Releases: vanderbilt-redcap/flight-tracker
Releases · vanderbilt-redcap/flight-tracker
Release 5.13.7
- Suggested updates from the Psalm scanner.
- Move a query to a $.ajax call so that we can set a timeout. Without a timeout, the requests could last up to 10 minutes in the REDCap system. This would slow things down.
- I added a few new fields in two metadata files to update the Data Dictionary.
- Instead of automatically loading the first record when none is specified in the URL, I redirected the page so that the record=X is represented in the URL. This act automatically turns on a feature where users can update the record via a few buttons.
- I cleaned up some code by removing an unnecessary variable in a parameter list.
- A score distribution can now be displayed for co-authorships only, not just all publications. This feature was requested by the PsycheMERGE project.
- Major bug fix: The Mentee-Mentor Agreements' authentication was failing because it wasn't finding a pid in the URL. project_id was used instead. This fix alleviates that error.
- I cleaned up some code from a preg_split() to an explode() call. (A personal fault of mine is to overuse regular expressions, even when non-regexes might be more efficient.)
- Bug fix: I didn't download two variables, and the error was masked by the ?? operator. Fortunately, the Psalm scanner found them.
- An exception is now thrown when a file containing a JSON has an error. Before, this was failing silently.
- Refactoring by moving references in code.
- Adding the Flight Connector page to the Scholar Portal.
Release 5.13.6
- A w3.css external library being used for FT headers was removing a horizontal scrollbar from a REDCap page. A small CSS change addressed that.
- A page adding a new scholar was redirecting to the wrong page. I added a POST variable to address this.
- A user was providing an space " " on a CSV instead of an empty cell. The trim() call addressed this.
- I believe a ternary operator was being called incorrectly due to a wrong set of parentheses. I addressed this directly. There was no bug report. This was simply a logic error.
- I added two "Do Not Use" variables to pulling LDAP information. This will allow Vanderbilt users to avoid using bad data when identified.
- A count() item was not being processed when the 'records' field was null. This occurred when crons that ran across multiple projects was used. A ?? operator was sent to address the error.
- Apparently, PHP Storm formatted some lines. No logic change.
- If a Cron Job is a "multi" cron - that is, if it contains multiple pids - it should NOT be added to a remaining job queue. This was a bug. It was writing all "multi" crons to the queue, which eventually will run out of space. This will fix that problem.
- Finally, the "Do Not Use" field for LDAP is added here for processing purposes.
- Composer update
Release 5.13.5
Emergency bug fix
- For PHP 8, provide alternate value to a null value.
Release 5.13.4
Bug fix
- Reset cron database values when JSONs get too big
- Wording change in MSTP message
Release 5.13.3
Bug fixes
- In the widget for NIH Tables 2-4, sometimes all the prior names become numbers. This avoids this scenario.
- More careful definitions of checking if a user is a REDCap SuperUser
- Test a live NSF address when testing connectivity
- The Home page was erroring out when the project is not yet set up. Now, it (again) redirects to the installation page
- Better error handling (try/catch) in JSON.parse calls in base.js
- Specify redcap_csrf_token in JavaScript for function submitChanges()
- Change default choices for resources_resource to avoid potential errors
- Refactored Application::getActivePids()
- MSTP review for all classes and other infrastructure
- Allow for multiple mentors to be specified when adding a mentor
- Centralization of updating all metadata into DataDictionaryManagement
- Trim a resource list before filling in resources fields
New Features (minor)
- Add in support for Joint Appointments in Position Change form
- Change in way question is asked about “maiden name” in surveys
Release 5.13.2
Bug fix
- Security update for CelebrationsEmail class
Release 5.13.1
Bug fixes
- When sharing information, supply a link to copy the email from one project to another
- Numerous bug fixes for current mentor list
- Merging the data dictionary did not work for custom fields within one form (thanks USC!)
- Duplicate section headers were produced when moved on data dictionary merges
- Because of REDCap formatting, section headers were being improperly pegged for a Data Dictionary merge. They are now omitted from scans.
- A bad Scholar Portal link was showing on the Home page
- Data dictionary uploads could not occur on crons when synching cohort projects
- Data Dictionary snapshots were happening at the wrong point on data dictionary uploads
- Typos in word Publications in Data Dictionary on Citation form
- Move data sharing and preprocessing Scholar Portal names to a batch cron job
- Move the email management JS to the email management folder; remove old JS because it was unused
- Application::getActivePids()
- Add a new link for Configure Application
- Make Application::$citationFields public
- Download::citationFields to bypass having to download all metadata
- Display arrays on batch queue
- Provide first parameters in multi-cron
- Made Scholar Portal text smaller
- Clean up HTML returns
- Move some JS to modern JS
- Clear messaging in JS for data fetches
New features
- Centralized Celebrations Email configuration in a class and placed on the front home page (moved from config.php)
- Add a way to warn the user when leaving the Email Configuration page
- Add a way to delete a setting in the Email Configuration manager
- Add a page about publications with a mentor
- Download all publications/grants by name-match (excluding institution match). Re-addressed underlying drivers and classes to avoid institution matching
- Move to External Module Framework version 8
Release 5.13.0
- Download only citation fields from metadata
- Sanitize query results in Download class
Release 5.12.9
Bug fixes
- Allow for refreshing timelines in the Scholar Portal
- Disabled mouse wheel event in Grant Wrangler’s timeline
- Updated vis.min.js so as to avoid a bug with the display of publications in Safari
- Added Date Created in Flight Tracker fields to downloaded elements
- Added note about roles (PI and Co-PI) in Custom Grant
- Refactored Publication Viewer
- Removed old Grant Wrangler file permanently
Release 5.12.8
Bug fixes
- Psalm scan
- Timelines now save correctly
- Requested changes by Grant Wrangler now show up (R_CHANGE and A_CHANGE); they were being skipped previously
- Typo in Altimetric variable name in Publications class - should affect new Atlmetric fields, and now should work
- Do not use API Tokens for expired/suspended users
- Composer library update
- Scholar Portal updates
- Download three names and userid of a record to identify just her/him
- Merging R33s and R61s into one combined grant because they are part of the same sequence and should qualify as R01 Equivalent
- Add warning if no lexical translator data
- Prioritize local grants-management systems over NIH RePORTER
- Refactoring in MMA code
- Refactoring in NIHTables code
- Treat N/A divisions as N/A instead of blank
- Prettier & clearer NIH Table 5 & 8 homepage