Releases: BattletechModders/CustomBundle
Releases · BattletechModders/CustomBundle
version 0.1.95
- CU: updated
- CV: create character UI fix
version 0.1.94
- CAC: now CAC contains showMissBehavior instead of ShowMissMargin in AIM (note this AIM's settings do nothing now)
- CV: now CV aware of voice selector at character creation
- CV: now CV aware of voice selector at mechwarrior customization panel
version 0.1.93
- CAC: VFXes (including fire over terrain VFX) now scales properly
NOTE! Included WFX_Nuke is relatively small, normal scale (10,10,10) update your definitions accordingly if you use it
version 0.1.92
- CV: add Tex voice pack
- CV: add tool useful for creating voice packs semi-automaticaly
version 0.1.91
- Added deferred effects subsystem
- Now internal ammo can be set by ammo type (weapon can have more than one internal ammo type)
- Internal ammo now decrement correctly
- Added custom voice pack - samples provided by Figing
- Added subsystem to drop weapon
- Added subsystem to block weapon
- Demo explosions are now properly sounded
- CharlesB code commented
- ScorchedEarth removed from conflicts list
- This is last release in 2019
version 0.1.89
- CAC: now charlesB integration not cause MessagesCoordinator's errors
- CAC: now missile interception not cause miss floatie
- CAC: fixed bug preventing ammo changing on mode change
- CAC: fixed bug preventing from fire weapon on ammo near depletion
- CV: phrases map now contains arrays. Selections randomly.
version 0.1.88
- CAC: now not trying to load generic ammo boxes for ammunition types with internal flag.
- CB: added new mod CustomVoices capable to load custom voice packs for pilots. ModTek strongly required. Example Wwise project included.
- CU: MechResizer devoured. Fixed problem with wrong mechs sizes if Russian, Germany or French language settings used.
version 0.1.87
- CAC: weapon's dependencies loading changed - "generic" ammo box loading only if no other ammo boxes registered. On loading dependencies all ammunition and boxes suitable for weapon pushed as dependency.
- CAC: now CAC patching prewarm list by itself (adding AmmunitionDef, AmmunitionBoxDef, WeaponDef) no matter real ApplicationsContatnts prewarm list.
version 0.1.86
- WARNING! CAC now not loading custom categories from CustomAmmoCategories.json
- WARNING! CAC require ModTek to load Ammo Categories enums correctly
- CAC: Now CAC handle ammo and weapon jsons with formats violations less sensitive. You will not get extended features but also not get circle of death.
- CAC: added feature to have blood spots under crushed cars on urban maps. See readme.
- Added light version of bundle. Without examples. Serious moders should still load sources.
version 0.1.84
- CAC: added some more values to evasivePipsMods.