine-globals                                |     4.689 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/alt-text                                      |     4.597 |     0.0%
react/prop-types                                       |     4.586 |     0.0%
consistent-return                                      |     4.567 |     0.0%
no-irregular-whitespace                                |     4.505 |     0.0%
function-call-argument-newline                         |     4.498 |     0.0%
import/no-named-as-default-member                      |     4.447 |     0.0%
no-promise-executor-return                             |     4.358 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/space-before-blocks                 |     4.354 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-loop-func                        |     4.352 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles                            |     4.334 |     0.0%
no-eval                                                |     4.244 |     0.0%
no-tabs                                                |     4.167 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures        |     4.029 |     0.0%
react/jsx-no-target-blank                              |     4.023 |     0.0%
prefer-spread                                          |     3.943 |     0.0%
prefer-template                                        |     3.863 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment                      |     3.761 |     0.0%
import/no-absolute-path                                |     3.741 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions                |     3.703 |     0.0%
no-lone-blocks                                         |     3.689 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/autocomplete-valid                            |     3.639 |     0.0%
strict                                                 |     3.585 |     0.0%
lines-around-directive                                 |     3.518 |     0.0%
import/no-dynamic-require                              |     3.516 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/space-before-function-paren         |     3.455 |     0.0%
curly                                                  |     3.422 |     0.0%
template-curly-spacing                                 |     3.332 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/require-await                       |     3.132 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/role-supports-aria-props                      |     3.099 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex            |     3.049 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/aria-unsupported-elements                     |     2.999 |     0.0%
arrow-body-style                                       |     2.998 |     0.0%
grouped-accessor-pairs                                 |     2.976 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/return-await                        |     2.974 |     0.0%
dot-location                                           |     2.958 |     0.0%
no-nonoctal-decimal-escape                             |     2.944 |     0.0%
new-cap                                                |     2.842 |     0.0%
space-unary-ops                                        |     2.787 |     0.0%
no-multi-str                                           |     2.752 |     0.0%
no-template-curly-in-string                            |     2.734 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control                  |     2.679 |     0.0%
prefer-regex-literals                                  |     2.664 |     0.0%
computed-property-spacing                              |     2.594 |     0.0%
block-scoped-var                                       |     2.581 |     0.0%
prefer-const                                           |     2.535 |     0.0%
newline-per-chained-call                               |     2.506 |     0.0%
import/no-webpack-loader-syntax                        |     2.491 |     0.0%
global-require                                         |     2.414 |     0.0%
no-restricted-exports                                  |     2.400 |     0.0%
wrap-iife                                              |     2.400 |     0.0%
no-useless-backreference                               |     2.390 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events                  |     2.381 |     0.0%
prefer-promise-reject-errors                           |     2.344 |     0.0%
no-restricted-syntax                                   |     2.299 |     0.0%
no-prototype-builtins                                  |     2.278 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/aria-role                                     |     2.232 |     0.0%
prefer-numeric-literals                                |     2.203 |     0.0%
react/jsx-uses-vars                                    |     2.197 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/aria-proptypes                                |     2.175 |     0.0%
import/no-mutable-exports                              |     2.167 |     0.0%
react/no-find-dom-node                                 |     2.157 |     0.0%
no-invalid-regexp                                      |     2.156 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any                     |     2.137 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-array-constructor                |     2.108 |     0.0%
one-var-declaration-per-line                           |     2.102 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/default-param-last                  |     2.084 |     0.0%
object-property-newline                                |     2.054 |     0.0%
arrow-parens                                           |     2.043 |     0.0%
prefer-object-spread                                   |     2.042 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-dupe-class-members               |     1.994 |     0.0%
no-extra-bind                                          |     1.954 |     0.0%
no-empty-function                                      |     1.953 |     0.0%
no-extra-boolean-cast                                  |     1.944 |     0.0%
no-mixed-operators                                     |     1.939 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface                  |     1.912 |     0.0%
jest/no-mocks-import                                   |     1.887 |     0.0%
prefer-destructuring                                   |     1.878 |     0.0%
no-floating-decimal                                    |     1.827 |     0.0%
array-bracket-spacing                                  |     1.817 |     0.0%
no-useless-rename                                      |     1.741 |     0.0%
no-useless-computed-key                                |     1.692 |     0.0%
space-infix-ops                                        |     1.627 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content                            |     1.606 |     0.0%
class-methods-use-this                                 |     1.594 |     0.0%
import/first                                           |     1.558 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/aria-props                                    |     1.535 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-constraint      |     1.527 |     0.0%
eol-last                                               |     1.520 |     0.0%
no-iterator                                            |     1.502 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex                    |     1.474 |     0.0%
no-unsafe-finally                                      |     1.473 |     0.0%
no-constructor-return                                  |     1.470 |     0.0%
react/no-is-mounted                                    |     1.462 |     0.0%
no-multi-assign                                        |     1.448 |     0.0%
func-call-spacing                                      |     1.374 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/prefer-as-const                     |     1.369 |     0.0%
comma-spacing                                          |     1.359 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid                               |     1.344 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias                       |     1.330 |     0.0%
max-classes-per-file                                   |     1.322 |     0.0%
no-unreachable                                         |     1.320 |     0.0%
no-octal                                               |     1.307 |     0.0%
object-curly-spacing                                   |     1.283 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt                             |     1.242 |     0.0%
use-isnan                                              |     1.242 |     0.0%
import/no-named-default                                |     1.227 |     0.0%
no-inner-declarations                                  |     1.222 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-namespace                        |     1.200 |     0.0%
no-fallthrough                                         |     1.184 |     0.0%
yoda                                                   |     1.174 |     0.0%
jest/no-commented-out-tests                            |     1.167 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events                  |     1.163 |     0.0%
radix                                                  |     1.162 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/heading-has-content                           |     1.157 |     0.0%
no-var                                                 |     1.142 |     0.0%
generator-star-spacing                                 |     1.130 |     0.0%
no-bitwise                                             |     1.123 |     0.0%
no-dupe-else-if                                        |     1.122 |     0.0%
no-caller                                              |     1.117 |     0.0%
no-self-assign                                         |     1.052 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements                       |     1.051 |     0.0%
no-cond-assign                                         |     1.051 |     0.0%
no-empty                                               |     1.035 |     0.0%
rest-spread-spacing                                    |     1.021 |     0.0%
prefer-arrow-callback                                  |     1.003 |     0.0%
symbol-description                                     |     0.978 |     0.0%
no-proto                                               |     0.972 |     0.0%
no-console                                             |     0.951 |     0.0%
no-self-compare                                        |     0.921 |     0.0%
template-tag-spacing                                   |     0.919 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-access-key                                 |     0.910 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role |     0.903 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/role-has-required-aria-props                  |     0.861 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-autofocus                                  |     0.848 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain |     0.842 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-extra-semi                       |     0.816 |     0.0%
no-import-assign                                       |     0.803 |     0.0%
getter-return                                          |     0.762 |     0.0%
no-loss-of-precision                                   |     0.756 |     0.0%
no-this-before-super                                   |     0.752 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/scope                                         |     0.743 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role |     0.743 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/tabindex-no-positive                          |     0.732 |     0.0%
constructor-super                                      |     0.725 |     0.0%
no-compare-neg-zero                                    |     0.712 |     0.0%
eqeqeq                                                 |     0.702 |     0.0%
no-sequences                                           |     0.655 |     0.0%
no-implied-eval                                        |     0.655 |     0.0%
no-shadow                                              |     0.654 |     0.0%
no-return-assign                                       |     0.650 |     0.0%
nonblock-statement-body-position                       |     0.630 |     0.0%
no-else-return                                         |     0.623 |     0.0%
no-dupe-keys                                           |     0.620 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/html-has-lang                                 |     0.619 |     0.0%
semi                                                   |     0.618 |     0.0%
no-extra-label                                         |     0.605 |     0.0%
space-before-function-paren                            |     0.583 |     0.0%
no-await-in-loop                                       |     0.570 |     0.0%
default-case                                           |     0.559 |     0.0%
switch-colon-spacing                                   |     0.557 |     0.0%
no-obj-calls                                           |     0.556 |     0.0%
no-unneeded-ternary                                    |     0.545 |     0.0%
no-lonely-if                                           |     0.543 |     0.0%
quotes                                                 |     0.535 |     0.0%
yield-star-spacing                                     |     0.529 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion               |     0.523 |     0.0%
unicode-bom                                            |     0.520 |     0.0%
require-yield                                          |     0.506 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor              |     0.503 |     0.0%
jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title                              |     0.494 |     0.0%
no-useless-concat                                      |     0.470 |     0.0%
no-path-concat                                         |     0.461 |     0.0%
lines-between-class-members                            |     0.461 |     0.0%
no-duplicate-case                                      |     0.409 |     0.0%
no-sparse-arrays                                       |     0.400 |     0.0%
prefer-rest-params                                     |     0.399 |     0.0%
no-empty-pattern                                       |     0.397 |     0.0%
no-setter-return                                       |     0.393 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array                     |     0.389 |     0.0%
operator-assignment                                    |     0.385 |     0.0%
func-names                                             |     0.374 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-extra-non-null-assertion         |     0.371 |     0.0%
no-const-assign                                        |     0.370 |     0.0%
brace-style                                            |     0.347 |     0.0%
no-nested-ternary                                      |     0.335 |     0.0%
no-unused-expressions                                  |     0.328 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-misused-new                      |     0.327 |     0.0%
new-parens                                             |     0.326 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/prefer-namespace-keyword            |     0.318 |     0.0%
no-loop-func                                           |     0.314 |     0.0%
no-plusplus                                            |     0.310 |     0.0%
no-dupe-class-members                                  |     0.304 |     0.0%
no-empty-character-class                               |     0.284 |     0.0%
no-new-wrappers                                        |     0.281 |     0.0%
no-labels                                              |     0.276 |     0.0%
no-unused-labels                                       |     0.271 |     0.0%
for-direction                                          |     0.266 |     0.0%
valid-typeof                                           |     0.265 |     0.0%
no-delete-var                                          |     0.264 |     0.0%
no-new-object                                          |     0.263 |     0.0%
space-before-blocks                                    |     0.253 |     0.0%
no-void                                                |     0.247 |     0.0%
vars-on-top                                            |     0.230 |     0.0%
no-new-require                                         |     0.222 |     0.0%
@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires                     |     0.206 |     0.0%
no-func-assign                                         |     0.201 |     0.0%
no-return-await                                        |     0.199 |     0.0%
no-unsafe-negation                                     |     0.194 |     0.0%
no-class-assign                                        |     0.187 |     0.0%
no-case-declarations                                   |     0.186 |     0.0%
no-array-constructor                                   |     0.172 |     0.0%
default-case-last                                      |     0.170 |     0.0%
dot-notation                                           |     0.166 |     0.0%
no-async-promise-executor                              |     0.166 |     0.0%
no-continue                                            |     0.158 |     0.0%
no-ex-assign                                           |     0.152 |     0.0%
no-label-var                                           |     0.147 |     0.0%
no-buffer-constructor                                  |     0.137 |     0.0%
no-useless-catch                                       |     0.137 |     0.0%
no-debugger                                            |     0.133 |     0.0%
default-param-last                                     |     0.126 |     0.0%
no-new                                                 |     0.123 |     0.0%
no-new-symbol                                          |     0.102 |     0.0%
no-dupe-args                                           |     0.100 |     0.0%
jest/no-jest-import                                    |     0.095 |     0.0%
no-extra-semi                                          |     0.095 |     0.0%
no-undef                                               |     0.089 |     0.0%
guard-for-in                                           |     0.087 |     0.0%
no-with                                                |     0.086 |     0.0%
no-new-func                                            |     0.084 |     0.0%
no-useless-constructor                                 |     0.046 |     0.0%
no-throw-literal                                       |     0.039 |     0.0%

TL;DR: the rule runs in 7ms on the repo, or about 0.1% of the full linting time (most expensive rules are prettier/prettier and @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment). 👉 I think we're good!

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codecov bot commented Mar 16, 2023

Codecov Report

Merging #1991 (ba51a18) into main (749db51) will increase coverage by 0.20%.
The diff coverage is n/a.

Impacted file tree graph

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##             main    #1991      +/-   ##
+ Coverage   91.95%   92.15%   +0.20%     
  Files         170      168       -2     
  Lines        3541     3533       -8     
  Branches     1176     1176              
  Hits         3256     3256              
+ Misses        265      257       -8     
  Partials       20       20              
Impacted Files Coverage Δ 83.80% <ø> (ø)

... and 2 files with indirect coverage changes

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Contributor Author

Planning on releasing the plugin as a beta (<v1) version initially, and release v1.0.0 after testing in production apps.


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☝️ rebased to fix conflict with #2000 (comment)

@robinmetral robinmetral marked this pull request as ready for review March 17, 2023 12:17
@robinmetral robinmetral requested a review from a team as a code owner March 17, 2023 12:17
@robinmetral robinmetral requested review from connor-baer and removed request for a team March 17, 2023 12:17
Robin Métral and others added 13 commits March 20, 2023 11:05
This purposefully still includes the debugging RegExp I used. Will clean up later on.
This surfaced a bug with the regexp that doesn't flag invalid properties when there are trailing [\w] characters, e.g.
A couple more cases coming up. The reason I want to cover different syntaxes, even though the rule only uses regex, is in case we decide to start using the AST for this rule at some point (for perf reasons or other).
@robinmetral robinmetral enabled auto-merge (squash) March 20, 2023 10:41
@robinmetral robinmetral mentioned this pull request Mar 20, 2023
@robinmetral robinmetral disabled auto-merge March 20, 2023 10:57
We could also ignore js config files globally from the root .eslintignore, but since there's already a file in every package, I'm following the same approach for .
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This time jest.config.js will not be collected for coverage 🤜 🪵 (knock on wood)

@robinmetral robinmetral merged commit 401ac25 into main Mar 20, 2023
@robinmetral robinmetral deleted the eslint-plugin branch March 20, 2023 11:42
@connor-baer connor-baer mentioned this pull request Jun 17, 2023
5 tasks
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2 participants