released this
09 Jul 16:44
Changes since v0.6.0-rc2
Fixed vulnerability in event handling
Changes since v0.5.2
Native Matrix edit support and new fallback format.
Config options for retry_delay
and other TelegramClient constructor fields.
Config option for maximum document size to let through the bridge (#335 ).
External URL field for chat and private channel messages (#308 ).
Telegram user info (puppet displayname & avatar) is now updated every time the user sends a message.
Command to change Telegram displayname (#249 ).
Possibility to override config fields with environment variables (thanks to @pacien in #332 ).
Nested formatting is now supported by Telegram, so the bridge also supports it.
Simplified bridged poll message.
Telegram user info updates are now accepted from any logged in user as long as the logged in user doesn't see a phone number for the Telegram user.
Some image errors are now handled by resending the image as a document (#324 ).
Made getting started more user-friendly (#327 ).
Strikethrough and underline are now bridged into native Telegram formatting rather than unicode hacks.
Updated to Telethon 1.9.
Updated docker image to Alpine 3.10.
Portal peer type not being saved in database after Telegram chat upgrade (#304 ).
Newlines in unformatted messages not being bridged when using relaybot (#306 ).
Mime type info field for stickers converted to PNG (#307 ).
Content after newlines being stripped in messages sent by some clients (#309 ).
Potential NoneType is not iterable
exception when logging out (thanks to @turt2live in #315 ).
Handling of Matrix messages where m.relates_to
is null (#317 ).
Internal server error when logging in with an account on another DC (#314 ).
Spaces between command and arguments are now trimmed (#322 ).
Vulnerability in event handling.
Changed migrations to use batch_alter_table for adding columns to have less warnings with SQLite.
Error when ping
ing without being logged in.
Terminating sessions with negative hashes.
State cache not being updated when sending events, causing invalid cache if the server doesn't echo the sent events (#278 ).
You can’t perform that action at this time.