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Releases: venera-app/venera


06 Mar 05:19
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  1. Improve the fullscreen toggle functionality.
  2. Fix an issue with an extra empty page appearing in the reader when the current chapter is the last chapter in the group.
  3. Fix archive downloads when using a custom download path on Android.
  4. Add error status to the data sync component.
  5. Close the reader when the user clicks the close button on the window frame.
  6. Fix an initialization issue. #236
  7. Fix comment overflow. #237
  8. Improve the follow updates feature. #235
  9. Add an initial page setting. #240


22 Feb 13:37
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  1. Added selection functionality on the history page. #199
  2. Improved WebDAV settings.
  3. Fixed an issue where clicking on local comics on the homepage caused history to be lost. #196
  4. Fixed thumbnail tap functionality to ensure navigation to the correct reader page. #205
  5. Fixed incorrect sorting on the Follow Updates page. #206
  6. Added a button to mark all comics as read on the Follow Updates page.
  7. Fixed the download speed display issue.
  8. Fixed a problem where comic covers might not download during the download process. #208
  9. Enhanced reading history when using grouped chapters.
  10. Added an option to differentiate images per page for landscape and portrait modes. #214
  11. Fixed an issue where the loading indicator was not displayed in multi-image mode.
  12. Improved follow updates checking.
  13. Prevented chapter switching when the current chapter is the first or last in its group.
  14. Improved gesture controls in the reader.
  15. Displayed download status in the reader's chapter view.
  16. Improve UI.


15 Feb 14:37
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  1. Added "Follow Updates" feature #189
  2. Optimized reader gestures
  3. Added support for chapter groups
  4. Improved reader performance
  5. Added a setting for the number of preloaded images #192
  6. Added an option to copy titles on the local favorites page
  7. Fixed an issue where it was impossible to return to the previous page in the comic list #195
  8. Fixed an issue where reading history could not be saved in certain situations #196
  9. Optimized UI


13 Feb 04:16
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  1. Fix the issue where the page is not reloaded after changing search options on the search results page.
  2. Fix the issue with deleting comics on the favorites page.
  3. Improve management of multi-folder favorites.
  4. Improve reader gestures. #185
  5. Add reverse tap to turn pages. #186
  6. [Windows] Improve web view.
  7. Improve image sorting when importing comics.
  8. Fix the storage of chapter read information.
  9. Improve the UI.


09 Feb 12:14
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  1. Use jsdelivr CDN to download config files. #172
  2. The favorite pane will read and restore its last state.
  3. Fix an issue where the application turns into a white screen after finishing Cloudflare verification. #169
  4. Fix an issue where search suggestions are not triggered when aggregatedSearch is enabled by default. #173
  5. Enable tag suggestions for English.
  6. Improve the comic importing process.
  7. Add the ability to batch export. #179
  8. Fix invalid image order when exporting comics as PDF.
  9. Remove confirmation prompt from .deb package. #177
  10. Fix auto language filter on the search page. #171
  11. Add the ability to manage search sources. #174


01 Feb 08:36
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  1. Fixed settings page UI overflow. #158
  2. Fixed Cloudflare verification issue.
  3. Fixed Windows WebView issues. #141 #162
  4. Improved downloading messages. #165
  5. Fixed incorrect display issue when using reader gallery mode with multiple images on a page. #159 #160
  6. Fixed crash when exporting comics as CBZ files on iOS and macOS. #164
  7. Merged comic source page and accounts page.


26 Jan 06:29
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  1. Support strong tag in comments.
  2. Improve thumbnail display.
  3. Fixed the layout issue of the exploration page in brief display mode
  4. Fix custom comic source list URL. (#155)
  5. Fix the issue of repeatedly fetching comment content. (#156)
  6. Add buttons for managing pages in Expore and Cateogry pages.
  7. Other minor bug fixes


21 Jan 08:02
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  1. Fixed the settings synchronization issue during data synchronization.
  2. Lowered the minimum iOS version requirement to 13.
  3. Added a setting to change the loading URL for the manga source list.
  4. Fixed incorrect headers during network requests.
  5. Added some JS APIs.
  6. Replaced the JS engine with QuickJS-NG.


18 Jan 10:28
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issues with aggregate search #131
  2. WebDAV configuration should not be synchronized #142
  3. Fixed the feature to move favorites after reading #143
  4. Fixed issues on the DNS overwrite settings page #144

New Features and Improvements

  1. Image favorites feature #126
  2. [JS Engine] Added fetch function and additional UI-related APIs
  3. Improved comic detail page loading UI
  4. Enhanced image loading
  5. Improved network request caching #138
  6. Enhanced custom image processing feature #139
  7. Allowed manual deletion of individual search history #140
  8. Comic import now supports 7z file format


06 Jan 14:50
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  1. Improve CBZ file export
  2. Remove ignore certificate option #123
  3. Add custom image processing feature #107
  4. Add built-in code editor
  5. Add DNS overrides feature
  6. Add default search source settings
  7. Add automatic language filtering feature
  8. Imrpove UI
  9. Change default setting for automatic updates to off #129