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mhogeweg edited this page Dec 25, 2012 · 2 revisions

This topic describes logfiles for the geoportal web application and its Desktop Tools.

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Geoportal web application logging

When errors or other problems occur in the Geoportal interface, the best place to look for information is the log files. See topics for Apache Tomcat geoportal logging or Oracle WebLogic geoportal logging. For other supported web application server software, you can use the concepts described in those topics and apply them to the java util logging framework.

Enable logging for the Geoportal Clients

Logging for the CSW Clients, Publish Client, and WMC Client is turned off by default. To enable logging, specify the logfile output path, and define the maximum logfile size, you must configure property files for the Clients. These property files are found in the ArcGIS Desktop installation directory, in the \\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\bin folder, and are installed when the Client itself is installed. For the CSW Clients for ArcGIS Explorer, the property file is found at \\Explorer\bin. The corresponding property file for each Client is shown below. Caution: If you navigate to the \\ProgramFiles\ESRI\Geoportal\ directory, you will see subfolders for the Clients that also contain property files. These are templates used during the Client's installation, and are not referenced for any logging changes. Be sure to make any logging changes to the property files in the \\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\bin folder instead.

Geoportal Client Name Property file in \\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\bin
CSW Clients
Publish Client
WMC Client

Each property file has the following three settings, which can be set as described below. After changing the property file, you must relaunch ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Explorer for your changes to take affect.

Setting Description Accepted Values
logFolder Location to where logfiles should be written filepath accessible on the network
maxLogFileSizeInBytes maximum size allowable for logfile integer
debug sets logging on or off. Note: Unlike geoportal web application logging, there is only two levels of logging for the clients: on or off on / off (default is off)

The CswClient.log file for the CSW Clients

Once you've enabled logging for the CSW Clients, you can investigate the logfile to see the requests sent from the CSW Clients to the CSW catalog endpoints. Investigating the communication in the CswClient.log file can often reveal if there is a problem with the endpoint, the profile being used to communicate, or another communication issue.

The publishMetadata.log file for the Publish Client

Once you've enabled logging for the Publish Client, you can investigate the publishMetadata.log logfile for information on your publish sessions and publish session results in more detail.

The WMCOpener.log for the WMC Client

Once you've enabled logging for the WMC Client, you can investigate the WMCOpener.log logfile for information on the services referenced when you used the WMC Client. The WMCOpener.log will provide the service information read from the WMC file, and report if the layer was actually added to the map. If there is a problem with the service and it is not added to the map, the service information will be listed in the log, but it will not say that it has been added.

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