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Correct UTF 8 Encoding

Thomas Shone edited this page Oct 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

Issue Type



UTF-8 (utf8) encoding in MySQL supports up to 3 bytes per character (or utf8mb3) which limits coverage to characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).

This means if you try insert a string that contains any character that needs 4 bytes of storage (emojis, musical notation, mathematical notations, cuneiform and others) it will drop that character.


Ensure you create the columns you want to store UTF-8 characters in as CHARACTER SET utf8mb4.

    col1 CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,

You can convert from utf8mb3 to utf8mb4. It's a safe operation as utf8mb3 is a subset of utf8mb4.

    MODIFY COLUMN col1 CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;


  • Column type size limitations

    • A TINYTEXT column can hold up to 255 bytes, so it can hold up to 85 3-byte or 63 4-byte characters.
    • Suppose that you have a TINYTEXT column that uses utf8mb3 but must contain more than 63 characters. You cannot convert it to utf8mb4 unless you also change the data type to a longer type such as TEXT.
  • Large column types

    • InnoDB has a max index length of 767 bytes (if it's using COMPACT or REDUNDANT row formats). Large text columns should already use sane key prefixing.
      • utf8mb3 the index cannot exceed 255 characters (INDEX col1(255)):
      • utf8mb4 the index cannot exceed 191 characters (INDEX col1(191)):

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