Zhe Yang, Wenrui Li, Jinxiu Hou, Guanghui Cheng. The code is based on AVCA and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with torch 2.0.1.
Simply run, in your terminal:
pip install -U tensorly
The version of spikingjelly we used is
Installing different versions can cause performance differences.
The features and dataset structure could download and placed the same as AVCA.
Here, you can download our trained MSTR models and baselines which are located in pretrain_model.zip
Put the content of pretrain_model.zip
in the runs/
Here is an example for evaluating MSTR on Vggsound-GZSL using SeLaVi features.
python get_evaluation.py --load_path_stage_A runs/attention_ucf_vggsound_main --load_path_stage_B runs/attention_vggsound_all_main --dataset_name VGGSound --MSTR
Method | VGGSound-GZSL | UCF-GZSL | ActivityNet-GZSL |
APN | 5.11 | 20.61 | 7.27 |
VAEGAN | 1.77 | 11.37 | 2.87 |
SJE | 2.15 | 26.50 | 5.57 |
DEVISE | 2.08 | 23.56 | 4.91 |
CJME | 6.17 | 12.48 | 5.12 |
AVGZSLNET | 5.83 | 18.05 | 6.44 |
AVCA | 6.31 | 27.15 | 12.13 |
TCaF | 7.33 | 31.72 | 10.71 |
MSTR | 7.83 | 32.43 | 13.21 |
- Contains the code which is used to obtain the audio features using VGGish.
- Folder contains the code for the C3D network.
- Contains the code used to extract the SeLaVi features.
- Contains the code used throughout the project for dataloaders/models/training/testing.
- Contains the code used to extract the C3D/VGGish features from all 3 datasets.
- Contains the class splits and the video splits for each dataset for both features from SeLaVi and features from C3D/VGGish.
- Contains files from spltting our dataset into the required structure.
- Contains the w2v embeddings for each dataset.
- Contains the scripts for training/evaluation for all models for each dataset.
We appreciate the code provided by AVCA, which is very helpful to our research.