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Releases: BattletechModders/CustomBundle

version 0.2.50

02 Jun 07:52
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  1. CAC: now turret-less vehicles can't be hit in turret via AoE and standard to-hit generators

version 0.2.49

31 May 18:23
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  1. CAC: HeatGenerated = 0 in weapon definition now not cause division by zero exception. NOTE: keep in mind - now, if you set HeatGenerated: 0 in weapon definition your weapon will not be able to produce heat no matter ammo and mode settings.
  2. AIM,CAC: distance,direct fire and target tags to-hit modifiers now not applying twice.

version 0.2.48

31 May 15:08
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  1. CAC: now heat and stability damage applied via AoE API calculated correctly
  2. CAC: now info side panel showing is optional
  3. CAC: now attack ground button showing is optional
  4. CAC: now HeatGenerated value for ammo and mode acts with respect to weapon HeatGenerated statistic value
  5. CAE: now floaties not trying to show before battle properly init
  6. CAE: now main sensors aura properly reacts on HideOnNotSelected setting
  7. CAC: now some hit info can be output to csv

version 0.2.47

20 May 09:44
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  1. CAC: added API for AoE explosions

version 0.2.46

18 May 14:34
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minor improvements

version 0.2.45

17 May 18:50
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  1. CAE: now auras on shutdown mechs should shutdown too.

version 0.2.44

17 May 13:30
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  1. CAC: MechHasNoStabilityTag and TransferHeatDamageToNormalTag now really arrays.

version 0.2.42

17 May 12:49
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  1. CAC,CAE: slight improvements (details in CAC readme.txt)
  2. CAC: now if at start of moving unit have location damaged by mines exposed, it will not stop until location full destroy instead of immediate stop.

version 0.2.41

17 May 11:33
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  1. CAC: ams calculation log now more informative.

version 0.2.39

17 May 11:16
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  1. CU: checking absence of unit pathing now more accurate.
  2. CAE: added more error handling on ShowDelFloatie
  3. CAC: sanitizing of weapon slot copies now more accurate.