Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name. |
URI | string | The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier. |
sourceURI | string | The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
sourceModifiedTime | TimeInstant | The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed. |
metadataURI | string | The metadata URI. |
useSourceMetadata | boolean | A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project. |
sourcePortalUrl | string | The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
entities | [CIMLinkChartEntity] | The link chart entities. |
relationships | [CIMLinkChartRelationship] | The link chart relationships. |
layout | enumeration LinkChartLayoutAlgorithm | The link chart layout algorithm. |
graphMLURI | string | The GraphML CIMPath. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this link chart is expanded in the contents pane. |
locked | boolean | A value indicating whether this link chart is locked. |
interactiveLayoutMode | boolean | A value indicating whether this link chart layout updates when the user moves nodes or links. |
viewport | CIMLinkChartViewport | The link chart viewport. |
filterByMinLinks | boolean | A value indicating whether this link chart is filtered by the minimum number of links. |
filterByMaxLinks | boolean | A value indicating whether this link chart is filtered by the maximum number of links. |
minLinks | long | The minimum number of links allowed in the filter. |
maxLinks | long | The maximum number of links allowed in the filter. |
notesURI | string | The URI of the binary reference containing the notes. |
Property | Type | Description |
ID | string | The Id of for the entity. |
name | string | The name of the entity. |
layerURI | string | The CIMPath for the layer used to create the entity. |
keyFieldName | string | The field used to uniquely identify nodes. If duplicate values exist you can CollapseDuplicates. |
labelFieldName | string | The field used to label nodes. |
nonSpatial | boolean | A value indicating whether the entity is non spatial. Where it has coordinates on the map. This is used to prevent drawing links on the map to the wrong nodes. |
drawingInfo | CIMLinkChartNodeDrawingInfo | The node drawing information. |
labelingInfo | CIMLinkChartNodeLabelingInfo | The node labeling information. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this entity is expanded in the contents pane. |
keyFieldNames | [string] | The fields used to uniquely identify nodes. If duplicate values exist you can CollapseDuplicates. |
Property | Value | Description |
Clustered | 0 | Clustered layout. |
Organic | 1 | Organic layout. |
Hierarchy_TopToBottom | 2 | Hierarchy layout oriented top to bottom. |
Hierarchy_BottomToTop | 3 | Hierarchy layout oriented bottom to top. |
Hierarchy_LeftToRight | 4 | Hierarchy layout oriented left to right. |
Hierarchy_RightToLeft | 5 | Hierarchy layout oriented right to left. |
Property | Value | Description |
Solid | 0 | Uses solid line to draw the link chart link. |
Dot | 1 | Uses dotted line to draw the link chart link. |
Dash | 2 | Uses dashed line to draw the chart line. |
DashDot | 3 | Uses dash-dotted line to draw the link chart link. |
DashDotDot | 4 | Uses dash-dot-dot line to draw link chart link. |
Property | Type | Description |
linkColor | Color | Link color. |
linkWidth | long | A value for the link width. |
linkDashStyle | enumeration LinkChartLinkDashStyle | A value for the link dash style. |
showDirection | boolean | A value indicating whether to show the directional arrowhead of a link. |
aggregateLinks | boolean | A value indicating whether to visually aggregate links. |
Property | Value | Description |
Parallel | 0 | Parallel to link. |
Perpendicular | 1 | Perpendicular to link. |
Property | Type | Description |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the labels are shown. |
labelFontFamilyName | string | The link label font family name of the font. e.g. Comic Sans. |
labelFontStyleName | string | The style name for the link label font family. e.g. Regular, Bold, or Italic. |
labelFontType | enumeration FontType | Link label font type. |
labelFontSize | double | Link label font size. |
labelFontColor | Color | Link Label font color. |
labelBackgroundColor | Color | Link label background color. |
Property | Type | Description |
labelPlacement | enumeration LinkChartLinkLabelPlacement | The link label placement. |
defaultLabel | string | The default label. |
Property | Type | Description |
collapseDuplicates | boolean | A value indicating whether the entity whether duplicate node values are consolidated. The result is one node for multiple values. |
nodeSymbology | enumeration LinkChartSymbolizationSource | The entity symbology preference. |
overrideSymbol | CIMSymbolReference | The override symbol. |
overrideOverviewSymbolColor | boolean | A value indicating whether the overview symbol color is calculated or specified. |
overviewSymbolColor | Color | The override overview symbol color. |
showNodeFrames | boolean | A value indicating whether the node frames are shown. |
Property | Type | Description |
showLabels | boolean | A value indicating whether the labels are shown. |
labelFontFamilyName | string | The link label font family name of the font. e.g. Comic Sans. |
labelFontStyleName | string | The style name for the link label font family. e.g. Regular, Bold, or Italic. |
labelFontType | enumeration FontType | Link label font type. |
labelFontSize | double | Link label font size. |
labelFontColor | Color | Link Label font color. |
labelBackgroundColor | Color | Link label background color. |
Property | Type | Description |
Property | Type | Description |
ID | string | The Id of for the relationship. |
name | string | The name of the relationship. |
sourceEntityId | string | The source entity id for the relationship. |
sourceEntityBackingField | string | The source entity backing field for the relationship. |
targetEntityId | string | The target entity id for the relationship. |
targetEntityBackingField | string | The target entity backing field for the relationship. |
drawingInfo | CIMLinkChartLinkDrawingInfo | The link drawing information. This specifies the link color, width, and dash style. |
labelingInfo | CIMLinkChartLinkLabelingInfo | The link labeling information. |
expanded | boolean | A value indicating whether this relationship is expanded in the contents pane. |
keyType | enumeration LinkChartRelationshipKeyType | The KeyType. This specifies where the key fields are located. |
mapMemberURI | string | The path to the foreign table or layer used to create the relationship. |
sourceEntityKeyField | string | The source entity key field for the relationship. |
targetEntityKeyField | string | The target entity key field for the relationship. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | Link chart relationship has no keys. |
Entities | 1 | Link chart relationship has keys from entities. |
Foreign | 2 | Link chart relationship has foreign keys. |
Property | Value | Description |
MapSymbology | 0 | Use default symbology for the nodes in the entity as defined by the associated layer. |
SingleSymbology | 1 | Use overriden single symbology for the nodes in the entity. |
Property | Type | Description |
centerX | double | The center X coordinate in the world coordinate system. |
centerY | double | The center Y coordinate in the world coordinate system. |
zoomLevel | double | The zoom level. |