Releases: vanderbilt-redcap/flight-tracker
Releases · vanderbilt-redcap/flight-tracker
Release 5.12.7
Bug fixes
- Scholar Profile shows grant funding only for first record when first opened
- Grant funding shows message of “no data” when blank; it was showing one item
- Make grant year spans project-specific
- Do not delete blank instances in Upload delete call
- Fix when downloading image is not displaying in JS
- Typos in conversion fields
- Push alerts to $.sweetModal message
- Download::getUseridField() is now public
- Infrastructure for the Scholar Portal
- Lookup REDCap name and user-id from email
- Put in central link to institutional resources
- Add updateInstitution before Saturday PubMed pull
- Optimize cronLoad to avoid downloading entire metadata
- Display schedule of crons on front page
- Show message when uploading citations to PubMed from surveys
- Applying security headers to various items involved in POSTs
Release 5.12.6
- Scholar Portal infrastructure
- New “Keep Alive” function call
- Apply security headers to certifying publications and configuration
Release 5.12.5
Bug fix
- Get right data point for record-id
Release 5.12.4
Bug fixes
- Surveys were not allowing to add new publications
- Set up for a new cron to update institution information on Saturdays
Release 5.12.3
Bug fix
- Installing a new installation puts the right sources for citation_source
Release 5.12.2
Bug fixes
- Added newer grant forms to Feature Switches for grants
- Omit “children,” “children’s,” and “childrens” as institutions when searching PubMed. Also cut out parentheses since these throw off PubMed
- Old convention of filling promotion_department with 999999 avoided by putting a new department directly in the field
- Better error handling on Email Management’s makeMessages routine
- A different way of computing the starting record on the Pub/Patent Wrangler
- Better wording for bulk imports
- Made omitted citations the same as excluded citations
- (MAJOR) rewrote data dictionary merge
- Throw error in Email Cron if no date/time is set
- Made more complex Links::makeMailtoLink() function
- Scholar Portal improvements - Your Info
- Improved text on error email for over 2,000 PMIDs
- Show omitted publications on Publications Wrangler
- REDCapManagement::getAllGrantFieldsFromFieldlist()
- REDCapManagement::padInteger and refactoring of REDCapManagement::pretty
- (Vanderbilt only) prefer LDAP userid to prior userid field
- Easy entry into Configure Application via the Celebrations Email
- More explicit text about supplying a date/time on the Configure an Email page and a placeholder in the text
- Optimized downloads for surveys
- Refactored code for surveys
Release 5.12.1
Bug fix
- Change a #039 to a single quote (with or without a &)
- For scholar timelines with submissions, hide submissions at first glance but allow for a switch to viewing them
Release 5.12.0
Bug fixes
- By default, return a blank string from getSystemSetting instead of NULL
- Get a module when running a script from the command line
- Data sharing was creating some duplicates; an automatic clean-up script was instituted
- In REDCap, the message to ERASE THE VALUE OF THE FIELD is now suppressed, through the confirm function instead of alert
- Better messaging on Add a New Scholar
- On the brag widget, allow for blank URIs and HOSTs
- Encode name bug fix for the Connectivity Tester, which wasn’t returning for one API
- On CronManager::handleBatchError, re-download the batch queue instead of using the older one
- Syntax error in Scholar->makePositionKey with position[‘institution’]
- Retry uploads up to 3 times if getting an error; sleep up to one minute. Error was TCPIP network error
- Update of Composer plugins
- Do not show award dots for awarded grants; show only in bars
- Turn off mouse wheel effect on grant timelines
- On grant timelines, turn off award dots on grant renewals
- On grant timelines, show a truncated name of a grant instead of “No Title Assigned”
- Added DataDictionaryManagement::filterFieldsForPrefix
- Added DateManagement::datetime2LongDate
- Added Download::recordIdsByPid
- Scholar Portal updates
- Separate getRace and getEthnicity (refactored) In the Scholar class
- Make Scholar::isLGBTQ public
- Better debugging info in the Connectivity Tester’s JS
- (Vanderbilt only) Added try/catch into updateNewCoeus so that it’d continue
New features
- New fields for Altmetric scores. These will be updated throughout the course of a month
- A couple of helper scripts that are “hidden”
- Add a couple of options for configuring the Celebrations Email for recent years (5) or for current trainees or for all; added into separate section in Configure Application page
- Optimizations for data sharing through caching of prior searches and more targeted downloads
- (Vanderbilt only, for now) - The data sharing script will suggest updates for emails
- Added a switch to turn on/off Updating Bibliometrics Monthly
Release 5.11.3
Bug fixes
- New algorithm for getting survey links
- Require an email address for names to show up in email manager
Release 5.11.2
Bug fixes
- NIH Training Table 8 III C uses more than just Internal K types
- Turn off clicking on Social Network Graph
- Download one item by pid
- Scholar Portal additions