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Configuration files

tyra edited this page Dec 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

ToolProgression has a bunch of config files in the config/tool_progression folder.


The main config file for the mod, still not the one you're probably looking for. In this file are generic options and options for mod compatibility. It also contains the option prevent_block_destruction , which can be used to enforce that not harvestable blocks aren't breakable and thus can't be destroyed without a proper tool.


This file contains the list of all mining levels. The format is as follows: LEVEL:NAME:FORMAT.

  • LEVEL - It is a number used in other config files to refer to that level. Level numbers should be starting at zero, be in increasing order and without gaps.
  • NAME - This is just a simple name for the mining level. You can be as boring or as creative as you like, just don't include a : in the name.
  • FORMAT - The last bit is the optional format string. You can use any minecraft string codes here. For convenience, %s will be replaced with the name given to the level.


If you have Tinkers' Construct installed, ToolProgression will import mining levels not listed in this file from it. So in default settings, it will import the Cobalt mining level from TiC. After that, the complete list will be induced into TiC.

blocks.cfg, materials.cfg and tools.cfg


These files are ONLY output files. They read the initial config and write it out. DO NOT EDIT!

Their only purpose is to ease the process of configuration. You can copy the entries from one of those files to the corresponding overwrite. You're welcome.

I wrote it here, it's at the top of each file. If you still manage to mess up, I'm going to call you words. You've been warned.


See block overwrite, material overwrites and tool overwrites.