You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 6
Andrew Sutton edited this page May 20, 2024
1 revision
type Styles = { swatchExample: string; swatchButton: string; swatchInput: string }
let useStyles = Fui.makeStyles<Styles> [
"swatchExample", [
style.width (length.px 100)
style.height (length.px 100)
style.border (1, borderStyle.solid, "#ccc")
style.margin (length.px 20)
"swatchButton", [
style.marginRight (length.px 8)
"swatchInput", [
style.margin (length.px 10)
type Swatch = { color: string; value: string; ``aria-label``: string }
let SwatchPickerTest() =
let styles = useStyles()
let selectedValue, setSelectedValue = React.useState "00B053"
let selectedColor, setSelectedColor = React.useState "#00B053"
let defaultItems = [
{ color = "#FF1921"; value = "FF1921"; ``aria-label`` = "red" }
{ color = "#FF7A00"; value = "FF7A00"; ``aria-label`` = "dark orange" }
{ color = "#90D057"; value = "90D057"; ``aria-label`` = "light green" }
{ color = "#00B053"; value = "00B053"; ``aria-label`` = "green" }
let inputRef: IRefValue<HTMLInputElement option> = React.useRef None
let items, setItems = React.useState defaultItems
let ITEMS_LIMIT = 8;
let emptyItems = ITEMS_LIMIT - items.Length
let handleAddColor = fun _ ->
let newColor =
match inputRef.current with
| Some ref -> ref.value
| None -> ""
let newValue = $"custom-{newColor} [{items.Length - ITEMS_LIMIT}]"
setItems (
[ { color = newColor; value = newValue; ``aria-label`` = newColor } ]
|> List.append items
Html.div [
Fui.swatchPicker [
swatchPicker.ariaLabel "SwatchPicker with empty swatch"
swatchPicker.selectedValue selectedValue
swatchPicker.onSelectionChange (fun (data: SwatchPickerOnSelectionChangeData) ->
setSelectedValue data.selectedValue
setSelectedColor data.selectedSwatch
swatchPicker.children [
yield! items |> List.map (fun item ->
Fui.colorSwatch [
colorSwatch.key item.value
colorSwatch.value item.value
colorSwatch.ariaLabel item.``aria-label``
colorSwatch.color item.color
for i in 1..emptyItems do
Fui.emptySwatch [
emptySwatch.disabled true
emptySwatch.key i
emptySwatch.ariaLabel $"empty-swatch-{i}"
Html.div [
prop.className styles.swatchExample
prop.style [
style.backgroundColor selectedColor
style.custom ("@media (forcedColors: active)", [ "forcedColorAdjust", "none"])
Fui.label [
label.htmlFor "color-select"
label.text "Add more colors:"
Html.input [
prop.className styles.swatchInput
prop.ref inputRef
prop.id "color-select"
prop.name "color-select"
Fui.button [
button.className styles.swatchButton
button.disabled (items.Length >= ITEMS_LIMIT)
button.onClick handleAddColor
button.text "Add new color"
Fui.button [
button.className styles.swatchButton
button.onClick (fun _ -> setItems defaultItems)
button.text "Reset example"
Html.div [
prop.style [ style.margin 25 ]
Fui.swatchPicker [
swatchPicker.children (
Fui.renderSwatchPickerGrid [
swatchPickerGrid.items items
swatchPickerGrid.columnCount 2
swatchPickerGrid.renderSwatch (fun (item: Swatch) ->
if item.color = "#FF7A00" then
Fui.text "Orange"
Fui.colorSwatch [
colorSwatch.key item.value
colorSwatch.value item.value
colorSwatch.ariaLabel item.``aria-label``
colorSwatch.color item.color