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@astrobot-houston astrobot-houston released this 06 Jun 15:34
· 5903 commits to main since this release

Minor Changes

  • #7067 57f8d14c0 Thanks @matthewp! - Experimental redirects support

    This change adds support for the redirects RFC, currently in stage 3: withastro/roadmap#587

    Now you can specify redirects in your Astro config:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export defineConfig({
      redirects: {
        '/blog/old-post': '/blog/new-post'

    You can also specify spread routes using the same syntax as in file-based routing:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export defineConfig({
      redirects: {
        '/blog/[...slug]': '/articles/[...slug]'

    By default Astro will build HTML files that contain the <meta http-equiv="refresh"> tag. Adapters can also support redirect routes and create configuration for real HTTP-level redirects in production.

  • #7237 414eb19d2 Thanks @bluwy! - Remove experimental flag for custom client directives

  • #7274 b5213654b Thanks @Princesseuh! - Update base tsconfig.json template with allowJs: true to provide a better relaxed experience for users unfamilliar with TypeScript. allowJs is still set to false (its default value) when using the strictest preset.

  • #7180 e3b8c6296 Thanks @lilnasy! - The Inline Stylesheets RFC is now stable!

    You can now control how Astro bundles your css with a configuration change:

    export default defineConfig({
        build: {
            inlineStylesheets: "auto"

    The options:

    • inlineStylesheets: "never": This is the behavior you are familiar with. Every stylesheet is external, and added to the page via a <link> tag. Default.
    • inlineStylesheets: "auto": Small stylesheets are inlined into <style> tags and inserted into <head>, while larger ones remain external.
    • inlineStylesheets: "always": Every style required by the page is inlined.

    As always, css files in the public folder are not affected.

  • #7260 39403c32f Thanks @natemoo-re! - Unflags support for output: 'hybrid' mode, which enables pre-rendering by default. The additional experimental.hybridOutput flag can be safely removed from your configuration.

  • #7109 101f03209 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove experimental flag for the middleware

Patch Changes