Releases: BattletechModders/CustomBundle
Releases · BattletechModders/CustomBundle
version 0.2.28
- CAC: now in battle if unit selected its lance automatically choosed.
- CAE: now if unit spawned with destroyed component no auras spawned for them.
- CU: now units loadout correctly saving even if there are more then one unit in drop (exact position saved too)
version 0.2.27
- CV: mechwarrior customization panel now not containing second voice selector overlapping pronoun selector
version 0.2.26
- Now message "This pilot can't pilot mech" not throwing if pilot can pilot mech but pilot assigned first
- Now if streak weapon miss resolve damage message not expected which was ruined normal damage processing
version 0.2.25
- Added some fallback code for turrets having AMS without representation (it is awful i should do it)
- Add option to hide vehicle bays in mechlab
version 0.2.24
- CU fixed bug preventing post mission screen if more than 4 units spawned
- Helicopter rotor sound had made louder
- Warrior VTOL had been remade
- Added Yellow Jacket demo and Strix demo
- Copters rotor sound now properly switched off
version 0.2.23
- in lances loadout flag "for vehicles" now means "only for vehicles". Both mech and vehicle can be placed to mech slot.
- CU's readme updated.
version 0.2.22
- Now there are options to control vehicle pilots random generation
- Colo's Warrior VTOL has been completely reworked - please note this if you have setups based on it.
- Added Lt.Shade's Yellowjacket VTOL.
- Now friendly attack not causing calledshot floatie message
- Now units can't be deployed but player on biomes forbidden for them.
version 0.2.21
- Vehicles added as elements of starting lance now adding to vehicle bays.
- Floaties for deferred effects prefab now moved to floatiemessage asset bundle. PLEASE make sure you have floatiemessage in AdditinalAssets list of CustomAmmoCategoriesSettings.json and floatiemessage file itself exists.
version 0.2.20
- Added possibility to control and buy vehicles
- Added extended lances interface (needs Mission Control to spawn more than 4 units on battle field)
version 0.2.19
- CAC: miss shots in indirect fire now have no raycast stray no matter weapon type.
- CAC: miss shots hit position for indirect fire now scatters by circle not ray no matter weapon type.
- CAC: now scatter by circle can be controlled by MinMissRadius and MaxMissRadius
- CAC: CustomAmmoCategories.json mention removed from readme