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Geoportal XML Editor

mhogeweg edited this page Dec 25, 2012 · 3 revisions

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Starting with version 1.1, the Geoportal Server includes an advanced metadata editor called the Geoportal XML Editor (GXE). The need for the editor rose from requirements to support some of the more advanced metadata editing capabilities for ISO 19115, INSPIRE ISO, and FGDC metadata. Specifically, the ability to support multiplicity and the ability to repeat elements are important features in the editor. Mappings from the editor to the output metadata can be defined to capture any level of hierarchy. Elements which need multiplicity can be represented by configuring the elements in the editor definition associated with the mapping. The editor can be configured for specific XML mappings, while other mappings within the same Geoportal can continue to use the previous version of the editor. Geoportal Server 1.1.1 provides new editing capabilities for the ISO 19139 and FGDC mappings.

The salient features of the editor are:

  • Customizable and configuration-driven.
  • Supports the ability to repeat metadata elements (multiplicity), to better capture the specifics about resources.
  • Tab-based editor that makes navigation to metadata elements easier.
  • Advanced display of validation notifications, which includes hyperlinks to the actual required element and instant status message updating when the field has been populated.
  • Nested Hierarchy.
  • Integration with 3rd party components such as GEMET (required for INSPIRE).
  • Continued support for the former Geoportal metadata editor and previously customized mappings.


The figure below shows at a high level how the GXE components interact. 800px


The client renders the editor user interface within a web browser based upon an editor definition. The client also has the ability to process XML documents. When saving, XML documents are generated by the client from the content of the editor, and submitted to the server. When loading, an existing XML document can provide the content for the editor.


The server provides a bridge between client and data. The editor definition manager loads editor definitions configured on the server, and provides these definitions to the client upon request. The XML document manager handles the loading and saving of XML documents from/to the database as a result of client requests.


Editor definition files are XML documents that configure an editor user interface. They reflect the underlying XML structure for a given XML mapping (such as ISO 19139, FGDC, etc,). Multiple XML mappings can be defined. XML documents produced by the editor are stored within a relational database.

Typical Implementation Locations

Editor Definition Files (XML)

  • Folder [webapp]/WEB-INF/classes/gpt/gxe.
XML Documents (ISO,FGDC)
  • Database table GPT_RESOURCE_DATA.
Editor Definition Manager
  • Java package com.esri.gpt.catalog.gxe.
XML Document Manager (ISO,FGDC,..)
  • Java class
Editor User Interface / XML Document Processor
  • JavaScript library [webapp]/catalog/js/v1.1.1/gxe.js.

Further Reading

See below links for more details on GXE:

  • Concepts - GXE is driven from a number of definition files. These definition files determine the components of the user interface for GXE. The simplest view of the editor is a web browser client that dynamically constructs elements of an HTML page through JavaScript.
  • Integration with Geoportal Publication Workflow - GXE is an integral part of Geoportal Server and transition from the previous editor to GXE is straightforward. This section describes how to enable GXE and what Geoportal Server components are responsible for supporting it.
  • Core Geoportal XML Editor Definition Structure - GXE is intended to support metadata profiles or additional metadata schemas.This section describes how to configure GXE for this as well as how to alter the behavior of the editor for existing metadata schemas.

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