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Andrew Sutton edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 106 revisions

FS.FluentUI Wiki

I have done my best to keep the usage of the following components/hooks as similar to the Microsoft documentation as possible.

None of these examples will be all-encompassing, so please check the official documentation for further specifics.

NOTE: Any use of Fui.stack in these examples is preferential and is imported from FS.FluentUI.V8toV9, which is a separate package. A Stack is a container-type component that abstracts the implementation of a flexbox in order to define the layout of its children components. A StackItem abstracts those properties that are or can be specifically applied on flexbox's children, like grow and shrink.

Styling and Theming

Buttons and Form Inputs

Compat Components

Lists, Grids, and Trees

Menus and Navigation


Display and Status


Preview Components / Hooks


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