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Represents a link chart.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
entities [CIMLinkChartEntity] The link chart entities.
relationships [CIMLinkChartRelationship] The link chart relationships.
layout enumeration LinkChartLayoutAlgorithm The link chart layout algorithm.
graphMLURI string The GraphML CIMPath.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this link chart is expanded in the contents pane.
locked boolean A value indicating whether this link chart is locked.
interactiveLayoutMode boolean A value indicating whether this link chart layout updates when the user moves nodes or links.
viewport CIMLinkChartViewport The link chart viewport.
filterByMinLinks boolean A value indicating whether this link chart is filtered by the minimum number of links.
filterByMaxLinks boolean A value indicating whether this link chart is filtered by the maximum number of links.
minLinks long The minimum number of links allowed in the filter.
maxLinks long The maximum number of links allowed in the filter.
notesURI string The URI of the binary reference containing the notes.


Represents a link chart entity.


Property Type Description
ID string The Id of for the entity.
name string The name of the entity.
layerURI string The CIMPath for the layer used to create the entity.
keyFieldName string The field used to uniquely identify nodes. If duplicate values exist you can CollapseDuplicates.
labelFieldName string The field used to label nodes.
nonSpatial boolean A value indicating whether the entity is non spatial. Where it has coordinates on the map. This is used to prevent drawing links on the map to the wrong nodes.
drawingInfo CIMLinkChartNodeDrawingInfo The node drawing information.
labelingInfo CIMLinkChartNodeLabelingInfo The node labeling information.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this entity is expanded in the contents pane.
keyFieldNames [string] The fields used to uniquely identify nodes. If duplicate values exist you can CollapseDuplicates.

Enumeration: LinkChartLayoutAlgorithm

Link chart layout algorithm.

Property Value Description
Clustered 0 Clustered layout.
Organic 1 Organic layout.
Hierarchy_TopToBottom 2 Hierarchy layout oriented top to bottom.
Hierarchy_BottomToTop 3 Hierarchy layout oriented bottom to top.
Hierarchy_LeftToRight 4 Hierarchy layout oriented left to right.
Hierarchy_RightToLeft 5 Hierarchy layout oriented right to left.

Enumeration: LinkChartLinkDashStyle

Link chart link dash style.

Property Value Description
Solid 0 Uses solid line to draw the link chart link.
Dot 1 Uses dotted line to draw the link chart link.
Dash 2 Uses dashed line to draw the chart line.
DashDot 3 Uses dash-dotted line to draw the link chart link.
DashDotDot 4 Uses dash-dot-dot line to draw link chart link.


Represents the link chart link drawing information.


Property Type Description
linkColor Color Link color.
linkWidth long A value for the link width.
linkDashStyle enumeration LinkChartLinkDashStyle A value for the link dash style.
showDirection boolean A value indicating whether to show the directional arrowhead of a link.
aggregateLinks boolean A value indicating whether to visually aggregate links.

Enumeration: LinkChartLinkLabelPlacement

Link chart link label placement.

Property Value Description
Parallel 0 Parallel to link.
Perpendicular 1 Perpendicular to link.


Represents the link chart link labeling information.


Property Type Description
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the labels are shown.
labelFontFamilyName string The link label font family name of the font. e.g. Comic Sans.
labelFontStyleName string The style name for the link label font family. e.g. Regular, Bold, or Italic.
labelFontType enumeration FontType Link label font type.
labelFontSize double Link label font size.
labelFontColor Color Link Label font color.
labelBackgroundColor Color Link label background color.


Property Type Description
labelPlacement enumeration LinkChartLinkLabelPlacement The link label placement.
defaultLabel string The default label.


Represents the link chart node drawing information.


Property Type Description
collapseDuplicates boolean A value indicating whether the entity whether duplicate node values are consolidated. The result is one node for multiple values.
nodeSymbology enumeration LinkChartSymbolizationSource The entity symbology preference.
overrideSymbol CIMSymbolReference The override symbol.
overrideOverviewSymbolColor boolean A value indicating whether the overview symbol color is calculated or specified.
overviewSymbolColor Color The override overview symbol color.
showNodeFrames boolean A value indicating whether the node frames are shown.


Represents the link chart node labeling information.


Property Type Description
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the labels are shown.
labelFontFamilyName string The link label font family name of the font. e.g. Comic Sans.
labelFontStyleName string The style name for the link label font family. e.g. Regular, Bold, or Italic.
labelFontType enumeration FontType Link label font type.
labelFontSize double Link label font size.
labelFontColor Color Link Label font color.
labelBackgroundColor Color Link label background color.


Property Type Description


Represents a link chart relationship.


Property Type Description
ID string The Id of for the relationship.
name string The name of the relationship.
sourceEntityId string The source entity id for the relationship.
sourceEntityBackingField string The source entity backing field for the relationship.
targetEntityId string The target entity id for the relationship.
targetEntityBackingField string The target entity backing field for the relationship.
drawingInfo CIMLinkChartLinkDrawingInfo The link drawing information. This specifies the link color, width, and dash style.
labelingInfo CIMLinkChartLinkLabelingInfo The link labeling information.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this relationship is expanded in the contents pane.
keyType enumeration LinkChartRelationshipKeyType The KeyType. This specifies where the key fields are located.
mapMemberURI string The path to the foreign table or layer used to create the relationship.
sourceEntityKeyField string The source entity key field for the relationship.
targetEntityKeyField string The target entity key field for the relationship.

Enumeration: LinkChartRelationshipKeyType

Link chart relationship key type.

Property Value Description
None 0 Link chart relationship has no keys.
Entities 1 Link chart relationship has keys from entities.
Foreign 2 Link chart relationship has foreign keys.

Enumeration: LinkChartSymbolizationSource

Link chart node and entity symbolization source.

Property Value Description
MapSymbology 0 Use default symbology for the nodes in the entity as defined by the associated layer.
SingleSymbology 1 Use overriden single symbology for the nodes in the entity.


Represents the link chart viewport.


Property Type Description
centerX double The center X coordinate in the world coordinate system.
centerY double The center Y coordinate in the world coordinate system.
zoomLevel double The zoom level.