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Releases: szaumoor/ZS_ShadowdancerOverhaul


05 Dec 20:29
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Fixed an installation error due to code expecting files that were no longer necessary


28 Nov 20:24
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  • Minor technical details
  • Shadow Maze no longer is affected by magic resistance, and is no longer erroneously dispellable
  • Removed the files related to getting extra uses of abilities for ToF feats
  • Shadow Artist HLA reworked:
    • Health and movement speed bonus at night removed
    • Instead it grants the boon of being able to backstab from any direction
    • Blindness/damage combo on backstabs both only apply if the save fails, but the save is now made at -4 and the damage is now 1d4 cold & magic damage, but it becomes 2d4+1 cold / 2d4+1 magic damage if the target is already blinded (no save allowed in this case)
    • Damage no longer can wake up sleepers.
    • Blindness duration fixed, was supposed to be 3 rounds, not 2
    • Fixed backstabs removing blindness after being applied once
    • Fixed sound when blindness fades being the same as when it applies
    • Fixed blindness being dispellable, but not the portrait icon of blindness
    • It no longer applies non-detection; that trait is now a passive added at level 10, when the shadowdancer gains passive regeneration when invisible; it now grants total immunity against detection via script, but invisibility may still be dispelled with True Sight
    • Critical hits no longer inflict a penalty to saves vs. Spell and Death
  • Readme inaccuracies fixed
  • Hide in plain sight's duration is now 20 seconds, which mirrors the Hide in the shadows ability. To compensate, the cooldown starts out at 7 rounds instead of 5 rounds, and goes down as you level up at the same rate:
    • 1-7: 7 rounds
    • 8-15: 6 rounds
    • 16-23: 5 rounds
    • 24-31: 4 rounds
    • 32-39: 3 rounds
    • 40+: 2 rounds
  • Hide in plain sight now will have a casting sound identical to Hide in the Shadows, and will have the same sound when it fades
  • Added more safeguards to prevent invisibility dispelling during the effects of Shadow Jump
  • Shadow Evade no longer grants Nondetection, but it makes the user invisible (normal) for its duration
  • Nondetection is now granted at level 10, when she SD is granted regeneration while invisible
  • See Invisibility by shadow creatures no longer takes an action during a round
  • Added more icons for abilities made by the gracious zenblack


15 Nov 08:35
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Small fix to prevent your character to continue their previous actions after instantly casting Shadow Jump and Hide in plain sight, to avoid things like your character trying to continue their attack after becoming invisible and possibly disrupting plans of action


14 Nov 21:43
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  • Shadow Jump no longer consumes an action per round when casting it, allowing other actions such as casting another spell or drinking a potion afterwards
  • Hide in plain sight no longer consumes an action per round and as such behaves more like the normal hiding of a thief


12 Nov 11:46
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  • Fixed Rod of Shadowstep not having the intended 3-casts per day behavior, and not pointing to the the Dimensional Door version of Shadow Jump as intended


09 Nov 18:49
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  • Health drain in Nighthaunts when draining levels no longer triggers when the target is under a Barbarian or Berserker Rage
  • New ability for all shade summons: Shadow Swap. The shadow swaps its position with a friendly target, protecting them and taking over in combat for them, usable once per 5 turns, which gets reduced at higher levels. Many thanks to The Artisan for the detective work figuring out how to complete its implementation.
  • Dialog to discuss strategy with shadow now fully works. Only 3 behaviors available: attack on sight (default), attack when attacked, do nothing unless ordered. More may be implemented in the future.
  • Shade summons are no longer destroyed by the lights in the bg2 temple in the forest
  • Drain life is no longer blocked by Silence
  • Changed the summoning animation for shades, it's now shorter and uses the same animation as Ether Gate
  • See Invisibility by Nighthaunts is no longer affected by wild surges, as it's not a spell but a natural ability
  • Fixed some effects being dispellable when they shouldn't
  • Teleport ability from greater shadow is now an at-will ability with a cooldown: 3 rounds, which is reduced by 1 round every time it evolves, up to 1 round.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in number of available spells for shades across levels
  • Small description tweaks
  • Beshadowed Self -> Beshadow Body
  • Beshadow Body ability applies resistances for 2 rounds now (from 10 seconds), and the first attack block (stoneskin) for 4 rounds (from 20 seconds)


06 Nov 18:42
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  • Fully prevented higher level shadows from uncovering their underlying model if effects that change color were applied to them
  • Fixed improper checks to make shadow weapon side effects not affect the undead or the completely drained of strength
  • Removed the chance of incomplete messages in the log when a shadow tried to suck strength out of enemies with a strength of 2 or less
  • Shadow summons will now drain a small amount of health whenever Strength is drained, or when levels are drained (nighthaunt)
  • Fixed backstab progression in SD which was getting the next backstab multiplier 1 level before intended
  • Fixed shadow weapon not progressing correctly in terms of saving throws against strength drain
  • Fixed critical hit bonus progression step when using Shadow Jump: Dimensional Door at level 34+
  • Fixed small issue with the mechanism preventing stacking of some effects
  • Nighthaunts can also cast now once per day Ice Storm, Contagion, and Hold Monster
  • Deleted unused files from mod
  • Shades are now immune to intelligence-draining attacks (and generally anything that modifies intelligence)
  • Fixed small issues in descriptions
  • Added proper string references for high-level effects in BGEE and IWDEE
  • Fixed issues with empty strings being logged in the console to signal immunity to custom effects
  • Fixed erroneous duration on saving throw automatic success effect for Shadow Jump: Planar Shift
  • Adjusted duration of time stop protection disabling effect of Shadow Jump: Planar Shift to be less likely to malfunction while Time Stop is still running


01 Oct 21:24
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  • Shadow Jump also increases Luck by +1
  • Library update
  • Updated THAC0 components to reflect the changes in ZSTweaks. Now it also updates existing thieves and bards so the THAC0 is correct. Prefer ZSTweaks' versions of this.
  • Corrected Shadow Jump - Dimension Door's bonus incorrect duration of 3 seconds where 4 were intended


03 Sep 16:56
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  • Library corrections
  • Readme fix, traits of Shadow Form were not all noted
  • .tra typos fixed
  • Fixed mistake that wasn't allowing scaling Shadow Form/Spirit Form at level 50 (+1 round duration)
  • Added ability to Shadowdancer: Shadow Evade. It's essentially like a less powerful, shorter Shadow Form power, which you can upgrade later with an HLA to the normal Shadow Form. You can get one use of this at level 4, 10, and 16. Inspired by NWN.
  • Added a new HLA: Improved Shadow Evade. This substitutes your Shadow Evade castings for Shadow Form. This opens up Shadow Form and Self-Concealment for HLAs.
  • Fixed duplicated file in the mod that was overwriting the newest version of it
  • Hide in plain sight and Beshadowed Self (shade ability) now will warn you when the at-will ability is usable again in a log message.
  • Fixed Shadow Jump - Dimension Door not dispelling some effects while invisible on attack when it should
  • Fixed missing 2da file governing the select spell opcode from Shadow Jump
  • Added immunity to Shadow Illusion if True Sight is active and made True Sight remove the spells when cast


29 Aug 13:51
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  • Fixed duplicated designated number in installation components
  • Fixed incorrect creature level from Greater Shadowlords and Nighthaunts, which was causing Teleport Without Error to not be an at-will spell when it should
  • Removed the unspecified gender tweak to summoned Shadows to avoid being targeted by Summon removal Spells and made them properly immune to those spells (Death Spell, Death Fog)
  • Made shade summons immune to Horrid Wilting consistently
  • Made effects on shade summons properly permanent, instead of permanent until death (probably won't affect anything, but it still bothers me)
  • Inaccuracies in readme fixed
  • Fixed Shadow Illusion: the spell was quite literally incomplete and wrong in so many ways, as it lacked elements of the scaling that the documentation notes, as well as immunities creatures would have against it
  • Ensured a second casting of Shadow Illusion, if successful, removes all effects of the previous casting
  • Typos in .tra fixed
  • Fixed Teleport Without Error's invisibility effect being permanent until death from Shadow Conjuration
  • String inaccuracies for the previous version corrected


  • Shadow Adept (previously known as Shadow Master) adds immunity to all detection spells, except True Sight
  • Streamlined the number of castings of Drain Life for shade up to the maximum
  • More cold damage for Shadow Adept on backstab (2d6+3 cold)
  • Shade is able to cast See Invisibility from level 20, instead of level 36
  • Shade is able to cast Dispel Magic from level 12, instead of level 16
  • Shade is able to cast Drain Life from SD level 5, instead of level 8, making it slightly more helpful at low levels.
  • Shadow Jump now allows you to select the flavor of the spell. There's the normal one from previous versions, which is now called "Shadow Jump: Planar Shift" and now you also can choose "Shadow Jump: Dimensional Door". The new one bypasses the Time Stop effect to just instantly teleport. I added this to minimize Time Stop spam, and to provide an alternative depending on preference and needs (benefits will apply too)
  • Renamed "Shadow Master" to the more gender-neutral "Shadow Adept"
  • Shadow Conjuration is now gained at level 12, instead of 15. Uses then are gained at level 20 and 28
  • Saves against Illusion, Enchantment, Spell, and Wand improve by 1 at level 12, 24, 36, 48
  • Shadow Adept no longer boosts Saves against Illusion, due to the previous modification taking over
  • Shadow Form now lasts for 6 rounds at level 30, 7 rounds at level 40, 8 rounds at level 50
  • Updated Spirit Form consistency component to reflect the previous change
  • Added +2 saves against Breath and +2 AC against missiles to natural evasion (renamed from natural dodging)