Releases: vanderbilt-redcap/flight-tracker
Releases · vanderbilt-redcap/flight-tracker
Release 5.11.1
Bug fix
- In Email Manager, use a static variable instead of $this to avoid PHP conflict
Release 5.11.0
Bug fixes
- Download file’s base64 when instance is 1 now downloads correctly
- Define all hispanics as URM, even if not white or black
- Make text for project name into a darker shade of grey
- Add photo support for Scholar Portal infrastructure
- Download metadata fields by project-id
- (Vanderbilt Newman Society only) define URM as including self-identified LGBTQ+ individuals
New features
- Graph on scholar profile page of individual funding over time
- Display grant title on grant wrangler
Release 5.10.3
Bug fix
- Turns off the shutdown function for other crons if the EmailManager is not the culprit
Release 5.10.2
Bug fixes
- Handle institution names in PubMed search with “&” character
- Do not recursively keep Identifier Last Date - make sure it’s calculated
- Do not recursively use Prior Grant Factory for Summary awards
- Removed minute cron debug
- Register shutdown function on email cron
- Multiple debug statements on email cron
- Put email cron in try/catch
Release 5.10.1
Closed security hole in Download::getDataByPid
Release 5.10.0
Bug fixes
- Brag widget: wasn’t pre-loading configurations
- Brag widget: falsely required an end timestamp
- Brag widget: returning wrong URL
- Limit Test Connectivity emails to one hour
- Limit Batch Cron size to 5,000 jobs
- Wrong _complete data-type (string vs. array) for accessing complete data on Data forms
- When downloading select instances (specifically only instance 1), avoided query failure of empty IN array
- REDCap lookup of user_email wasn’t returning the email; now fixed
- Included html2canvas to allow for saving of timelines
- Adjusted top name of project in header bar
- MSTP project groundwork
- Debugging information for crons
- Debugging information for emails
- Algorithmic improvements [O(n^2) to O(n*log n)] to data sharing routine
- Add in method to explode a name to all derivations
- Refactored timelines for Scholar Portal infrastructure
- Scholar Portal groundwork
- Allow slashes to divide mentors, along with semicolons and commas
- Added a Download::getDataByPid function
- Implemented a chart registry for social network graphs to allow for the chart.dispose() command
- Added a way to download a canvas into a JPG or PNG
New features
- Rework on Brag widget; made more efficient along with above bug fixes
- Search all institutions of one scholar in one query for PubMed
- Upload::metadataNoAPI and Upload::projectSettingsNoAPI implemented to bypass API
Release 5.9.2
Minor new feature
- Script to reset the batch queue
Release 5.9.1
Bug fix
- Order of operations on ternary operator
Release 5.9.0
Bug fixes
- Restricted isLocalhost to contact-email as [email protected] to allow for others to use localhost to test
- (Vanderbilt only) Set up token, server, and pid variables for surveys - affecting MSTP hook
- When getting institution fields, use imported degree institution, not imported degree; subsequent exclusion of all degrees from institutions
- PHP 8 warning messages handled via isset()
- Preprocessing includes matching
- Refactored timeline’s CSS
- Refactored publication graphs to handle multiple pids
- Setup for Scholar Portal
- In Patent/Publication Wrangler, tooltip over green boxes saying “Click to Toggle”
- Refactored deleteFormInstances to use REDCap::deleteRecord if available
- MSTP-specific infrastructure added
- Social Network Graphs: Reverse color table so that light-yellow is not the first color; this was hard to read against a white background
New features
- Added Batch Queue link to General menu
- Displayed journals in timelines instead of PMIDs
Release 5.8.0
Bug fixes
- Ensured that getPids returns an array of strings
- (Vanderbilt only) returned correct credentials for localhost
- Re-labeled mentor field to “Primary mentor during your training period’
- NameMatcher::splitName returns a variable number of blanks instead of a fixed two
- Remove dated text from Scholar Profile
- Added support for Social Network Graph for Scholar Portal
- Refactored getHeader to use token, server, and pid
- Refactored getHeader to require pid
- Refactored getMenu to require pid
- (Vanderbilt only) For development box, required manual input of mentors for debugging purposes
- Added header hiding for Scholar Portal in baseWeb.php
- Updates for Scholar Portal
- Skipped July 2023 consortium meeting
- On configuration page, added labels for accessibility
New features
- Added phone and personal email to surveys and in identifier. This value will be automatically calculated, too.
- Added a configurable list of institutions for display purposes only
- Added a note about why the REDCap project remains in development mode
- Made button green to auto-check mentors when adding