Releases: trozware/To-Day
Sort todos by title or date & time.
Hold down Option when editing to delete all without confirmation.
Download the code using the source links, or get the pre-built app at To-Day.dmg.
Improved VoiceOver for menu title.
German localisation by Sebastian Dellit at
Download the code using the source links, or get the pre-built app at To-Day.dmg.
German localisation by Sebastian Dellit at
Download the code using the source links, or get the pre-built app at To-Day.dmg.
More options for how to display, hide or delete completed todos.
This makes the app easier to use with VoiceOver.
Download the code using the source links, or get the pre-built app at To-Day.dmg.
Long todos are wrapped to keep menu reasonably narrow.
Download the code using the Source links, or get the pre-built app at To-Day.dmg.
New todo edit field now has focus the first time the Edit Todos window opens.
Added fix for possible race condition when saving in the background.
Download the code using the Source links, or get the pre-built app at To-Day.dmg.
First stable release with operational updating.