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Releases: BattletechModders/CustomBundle

version 0.1.95

11 Jan 19:02
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version 0.1.95 Pre-release
  1. CU: updated
  2. CV: create character UI fix

version 0.1.94

10 Jan 14:41
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version 0.1.94 Pre-release
  1. CAC: now CAC contains showMissBehavior instead of ShowMissMargin in AIM (note this AIM's settings do nothing now)
  2. CV: now CV aware of voice selector at character creation
  3. CV: now CV aware of voice selector at mechwarrior customization panel

version 0.1.93

05 Jan 09:21
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version 0.1.93 Pre-release
  1. CAC: VFXes (including fire over terrain VFX) now scales properly
    NOTE! Included WFX_Nuke is relatively small, normal scale (10,10,10) update your definitions accordingly if you use it

version 0.1.92

04 Jan 15:36
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version 0.1.92 Pre-release
  1. CV: add Tex voice pack
  2. CV: add tool useful for creating voice packs semi-automaticaly

version 0.1.91

31 Dec 08:07
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version 0.1.91 Pre-release
  1. Added deferred effects subsystem
  2. Now internal ammo can be set by ammo type (weapon can have more than one internal ammo type)
  3. Internal ammo now decrement correctly
  4. Added custom voice pack - samples provided by Figing
  5. Added subsystem to drop weapon
  6. Added subsystem to block weapon
  7. Demo explosions are now properly sounded
  8. CharlesB code commented
  9. ScorchedEarth removed from conflicts list
  10. This is last release in 2019

version 0.1.89

20 Dec 14:56
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  1. CAC: now charlesB integration not cause MessagesCoordinator's errors
  2. CAC: now missile interception not cause miss floatie
  3. CAC: fixed bug preventing ammo changing on mode change
  4. CAC: fixed bug preventing from fire weapon on ammo near depletion
  5. CV: phrases map now contains arrays. Selections randomly.

version 0.1.88

18 Dec 14:57
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version 0.1.88 Pre-release
  1. CAC: now not trying to load generic ammo boxes for ammunition types with internal flag.
  2. CB: added new mod CustomVoices capable to load custom voice packs for pilots. ModTek strongly required. Example Wwise project included.
  3. CU: MechResizer devoured. Fixed problem with wrong mechs sizes if Russian, Germany or French language settings used.

version 0.1.87

11 Dec 12:16
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  1. CAC: weapon's dependencies loading changed - "generic" ammo box loading only if no other ammo boxes registered. On loading dependencies all ammunition and boxes suitable for weapon pushed as dependency.
  2. CAC: now CAC patching prewarm list by itself (adding AmmunitionDef, AmmunitionBoxDef, WeaponDef) no matter real ApplicationsContatnts prewarm list.

version 0.1.86

10 Dec 11:33
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  1. WARNING! CAC now not loading custom categories from CustomAmmoCategories.json
  2. WARNING! CAC require ModTek to load Ammo Categories enums correctly
  3. CAC: Now CAC handle ammo and weapon jsons with formats violations less sensitive. You will not get extended features but also not get circle of death.
  4. CAC: added feature to have blood spots under crushed cars on urban maps. See readme.
  5. Added light version of bundle. Without examples. Serious moders should still load sources.

version 0.1.84

08 Dec 12:43
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  1. CAC: added some more values to evasivePipsMods.