Implementation of Some Deep Hash Algorithms Baseline and Retrieval Demo.
My environment is
python==3.7.0 torchvision==0.5.0 pytorch==1.4.0
You can easily train and test any algorithm just by
If you have any problems, feel free to contact me by email([email protected]) or raise an issue.
There are three different configurations for cifar10
- config["dataset"]="cifar10" will use 1000 images (100 images per class) as the query set, 5000 images( 500 images per class) as training set , the remaining 54,000 images are used as database.
- config["dataset"]="cifar10-1" will use 1000 images (100 images per class) as the query set, the remaining 59,000 images are used as database, 5000 images( 500 images per class) are randomly sampled from the database as training set.
- config["dataset"]="cifar10-2" will use 10000 images (1000 images per class) as the query set, 50000 images( 5000 images per class) as training set and database.
You can download NUS-WIDE here
Use data/nus-wide/ to randomly select 100 images per class as the query set (2,100 images in total). The remaining images are
used as the database set, from which we randomly sample 500 images per class as the training set (10, 500 images
in total).
You can download ImageNet, NUS-WIDE-m and COCO dataset here where is the data split copy from, or Baidu Pan(Password: hash).
NUS-WIDE-m is different from NUS-WIDE, so i made a distinction.
269,648 images in NUS-WIDE , and 195834 images which are associated with 21 most frequent concepts.
NUS-WIDE-m has 223,496 images,and NUS-WIDE-m is used in HashNet(ICCV2017) and code HashNet caffe and pytorch
download mirflickr , and use ./data/mirflickr/ to randomly select 1000 images as the test query set and 4000 images as the train set.
- model Baidu Pan(Password: hash).
- matplotlib demo
cd demo
- Flask demo
cd demo/www
I add some code in
config["pr_curve_path"] = f"log/alexnet/DSH_{config['dataset']}_{bit}.json"
To get the Precision Recall Curve, you should copy the json path "DSH": "../log/alexnet/DSH_cifar10-1_48.json",
to and run this file.
cd utils
It is difficult to implement all by myself, so I made some modifications based on these codes
paper Deep Supervised Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval
code DSH-pytorch
paper Feature Learning based Deep Supervised Hashing with Pairwise Labels
code DPSH-pytorch
paper Deep Hashing Network for Efficient Similarity Retrieval
code DeepHash-tensorflow
paper Deep Supervised Hashing with Triplet Labels
code DTSH
paper HashNet: Deep Learning to Hash by Continuation
code HashNet caffe and pytorch
paper Greedy Hash: Towards Fast Optimization for Accurate Hash Coding in CNN
code GreedyHash
paper Deep Supervised Discrete Hashing
code DSDH_PyTorch
paper Push for Quantization: Deep Fisher Hashing
code Push-for-Quantization-Deep-Fisher-Hashing
paper Instance Similarity Deep Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval
code ISDH-Tensorflow
paper Improved Deep Hashing with Soft Pairwise Similarity for Multi-label Image Retrieval
code IDHN-Tensorflow
paper Deep balanced discrete hashing for image retrieval
paper Asymmetric Deep Supervised Hashing
code1 ADSH matlab + pytorch
code2 ADSH_pytorch
DAGH(ICCV2019, not implement here)
paper Deep Supervised Hashing with Anchor Graph
code DAGH-Matlab
DAPH(ACMMM2017, not completely implement here)
paper Deep Asymmetric Pairwise Hashing
paper Locality-Constrained Deep Supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval
paper Deep Supervised Hashing Based on Stable Distribution
paper Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Video Retrieval
code CSQ-pytorch
Deep Unsupervised Image Hashing by Maximizing Bit Entropy(AAAI2021)
paper Deep Unsupervised Image Hashing by Maximizing Bit Entropy
code Deep-Unsupervised-Image-Hashing
Algorithms | dataset | this impl. | paper |
DSH | cifar10-1 | 0.800 | 0.6755 |
nus_wide_21 | 0.798 | 0.5621 | |
ms coco | 0.655 | - | |
imagenet | 0.576 | - | |
mirflickr | 0.735 | - | |
DPSH | cifar10 | 0.775 | 0.757 |
nus_wide_21 | 0.844 | 0.851(0.812*) | |
imagenet | 0.502 | - | |
ms coco | 0.711 | - | |
voc2012 | 0.608 | - | |
mirflickr | 0.781 | - | |
HashNet | cifar10 | 0.782 | - |
nus wide81 m | 0.764 | 0.7114 | |
nus_wide_21 | 0.830 | - | |
imagenet | 0.644 | 0.6633 | |
ms coco | 0.724 | 0.7301 | |
DHN | cifar10 | 0.781 | 0.621 |
nus_wide_21 | 0.841 | 0.758 | |
imagenet | 0.486 | - | |
ms coco | 0.712 | - | |
mirflickr | 0.775 | - | |
DSDH | cifar10-1 | 0.790 | 0.820 |
nus_wide_21 | 0.833 | 0.829 | |
imagenet | 0.300 | - | |
ms coco | 0.681 | - | |
mirflickr | 0.765 | - | |
DTSH | cifar 10 | 0.800 | 0.774 |
nus_wide_21 | 0.829 | 0.824 | |
ms coco | 0.760 | - | |
imagenet | 0.631 | - | |
mirflickr | 0.753 | - | |
DFH | cifar10-1 | 0.801 | 0.844 |
nus_wide_21 | 0.837 | 0.842 | |
ms coco | 0.717 | - | |
imagenet | 0.519 | 0.747 | |
mirflickr | 0.766 | - | |
GreedyHash | cifar10-1 | 0.817 | 0.822 |
cifar10-2 | 0.932 | 0.944 | |
imagenet | 0.678 | 0.688 | |
ms coco | 0.728 | - | |
nuswide_21 | 0.793 | - | |
ADSH | cifar10-1 | 0.921 | 0.9390 |
nuswide_21 | 0.622 | 0.9055 | |
CSQ(ResNet50,64bit) | coco | 0.883 | 0.861 |
imagenet | 0.881 | 0.873 | |
nuswide_21_m | 0.844 | 0.839 |