Releases: suny-downstate-medical-center/netpyne
Version 1.0.1
New features
Added new plotting module with custom plotters
Separated analysis.plotSpikeRaster into analysis.prepareRaster and plotting.plotRaster
Separated analysis.plotSpikeHist into analysis.prepareSpikeData, analysis.prepareSpikeHist, plotting.plotSpikeHist and plotting.plotSpikeFreq
Separated analysis.plotLFP into analysis.prepareLFP, analysis.preparePSD, analysis.prepareSpectrogram, plotting.plotLFPTimeSeries, plotting.plotLFPPSD, plotting.plotLFPSpectrogram, and plotting.plotLFPLocations
Mapped old analysis.plots onto new ones
Interfaced with LFPkit to enable recording/plotting of dipole current moments and EEG signals
Added Current Source Density (CSD) analysis and plots
Enabled selecting a subset of cells to save individual LFP signal from via cfg.saveLFPCells = [...]
Added cfg.saveLFPPops to store LFP generated individually by each population
Function to return batch parameter combinations (used for GUI)
Added jupyter nb tutorials
Added hippocampus CA3 model example
Updated SONATA importing
Improved distributed saving and interval saving (more robust)
Added mapping of netParams values within cfg (used for batch sims in GUI)
Extended Action tests to pull requests (not just push)
Bug fixes
Fixed setting cfgMapping nested params when not string
Fixed defineCellShapes when sec['hObj'] is not a h.Section()
Fixed bug when using lognormal in string functions
Added rxdmath to avoid RxD error
Fixed bug in Tutorial 8 (batch)
When saving to JSON wait until file exists before returning (to avoid exiting before saving finished)
Release for use with GUI
New features
Added guiBlack and guiWhite themes, streamlined theming
Updated iplots to avoid Bokeh deprecation
Updated iplots to avoid Bokeh deprecation
Version 1.0.0
New features
Added wrapper for distributed saving; can now simply replace 'sim.gatherData()' with 'sim.gatherDataFromNodes()'
Added distributed saving/loading ability (save/load data by MPI node)
Allowed to specify 'cellModel' and point neuron params in netParams.cellParams (not only in netParams.popParams)
Added cellsVisualizationSpacingMultiplier property to netParams
Improved Granger plot, renamed it plotGranger
Added interactive Granger plot (iplotGranger)
Implemented testing in GitHub Actions with pytest (thanks Daniel!)
Improved sim.clearAll such that it works even before a sim is run
Properly formatted all module docstrings
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in TupleToStr function
Fixed broken links in tutorials
Bokeh update required changing options from None to 'auto'
Bug fixes
- Fixed gathering of dipoles when running on multiple cores (uncommented lines that had been commented for debugging)
New features
Plot current source density (CSD) from local field potential (LFP) simulated data
Additional customization of 3D shape plot: show voltage as color, change proportions, include axis labels
Enable modifyConns based on properties of presynaptic neurons
Replaced -np with -n so compatible for all commands: mpiexec/mpirun/srun
Updated and to include RxD's Parameter class, naming of States and Regions, and specification of Region geometries that do not require arguments like 'membrane' and 'inside'
Improved recordTraces such that the cond 'gid' can accept a list of numbers as well as a single number
Added a new tutorial going through use of NetPyNE with virtual environments and Jupyter notebooks
Added cfg.use_fast_imem to enable recording membrane voltage via seg.i_membrane_
Added swc import ability to importCell (and thus importCellParams)
Batch now polls processes, prints their output and terminates them once completed
Updated web documentation to explain importing SWC files and add Recording Configuration section
Added link to Jupyter notebook tutorial and video to website front page
Bug fixes
Made rate_b be positional instead of keyword argument in rxd multiCompartmentReaction
Check if _morphSegCoords exists in population before using
Fixed bug to avoid recursive creating of synMechs when loading with cfg.oneSynPerNetcon=True
Fixed an issue with running rxd code twice
Wait until all subprocesses have ended before completing mpi_bulletin batches
Fixed repeated rxd simulation issue for rates and reactions
Fixed pointNeuron spikePattern 'sync' option
Version 0.9.8
New features
analysis.plotLFP can now be applied to external data
Evolutionary and Optuna optimization can now read results from .pkl files
Enabled recording of stimulus variables (e.g. SEClamp i)
Added options in load func to avoid instantiating cells, conns, stims and/or rxd
Analysis and plotting of rate vs current (f-I) curve for single cell tuning
Recording and plotting of current dipoles in arbitrary subset of populations
Added option to plot LFP spectrogram with log y-axis
Added option to plot the log of connectivity in plotConn
Enabled random distribution of multiple synapses with synsPerConn>1 and connRandomSecFromList=True
Added lineWidth option to plot2Dnet (thanks Eric!)
Updated Travis Continuous Integration to use NEURON 7.8.1 (from 7.6.2)
Removed trailing white space from all Python files in the repository
Bug fixes
Fixed bug when using index with recordTraces
Fixed axes values in plotRxDConcentration and iplotRxDConcentration
Added links to necessary mod files in the importing cell models tutorial
Added to doc/source/code/mod as it's needed for some examples
Blocked terminal output from Git when no repository is found (i.e. with pip install netpyne)
Avoid adding section-based weightNorm values to point neurons (was affecting
Prevent error when loading pointCell params from json by converting Dict to dict
Fixed bug in plotShape (thanks Eric!)
Updated so PyPI website renders the README as markdown
Fixed expected numSpikes in test of M1detailed example
Merged GUI branch into development branch
Fixed bug in iplotConn
Fixed bug and coloring in iplotSpikeStats with different themes
Version 0.9.7
New features
Added optimization using Optuna (
Simplified cellParams to use dict key as 'cellType' and make 'conds' optional
Added netParams method addCellParamsTemplate() to create predefined cell templates
Calculation of population avg rates now accepts multiple time intervals
Optional index argument to record from synMech
Added scale bar location option to plotTraces scalebar
Added evolutionary optimization for cell
Added support for reading pkl files in evol batches
Added plotfI func to netpyne
Added calculation of fI to
Added module imports to netpyne import
Added adaptive stochastic descent (ASD)
Added ability to set theme and palette for iplots
Added netParams method addCellParamsTemplate() to create predefined cell templates
Added sizing-mode to iplots
Added Bokeh to NetPyNE requirements
Added theme for gui to analysis/utils, iplots can now use custom theme
Added t variable to plotLFP output data
Cleaned up plotRxD, added saving, added plot options, scalebar
Added interactive plot: iplotRxDConcentration
Added interactive plot: iplot2Dnet
Added interactive plot: iplotRatePSD
Added interactive plot: iplotSpikeStats
Cleaned up iplotLFP and improved color-handling with themes
Documentation improvements
Updated and tested online tutorials
Changed all triple single-quoted docstrings to triple double-quoted
Improved many docstrings
Created a complete package index ( which is automatically generated from the human-readable docstrings in the codebase
Documented the process to release a new version and automated the html building process
Removed old unused Makefile for docs
Bug fixes
Fixed bug importing cells (avoid reading docstring)
Fixed bug when recording LFP with recordStep <1.0ms
Fixed example
Fixed bug in plotSpikeStats
Fixed bug in plotSpikeHist
Fixed bugs in plotTraces scalebar
Fixed travis test issues
Fixed tut3 travis issue
Fixed bug in
Fixed bug in plotRaster
Fix minor bug in iplotRaster()
Fixed problems with NeuroML
Version 0.9.6
Added useful hover information to iplots
Improvements to iplotTraces
Added interactive plot for connectivity (iplotConn)
Added 'dynamicRates' option for NetStim populations
Added option to have a uniform distribution of rates for Vecstim pulses
Added function for distributed saving at intervals
Added issue templates for GitHub
Overhaul of contribution guide (
Improved documentation
Fixed bugs and improved exception handling in plotConn
Fixed loadSave V1 example model
Fixed bug calculating popRates when no spikes
Fixed bug in _distributeSynsUniformly()
Fixed bug in saveCellParamsRule()
Fixed bug in initCfg params were not being updated for evol optim
Fixed bug in missing initialization of newWeightNorm
Fixed bug in print run time with 2 significant figures
Fixed output stat filenames of evolutionary optim: .cvs to .csv
Fixed bug in interval saving
Fixed bug in in plotSpikeStats
Version 0.9.5
Print start and end date/time
Avoid removing batch folder so can rerun and complete batch simulations
Added loadBalance option to print individual node computer times
Initialize hoc events recursivley to reduce event queue overhead
Added plotRateSpectrogram analysis function
Added option to save at intervals
Fixed bug: wrong indentation for initializing fixedInterval in
Fixed bug in _distributeSynsUniformly function
Fixed bug in subConnParams grouped synapses
Fixed bug in analysis.granger figure save name
Fixed bug in printRunTime function