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3096 lines (1865 loc) · 158 KB


Represents 3D symbol properties, a collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol is used in a 3D context.


Property Type Description
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis The dominant size axis.
rotationOrder3D enumeration RotationOrder The rotation order 3D.
scaleZ double The scale Z.
scaleY double The scale Y.

Enumeration: AngleAlignment

Angle alignment types.

Property Value Description
Display 0 Points remain aligned to the display when the map is rotated.
Map 1 Points are rotated with the map.


Represents animated symbol properties, a collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol layer has animation data.


Property Type Description
playAnimation boolean A value indicating whether the animated symbol should play its animation.
reverseAnimation boolean A value indicating whether the animated symbol should playback in reverse.
randomizeStartTime boolean A value indicating whether to generate a randomized start offset in seconds to apply to the symbol animation of each feature.
randomizeStartSeed long long The starting value for generating a random number. This random number is used by the randomizeStartTime property to determine time offset for each feature.
startTimeOffset double The time offset in seconds to use as the starting point of the symbol animation. This is used if randomizeStartTime=false.
duration double How many seconds it takes to play through the symbol's animation once. This determines a symbol's playback speed.
endingDuration double The ending duration of a symbol for time-aware data interpolation. The symbol's playback speed is interpolated linearly from duration to endingDuration over the diplay period of a time-aware feature.
useEndingDuration boolean A value indicating whether to use the ending duration of a symbol for time-aware data interpolation.
repeatType enumeration AnimatedSymbolRepeatType How to repeat the animation of a symbol when an animation cycle ends.
repeatDelay double The number of seconds to delay before repeating an animation cycle.

Enumeration: AnimatedSymbolRepeatType

Represents the ways an animated symbol can be repeated.

Property Value Description
None 0 When done playing an animation cycle, stop at the last frame.
Loop 1 When done playing an animation cycle, repeat it from the beginning.
Oscillate 2 When done playing an animation cycle, repeat it in reverse.


Represents a background callout which draws a callout with an optional polygon background and leader line.


Property Type Description
leaderTolerance double The leader tolerance which is the closest distance (in points) to the text the anchor point can be for the callout to draw.
leaderOffset double The leader offset which is an offset value defining the distance (in points) between the anchor point and the beginning of the drawn leader.


Property Type Description
leaderLineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The line symbol to draw leaders with.
gap double The gap (in points) between the point symbol and the beginning of the leader line.
lineStyle enumeration LeaderLineStyle The style of line to generate when a Point leader is drawn defined by an enumeration value. Line leaders will always be drawn with their own geometry.


Property Type Description
backgroundSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The symbol used to draw the background. If null, the background doesn't draw.
accentBarSymbol CIMLineSymbol The symbol used to draw the accent bar. If null, the accent bar doesn't draw.
margin CIMTextMargin The text margin defining the space around the text that is accounted for in background creation.


Represents a balloon callout. Balloon callouts are a filled background that is placed behind text. They may or may not have a leader line connecting the callout to an anchor point.


Property Type Description
leaderTolerance double The leader tolerance which is the closest distance (in points) to the text the anchor point can be for the callout to draw.
leaderOffset double The leader offset which is an offset value defining the distance (in points) between the anchor point and the beginning of the drawn leader.


Property Type Description
balloonStyle enumeration BalloonCalloutStyle The balloon style.
backgroundSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The symbol used to draw the background.
margin CIMTextMargin The text margin defining the space around the text that is accounted for in balloon creation.
useFixedDartWidth boolean A value indicating whether to use a fixed size when drawing the dart symbol.
fixedDartWidth double The dart width.
useDartSymbol boolean A value indicating whether the dart symbol is drawn differently to the background symbol.
dartSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol A symbol used to draw the dart.

Enumeration: BalloonCalloutStyle

Balloon callout styles.

Property Value Description
Rectangle 0 Rectangle style.
RoundedRectangle 1 Rounded rectangle style.
Oval 2 Oval style.


Represents a bar chart marker, a chart made of vertical bars displaying values.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
display3D boolean A value indicating whether to draw the chart with a 3D perspective.
parts [CIMChartPart] The individual components of the chart marker.
thickness3D double The thickness or depth of a chart. Only applied when Display3D is true.
tilt3D double The tilt (rotation around the X axis) of the chart. Only applied when Display3D is true.


Property Type Description
axesSymbol CIMLineSymbol The axes symbol.
spacing double The spacing.
verticalBars boolean A value indicating whether this bar chart marker has vertical bars.
width double The width.
showAxes boolean A value indicating whether or not to show the axes symbol.

Enumeration: BlendingMode

Blending modes. Determines how the strokes with dash patterns and other patterns (tiled pictures, placement effects) are handled at the end points of the line geometry's segments. If more than one pattern exists (for example, a dashed simple stroke, a hash stroke, and a marker stroke) then the longest pattern's length is affected directly by this option and the rest of the stroke patterns are resized proportionately to match.

Property Value Description
None 0 No blending.
Alpha 1 Alpha blending.
Screen 2 Screen.
Multiply 3 Multiply.
Add 4 Add.
Color 5 Color.
ColorBurn 6 Color Burn.
ColorDodge 7 Color Dodge.
Darken 8 Darken.
Difference 9 Difference
Exclusion 10 Exclusion
HardLight 11 Hard Light
Hue 12 Hue
Lighten 13 Lighten
Luminosity 14 Luminosity
Normal 15 Normal
Overlay 16 Overlay
Saturation 17 Saturation
SoftLight 18 Soft Light
LinearBurn 19 Linear Burn
LinearDodge 20 Linear Dodge
LinearLight 21 Linear Light
PinLight 22 Pin Light
VividLight 23 Vivid Light

Enumeration: BlockProgression

Block progressions.

Property Value Description
TTB 0 Top To Bottom.
RTL 1 Right To Left (vertical text).
BTT 2 Bottom To Top.


Represents a CGA attribute, the symbol attribute as specified by the CGA code in the rule package.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
CGAAttributeType enumeration CGAAttributeType The CGA attribute type.
value any The value. Used when CGAAttributeType is Float, String and Boolean.
values [[any]] The values in the array. Used when CGAAttributeType is Float_Array, String_Array and Boolean_Array.

Enumeration: CGAAttributeType

CGA attribute type.

Property Value Description
Float 0 Float - Attribute is a numeric attribute that is a float value
String 1 String - Attribute is a string
Boolean 2 Boolean - Attribute is a boolean
Float_Array 3 Float_Array - Attribute is an array of float values
String_Array 4 String_Array - Attribute is an array of string values
Boolean_Array 5 Boolean_Array - Attribute is an array of boolean values


Represents a character marker. The shape of a marker is defined by a glyph in a font. The marker is drawn using the specified size and color. Each marker has a defined frame around the glyph that is considered when the size is applied. As a result, character markers of the same size may appear different sizes if the glyphs frames are different sizes.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
characterIndex long The Unicode decimal value for the individual glyph of the font that defines the shape of the marker.
depth3D double The depth of the marker when drawn in 3D.
fontFamilyName string The font family name of the font. e.g. Comic Sans.
fontStyleName string The style name for the font family. e.g. Regular, Bold, or Italic.
fontType enumeration FontType The font type.
fontVariationSettings [CIMFontVariation] An array of CIM font variation objects, describing a particular instance of a variable font through the font axis tags and their values. The number of CIM font variations will correspond to the number of variation axes specified by the font. This is only used for variable fonts.
scaleX double The width of the symbol without changing the height (or depth in 3D), as a ratio.
symbol CIMPolygonSymbol The polygon symbol that is used to renderer the marker.
verticalOrientation3D boolean A value indicating whether the marker stands a marker upright as though locked in place. The marker can be viewed from all angles.
scaleSymbolsProportionally boolean A value indicating whether the strokes and/or fills of a marker are scaled proportionally when the symbol size is changed. When enabled, the strokes for the outline or fill of the polygon symbol used to draw the marker will be scaled proportionally with changes to the symbol size. If this property is not enabled, the stroke will draw with the specified width regardless of the marker size.
respectFrame boolean A value indicating whether the frame of the character marker should be honored when transforming the marker.


Represents a chart part, individual components of the chart marker.


Property Type Description
value double The value of the chart part used to size the part.
polygonSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The polygon symbol used to draw the chart part.


Represents a vector marker clipping path.


Property Type Description
clippingType enumeration ClippingType The clipping type.
path Polygon The clipping path.

Enumeration: ClippingType

Clipping types.

Property Value Description
Intersect 0 Intersect.
Subtract 1 Subtract.


Represents color substitution, an ordered list of color substitutes.


Property Type Description
oldColor Color The old color (the color that will be substituted).
newColor Color The new color that will replace the old color.


Represents a composite callout. Composite callouts are a filled background along with an optional shadow, which is placed behind text. They may also have a leader line (consisting of one or both of a simple line, and filled dart) connecting the callout to an anchor point. Composite callouts may have additional surrounding text elements. The text representing these parts is specified in the text string using tags. Their relative position properties are specified in the CIMCompositeCallout through their corresponding CIMCompositeTextPartPosition elements specified below, but these properties can also be overridden with tag attributes.


Property Type Description
leaderTolerance double The leader tolerance which is the closest distance (in points) to the text the anchor point can be for the callout to draw.
leaderOffset double The leader offset which is an offset value defining the distance (in points) between the anchor point and the beginning of the drawn leader.


Property Type Description
cornerRadius double The callout corner radius in points. 0.0 corresponds to a rectangle corner.
backgroundSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The symbol used to draw the background.
margin CIMTextMargin The text margin defining the space around the text that is accounted for in balloon creation.
dartWidth double The dart width.
dartSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol A symbol used to draw the dart. This is only used if LeaderLinePercentage is less than 100%.
snapLeaderToCornersOnly boolean A value indicating whether the leader line should snap only to corners.
leaderLinePercentage double The percentage of the leader line which is drawn as a line as opposed to a solid dart.
leaderLineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The leader line symbol. This is only used if LeaderLinePercentage is greater than 0%.
shadowSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The shadow symbol for the callout.
shadowXOffset double The shadow offset from the callout symbol in the horizontal direction. If X and Y are zero, no shadow is drawn.
shadowYOffset double The shadow offset from the callout symbol in the vertical direction. If X and Y are zero, no shadow is drawn.
middle CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the middle part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information. Split offset and box will have no effect on this text part, since it is required that that the middle part is in the center of the callout.
topLeft CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the top left part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
top CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the top part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
topRight CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the top right part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
right CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the right part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
left CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the left part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
bottomLeft CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the bottom left part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
bottom CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the bottom part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
bottomRight CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the bottom right part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not.
floating CIMCompositeTextPartPosition The text part position properties for the floating part of the callout text. This contains the relative positioning information, as well as split offset indicating the extent to which the callout part will mask the callout outline, and whether or not the part should be boxed in by the overall callout, or not. The floating part is anchored below the bottom text part. If there is no bottom text part it is anchored below the middle text part plus margins.


Represents the text part position properties on a callout part.


Property Type Description
horizontalAlignment enumeration HorizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment of the text part.
verticalAlignment enumeration VerticalAlignment The vertical alignment of the text part.
XOffset double The X offset of the text part.
YOffset double The Y offset of the text part.
splitOffset double The split offset of the text part. This determines how much of a gap there is between the callout border and any part of the text part intersecting the border If this is set to wider than the callout width, none of the associated callout line will draw.
isPartWithinCalloutBox boolean A value indicating whether the text part will be contained within the main callout. If this is set to true, the main callout will expand to encompass this text part, and a line will be draw separating the part from the rest of the callout. This line will have the same symbol as the callout outline and will only draw if the text part is above or below the top and bottom margins of the middle text.

Enumeration: ExternalColorMixMode

Options to control how material combines with externally defined colors.

Property Value Description
Tint 0 Tint using external color.
Ignore 1 Ignore external color.
Multiply 99 Multiply components by components of external color.

Enumeration: ExtremityPlacement

Extremity placement options which specify at which ends of the line a marker will be placed.

Property Value Description
Both 0 Both - marker is placed at the beginning and end of the line.
JustBegin 1 JustBegin - marker is placed at the beginning of the line, determined by the direction that the line was digitized.
JustEnd 2 JustEnd - marker is placed at the end of the line, determined by the direction that the line was digitized.
None 3 None - no marker is placed at either end of the marker.

Enumeration: FillMode

Fill modes.

Property Value Description
Mosaic 0 Mosaic fill.
Centered 1 Centered fill.

Enumeration: FontEffects

Font effects.

Property Value Description
Normal 0x00 Normal text.
Superscript 0x01 Superscript text.
Subscript 0x02 Subscript text

Enumeration: FontEncoding

Font encodings.

Property Value Description
MSSymbol 0 Symbol encoding.
Unicode 1 Unicode.

Enumeration: FontType

Font types.

Property Value Description
Unspecified 0 Unspecified.
TrueType 1 TrueType.
PSOpenType 2 OpenType with CFF outlines.
TTOpenType 3 OpenType with TrueType outlines.
Type1 4 Adobe Type 1.


Represents a font variation tag name and value. This is sometimes referred to as a variation-axis tag and variation-axis value.


Property Type Description
tagName string The font variation tag name. This is a four letter identifier for a particular axis of variation, specified in the font.
value double The numeric value representing a particular font variation value.


Represents the add control points geometric effect. Dynamically adds geometry control points to a feature to dictate the placement of markers or other effect properties that leverage control points. Control points are placed at angles or deflection based on the AngleTolerance value.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
angleTolerance double The value below which a control point will be placed. The maximum amount of deflection from one segment to another at a vertex. Angle values between 180 and 360 are interpreted the same as values between 0 and 180. Angle values of 180 and 360 are the same as 0.


Represents the arrow geometric effect which creates a dynamic line along a line feature with an arrow of a specified arrow type and width.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
geometricEffectArrowType enumeration GeometricEffectArrowType The type of arrow to be displayed.
width double The distance between the lines that construct the body of the arrow.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectArrowType

Geometric effect arrow types.

Property Value Description
OpenEnded 0 An open ended arrow.
Block 1 A block arrow.
Crossed 2 A crossed arrow.


Represents the buffer geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon with a specified distance around features.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
size double The distance from the feature. This distance is either from the edge of the marker, the edge of the stroke or the edge of the polygon outline.


Represents the circular sector geometric effect which creates a circular sector of a specified radius and start/end angles originating from a point feature.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
startAngle double The start angle of the circular sector. The angle is calculated in a counterclockwise manner with 0 degrees equal to due east.
endAngle double The end angle of the circular sector. The angle is calculated in a counterclockwise manner with 0 degrees equal to due east.
radius double The radius of the circular sector.


Represents the control measure line geometric effect.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
rule enumeration GeometricEffectControlMeasureLineRule The style of effect.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectControlMeasureLineRule

Specifies the rules to transform the input ground control points given as a line.

Property Value Description
FullGeometry 0 Default: returns the input line.
PerpendicularFromFirstSegment 1 Third vertex to first segment midpoint.
ReversedFirstSegment 2 Line between vertex 2 and vertex 1. Line begins at vertex 2.
PerpendicularToSecondSegment 3 Second segment midpoint to first vertex.
SecondSegmentWithTicks 4 Line between vertex 2 and vertex 3 with ticks on ends.
DoublePerpendicular 5 Two lines perpendicular to the first segment. Length of the lines is determined by vertex 3.
OppositeToFirstSegment 6 Lines perpendicular to vertex 3 and the midpoint of the first segment with the length determined by first segment.
TriplePerpendicular 7 Three lines perpendicular to the first segment. Length of the lines is determined by vertex 3. Top and bottom lines stop at 80% of first segment.
HalfCircleFirstSegment 8 Half circle centered on the midpoint of first segment. Orientation is opposite vertex 3.
HalfCircleSecondSegment 9 Half circle ending on vertex 2 opposite vertex 1. Diameter is defined by vertex 3.
HalfCircleExtended 10 U shaped line with curve between vertex 2 and vertex 3. Control points on vertex 1 and vertex 3.
OpenCircle 11 330 degrees circle centered on vertex 1 starting at vertex 2.
CoverageEdgesWithTicks 12 Lines between vertex 1 to vertex 3 and vertex 2 to vertex 4. Angled ticks at the end of the lines and vertex 1 and vertex 2.
GapExtentWithDoubleTicks 13 Two lines with angled ticks on end. Lines created between first and third segments.
GapExtentMidline 14 Line centered between first and third segment.
Chevron 15 Chevron with apex at vertex 1 and ends at vertex 2 and vertex 3.
PerpendicularWithArc 16 Line between vertex 1 and vertex 2 with arc off of vertex 2. Cross line is perpendicular to vertex 3.
ClosedHalfCircle 17 Semi-circle with vertex 1 and vertex 2 at the corners.
TripleParallelExtended 18 Three parallel lines of varying length connected to a base line. The base defined by first segment. Vertex 3 is the end of the longest line.
ParallelWithTicks 19 Line with angled ticks on ends between vertex 1 and vertex 2 with a mirrored parallel line placed at the width defined by vertex 3.
Parallel 20 Line between vertex 1 and vertex 2 with a parallel line placed at the width defined by vertex 3.
PerpendicularToFirstSegment 21 Line perpendicular to the midpoint of first segment. Length X% longer than vertex 2-vertex 3.
ParallelOffset 22 Parallels lines offset from first segment. Offset determined by vertex 3.
OffsetOpposite 23 Single line offset from first segment. Offset to opposite side as vertex 3.
OffsetSame 24 Single line offset from first segment. Offset to same side as vertex 3.
CircleWithArc 25 Circle centered on vertex 1 with attached arc. Vertex 3 determines the side of the 90 degree arc. If 3 points, vertex 2 determines the length of the arc. If 4 points, vertex 2 determines the radius of the circle and vertex 4 determines the length of the arc.
DoubleJog 26 Two lines with jogs with gap in between. If there is 3 points the gap is centered on vertex. If 4 points the gap is defined by second segment.
PerpendicularOffset 27 Line perpendicular from midpoint of second segment. End point is offset from second segment. Vertex 1 sets length of line.
LineExcludingLastSegment 28 Line between vertex 1 and vertex N-1.
MultivertexArrow 29 Multipoint arrow. Vertex 1 sets the tip and vertex N the width and back of the arrowhead.
CrossedArrow 30 Multipoint arrow. Vertex 1 sets the tip and vertex N the width and back of the arrowhead. Crossed at midpoint between vertex 1 and vertex 2.
ChevronArrow 31 Chevron arrow centered on vertex 1.
ChevronArrowOffset 32 Chevron arrow centered on vertex 1 offset towards vertex 2.
PartialFirstSegment 33 Line along first segment, starting at vertex 2 extending in the direction and length of vertex 3.
Arch 34 3 point arched line between vertex 1 and vertex 2. Vertex 3 determines the depth of the arch.
CurvedParallelTicks 35 Curved line with ticks. Curve begins on vertex 2 and ends on vertex 3. Ticks on opposite side of vertex 1.
Arc90Degrees 36 90 degree arc with ends at vertex 1 and vertex 2. Vertex 3 determines the side of the curve.


Represents the cut geometric effect which creates a dynamic line that is shorter on one or both ends than the line feature or polygon outline.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
beginCut double The distance from the beginning of a line that the display of the stroke starts. The beginning of the line is determined by the direction in which the line was digitized.
endCut double The distance from the end of a line that the display of the stroke ends. The end of the line is determined by the direction in which the line was digitized.
middleCut double The distance around the middle of a line that the display of the stroke is interrupted.
invert boolean A value indicating whether the effect should be applied in the opposite manner. This displays the stroke symbol only at the ends of the line and leaves the rest of the line unsymbolized.


Represents the dashes geometric effect which creates a dynamic multipart line geometry from a line feature or the outline of a polygon based on a template.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
customEndingOffset double Where the pattern should end relative to the ending point of the geometry. Negative numbers indicate a shift to the left and positive numbers a shift to the right. This property is only applied if the LineDashEnding is set to Custom.
dashTemplate [double] The distance for each dash and gap. There can be multiple dash and gap values to form a complex pattern.
lineDashEnding enumeration LineDashEnding The setting which determines how the strokes with dash patterns and other patterns (pictures, placement effects) are handled at the end points of the line geometry's segments.
offsetAlongLine double The position where the pattern should begin relative to the starting point of the geometry. It shifts the entire pattern along the line the specified distance. Negative values indicate a shift to the left and positive numbers a shift to the right. This property is only applied if LineDashEnding is set to NoConstraint or Custom.
controlPointEnding enumeration LineDashEnding The line dash ending position.


Represents the donut geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon ring of a specified width in relation to the outline of polygon features.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
method enumeration GeometricEffectDonutMethod The method which specifies the way the strokes are displayed at convex corners of the polygon.
option enumeration GeometricEffectOffsetOption The option for the way the symbol handles complex geometries.
width double The distance from the edge of the polygon that the fill symbol is to be displayed.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectDonutMethod

Geometric effect donut methods.

Property Value Description
Mitered 0 Mitered - matches the exact shape around a convex corner of the polygon.
Bevelled 1 Bevelled - follows the shortest straight path across a convex corner of the polygon.
Rounded 2 Rounded - follows a path of equal distance around a convex corner of the polygon.
Square 3 Square - follows a straight path across the corner of a line or polygon.
TrueBuffer 4 TrueBuffer - uses the buffer algorithm to follow a path around convex corners.


Represents the enclosing polygon geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon from the spatial extent of a line or polygon feature.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
method enumeration GeometricEffectEnclosingPolygonMethod The method which specifies the way in which the polygon geometry is generated around the feature geometry.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectEnclosingPolygonMethod

Geometric effect enclosing polygon methods.

Property Value Description
ClosePath 0 ClosePath - for polygon input, it generates a polygon that matches the geometry of a polygon feature. For line input, it generates a polygon that connects both ends of the line to each other.
ConvexHull 1 ConvexHull - for polygon input, it generates a polygon with a minimum number of sides to surround the feature. For line input, it generates a polygon that approximates the shape of the line.
RectangularBox 2 RectangularBox - generates a polygon equal to the spatial envelope of the feature.


Represents the extension geometric effect which creates a dynamic line that is extended from either the beginning or the end of the line feature at a specified deflection angle and length.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
deflection double The deflection angle used for the extension. A value of 0 indicates no deflection.
origin enumeration GeometricEffectExtensionOrigin The origin of the extension to add to the line. The beginning and end of the line is defined by the direction the line was digitized.
length double The length of the extension that is dynamically created.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectExtensionOrigin

Geometric effect extension origins. Specifies the origin of the extension to add to the line. The beginning and end of the line is defined by the direction the line was digitized.

Property Value Description
BeginningOfLine 0 BeginningOfLine - extension is added to the end of the line.
EndOfLine 1 EndOfLine - extension is added to the end of the line.


Represents the jog geometric effect which creates a dynamic line with a jog of a specified angle, position, and width in the line.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
angle double The angle of the jog in the line which is measured in degrees.
length double The length of the segment that forms the jog in the line.
position double The location of the center of the jog, as a percentage measured from the start of the input geometry.


Represents a geometric effect which creates a localizer feather for aeronautical charts.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
style enumeration GeometricEffectLocalizerFeatherStyle The localizer feather style.
length double The length of the localizer feather.
width double The width of the localizer feather.
angle double The angle of the localizer feather.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectLocalizerFeatherStyle

Geometric effect localizer feather styles.

Property Value Description
Complete 0 Displays a complete localizer feather.
Left 1 Displays the left side of a localizer feather.
Right 2 Displays the right side of a localizer feather.


Represents the move geometric effect which creates a point, line or polygon that is offset a specified distance in X and Y.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
offsetX double The distance to move the symbol along the X-axis of the feature geometry.
offsetY double The distance to move the symbol along the Y-axis of the feature geometry.


Represents the offset geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon offset at a specified distance perpendicularly from a feature.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
method enumeration GeometricEffectOffsetMethod The way the strokes or fills are displayed at corners.
offset double The distance of the symbol perpendicular to the feature geometry.
option enumeration GeometricEffectOffsetOption The way the symbol handles complex geometries.


Represents a geometric effect which creates a hatch pattern to depict special use airspace for aeronautical charts.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
length double The length of the offset hatch.
spacing double The spacing of the offset hatch.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectOffsetMethod

Geometric effect offset method which specifies the way the strokes or fills are displayed at corners.

Property Value Description
Mitered 0 Mitered - matches the exact shape around a corner of the line or polygon.
Bevelled 1 Bevelled - follows the shortest straight path across a corner of the line or polygon.
Rounded 2 Rounded - follows a path of equal distance around a corner of the line or polygon.
Square 3 Square - follows a straight path across the corner of a line or polygon.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectOffsetOption

Geometric effect offset options which specify the way the symbol handles complex geometries.

Property Value Description
Fast 0 Fast - ignores complex geometries and applies a best fit to the symbol.
Accurate 1 Accurate - accommodates complex geometries and applied a true fit to the symbol.


Represents the offset tangent geometric effect which creates a dynamic line along a line feature offset in the direction defined by either the beginning or the end of the line.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
method enumeration GeometricEffectOffsetTangentMethod The origin of the tangent offset for the line. The beginning and end of the lines are defined by how the line was digitized.
offset double The distance the geometry is moved tangent.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectOffsetTangentMethod

Geometric effect offset tangent methods which specify the origin of the tangent offset for the line. The beginning and end of the lines are defined by how the line was digitized.

Property Value Description
BeginningOfLine 0 BeginningOfLine - the tangent offset is applied from the beginning of the line.
EndOfLine 1 EndOfLine - the tangent offset is applied from the end of the line.


Represents the radial geometric effect which creates a dynamic line of a specified length and angle originating from a point feature.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
angle double The orientation of the line from the marker. The angle is calculated in a counterclockwise manner with 0 degrees equal to due east.
length double The distance of the line from end to end.


Represents the regular polygon geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon around a point feature with a specified number of edges. All edges are equal in length and all angles are equal.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
angle double The amount of rotation for the polygon.
edges long The number of sides for the polygon. Specifying a value less than 3 produces a circle.
radius double The distance from the center of the polygon.


Represents the reverse geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon around a point feature with a specified number of edges. All edges are equal in length and all angles are equal.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
reverse boolean A value indicating whether the dynamic output of a previous geometric effect is to be flipped or not.


Represents the rotate geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon rotated a specified angle from the feature.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
angle double The amount of rotation for the symbol.


Represents the rotate geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon scaled by a specified factor. Vertices are moved in relation to the center point of a feature envelope. Values greater than 1 move vertices away from the center point. Values between 0 and 1 move vertices toward the center point. Values less than 0 draw an inverse dynamic line or polygon where the vertices have crossed to the other side of the center point.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
XScaleFactor double The amount of change in size of a symbol in the x-axis. The value is expressed in terms of a ratio/percentage.
YScaleFactor double The amount of change in size of a symbol in the y-axis. The value is expressed in terms of a ratio/percentage.


Represents the suppress geometric effect which creates a dynamic line that hides sections of a stroke between pairs control points.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
suppress boolean A value indicating whether the portion of the stroke symbol between control points should be suppressed. Sections that are suppressed draw with no symbol.
invert boolean A value indicating whether to invert the suppression process. If this value is true, portions of the stroke symbol between control points are kept and all other portions are suppressed.


Represents the tapered polygon geometric effect which creates a dynamic polygon along a line feature, whose width varies by two specified amounts along its length, as defined by a percentage of the line feature's length.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
fromWidth double The width at the start of the line to be used to generate a polygon.
length double The distance along the line to be used to generate the polygon.
toWidth double The width at the end of the line to be used to generate the polygon.


Represents the wave geometric effect which creates a dynamic line or polygon along a feature with a repeating wave pattern.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
amplitude double The distance perpendicular to a feature to display the curves for the symbol.
period double The distance along the line or polygon to display the curves for the symbol.
seed long The staring value for generating a random number. This is only used when the Waveform is set to Random.
waveform enumeration GeometricEffectWaveform The shape of the curves to be displayed along the symbol.

Enumeration: GeometricEffectWaveform

Geometric effect offset waveforms.

Property Value Description
Sinus 0 Sinus - displays a sinusoidal curve.
Square 1 Square - displays a three-sided rectangular shape.
Triangle 2 Triangle - displays a two-sided triangular shape.
Random 3 Random - displays a sine curve with random variations in the period and amplitude

Enumeration: GlyphHinting

Glyph hinting options.

Property Value Description
None 0 No glyph hinting.
Default 1 Default glyph hinting according to the font's settings.
Force 2 Force glyph hinting.

Enumeration: GradientAlignment

Gradient alignment types.

Property Value Description
Buffered 0 Buffered - Distributes the color ramp along the line's geometry from the outside in (similar to the effect of creating a buffer of the line, then using the "buffer" fill type).
Left 1 Left - Progresses the color ramp from the line's centerline to the outside edge on the left. The gradient will follow any curvature in the line's geometry.
Right 2 Right - Progresses the color ramp from the line's centerline to the outside edge on the right. The gradient will follow any curvature in the line's geometry.
AlongLine 3 Along line - Distributes the color ramp linearly along the line, following the curvature of the line.


Represents a gradient fill which fills polygonal geometry with a specified color scheme.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
angle double The angle of the gradient when the GradientMethod is set to Linear or Rectangular.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color scheme that is applied to the fill.
gradientMethod enumeration GradientFillMethod A value which specifies how the gradient is applied within the fill.
gradientSize double A value which determines how much of the feature is covered by the color scheme. This is either a percentage of the total area which the color scheme spans or the number of page units from the starting point at which the gradient displays.
gradientSizeUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies whether GradientSize is applied with an absolute distance or a relative percentage.
gradientType enumeration GradientStrokeType A value which specifies if the gradient is applied with discrete intervals or if it is continuous.
interval long How many bands draw when the GradientType is set to Discrete.

Enumeration: GradientFillMethod

Describes the gradient fill method which is how the gradient is applied.

Property Value Description
Linear 0 Linear - Change from one color to the next is linear across the geometry.
Rectangular 1 Rectangular - Change from one color to the next is rectangular, from the extent of the geometry.
Circular 2 Circular - Change from one color to the next is circular, from the extent of the geometry
Buffered 3 Buffered - Color changes based on an internal buffering of the geometry outline


Represents a gradient stroke which draws linear geometry with a specified color scheme.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
capStyle enumeration LineCapStyle How the stroke should draw at the ends of the geometries.
joinStyle enumeration LineJoinStyle How the symbol is drawn at the stroke segment connections.
lineStyle3D enumeration Simple3DLineStyle How strokes will be rendered in 3D.
miterLimit double The maximum 'sharpness' that is allowed for Miter joins. If the spike created by the miter join exceeds the miter limit times the width of the stroke, the sharp angle will be clipped and rendered with a bevel join. This property is only applied to the symbol layer when the JoinType is set to Miter.
width double The width of the stroke.
closeCaps3D boolean A value indicating whether to close caps when drawing them in 3D. When set to false, the caps are hollow.


Property Type Description
colorRamp ColorRamp The color scheme that is applied to the stroke.
gradientMethod enumeration GradientStrokeMethod How the gradient is applied along the stroke.
gradientSize double How much of the feature is covered by the color scheme. This is either a percentage of the total area which the color scheme spans or the number of page units from the starting point at which the gradient displays.
gradientSizeUnits enumeration SymbolUnits Whether GradientSize is applied with an absolute distance or a relative percentage.
gradientType enumeration GradientStrokeType Whether the gradient is applied with discrete or continuous intervals.
interval long How many bands draw when the GradientType is set to Discrete.

Enumeration: GradientStrokeType

Gradient stroke types.

Property Value Description
Discrete 0 Discrete gradient types have distinct lines of separation between each color.
Continuous 1 Continuous gradients vary continuously along the color change with no distinct boundary between the colors.


Represents a hatch fill which fills polygonal geometry with a uniform series of parallel line symbols.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
lineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The line symbol that is used to draw the hatch lines in the fill.
offsetX double How much to move the stroke to a new X-position.
rotation double The angle of rotation for all the strokes, in degrees.
separation double The distance between the line symbols in the hatch pattern.
offsetY double How much to move the stroke to a new Y-position.

Enumeration: HorizontalAlignment

Horizontal alignment types.

Property Value Description
Left 0 Left aligned.
Right 1 Right aligned.
Center 2 Centered.
Justify 3 Justified alignment.

Enumeration: LeaderLineStyle

The style of line to generate when a leader is drawn defined by an enumeration value. Line leaders will always be drawn with their own geometry.

Property Value Description
Base 0 The line callout leader is a single line originating from the closest corner of the text box with the gap applied. If the callout has an accent bar it is connected to the closest point at the either top or bottom of the accent bar.
MidPoint 1 The line callout leader is a single line originating from the midpoint of the left or right side of the text box with the gap applied or from the midpoint of the accent bar if the callout has one.
ThreePoint 2 The line callout leader is a 3-point line originating from the midpoint of the left or right side of the text box with the gap applied or the midpoint of the accent bar if the callout has one.
FourPoint 3 The line callout leader is a 4-point line originating from the midpoint of the left or right side of the text box with the gap applied or the midpoint of the accent bar if the callout has one.
Underline 4 The line callout draws a line that connects to the closest of the four corners of the text with the gap applied. If the callout has an accent bar it is connected to the closest point at either the top or bottom of the accent bar. Additionally, either and underline or an "overline" is drawn along the closest side (bottom or top) of the text.
CircularCW 5 The line callout leader is curved (clockwise) from the anchor point to the closest corner of the text box with the gap applied. If the callout has an accent bar it is connected to the closest point at the either top or bottom of the accent bar.
CircularCCW 6 The line callout leader is curved (counter-clockwise) from the anchor point to the closest corner of the text box with the gap applied. If the callout has an accent bar it is connected to the closest point at the either top or bottom of the accent bar.

Enumeration: LineCapStyle

The style of stroke ending caps.

Property Value Description
Butt 0 Stroke ends in butt caps.
Round 1 Stroke ends in round caps.
Square 2 Stroke ends in square caps.

Enumeration: LineDashEnding

Determines how the strokes with dash patterns and other patterns (tiled pictures, placement effects) are handled at the end points of the line geometry's segments. If more than one pattern exists (for example, a dashed simple stroke, a hash stroke, and a marker stroke) then the longest pattern's length is affected directly by this option and the rest of the stroke patterns are resized proportionately to match.

Property Value Description
NoConstraint 0 No Constraint - no constraint is applied to how the dash is placed.
HalfPattern 1 Half Pattern - a half dash will be placed on either side of control points.
HalfGap 2 Half Gap - a space equal to the half the gap value will be placed on either side of control points.
FullPattern 3 Full Pattern - a full dash will be placed on either side of control points.
FullGap 4 Full Gap - a space equal to the gap value will be placed on either side of control points.
Custom 5 Custom - the pattern is fit to the length of the feature by adjusting the gaps slightly.

Enumeration: LineDecorationStyle

Defines simple decorations for lines.

Property Value Description
None -1 No decoration.
Custom 0 The decoration is defined in the Layers property as a set of SymbolReferences.
Circle 1 A circle is added at the end of the line.
OpenArrow 2 An open arrow is added to the end of the line.
ClosedArrow 3 A closed arrow is added to the end of the line.
Diamond 4 A diamond is added at the end of the line.

Enumeration: LineGapType

Specifies the type of line gap (line spacing) that is applied.

Property Value Description
ExtraLeading 0 Extra Leading - Adds the specified value to the line spacing that accommodates the largest font in the line
Multiple 1 Multiple - Sets the line spacing based on a multiple of the line.
Exact 2 Exact - Sets a fixed line spacing

Enumeration: LineJoinStyle

Specifies how the symbol is drawn at the stroke segment connections.

Property Value Description
Bevel 0 The stroke join is beveled.
Round 1 The line join is round.
Miter 2 The line join is mitered.


Represents a line symbol which is used to draw polyline features or graphics.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] The geometric effects that are applied to the symbol.
symbolLayers [CIMSymbolLayer] The symbol layers. Symbol layers are the components that make up a symbol. A symbol layer is represented by a stroke, fill, marker, or procedural symbol layer.
thumbnailURI string The representative image of the symbol.
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether the symbol size properties are rendered using real world units or page units. When set to true the symbol will draw using real world units (e.g. meters).


Property Type Description


Represents a marker graphic which is used to define vector graphics in a vector marker.


Property Type Description
geometry Geometry The geometry of the marker.
symbol Symbol The symbol used to draw the marker graphic, can be a point, line, polygon, or text symbol.
textString string The text that is defined within the marker if drawn with a text symbol.
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Represents marker placement along the line which places randomly sized markers evenly along a line or polygon outline.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
controlPointPlacement enumeration PlacementEndings How markers are placed at control points.
customEndingOffset double Where the pattern should end relative to the ending point of the geometry. The entire pattern is shifted along the line for the specified distance. Negative numbers shift to the left and positive numbers shift to the right. This is only applied if the Endings property is set to Custom.
endings enumeration PlacementEndings How markers are placed at the end points of a line.
offsetAlongLine double Where the pattern should begin relative to the starting point of the geometry. The entire pattern is shifted along the line for the specified distance. Negative numbers shift to the left and positive numbers shift to the right. This is only applied if the Endings property is set to No Constraint or Custom.
placementTemplate [double] The numeric pattern that defines the sequence of placed markers and the length of space between them.


Property Type Description
randomization enumeration PlacementRandomlyAlongLineRandomization The amount of randomness to be used for the size and rotation of the markers on the line. The size and rotation of the marker will vary for individual markers.
seed long The starting value for generating a random number. This random number is used by the Randomization property to determine the marker shape.


Represents marker placement along the line which places markers that are the same size evenly along a line or polygon outline.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
controlPointPlacement enumeration PlacementEndings How markers are placed at control points.
customEndingOffset double Where the pattern should end relative to the ending point of the geometry. The entire pattern is shifted along the line for the specified distance. Negative numbers shift to the left and positive numbers shift to the right. This is only applied if the Endings property is set to Custom.
endings enumeration PlacementEndings How markers are placed at the end points of a line.
offsetAlongLine double Where the pattern should begin relative to the starting point of the geometry. The entire pattern is shifted along the line for the specified distance. Negative numbers shift to the left and positive numbers shift to the right. This is only applied if the Endings property is set to No Constraint or Custom.
placementTemplate [double] The numeric pattern that defines the sequence of placed markers and the length of space between them.


Property Type Description


Represents marker placement along the line which places markers in either increasing, decreasing or alternating gradations along a line or polygon outline.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
controlPointPlacement enumeration PlacementEndings How markers are placed at control points.
customEndingOffset double Where the pattern should end relative to the ending point of the geometry. The entire pattern is shifted along the line for the specified distance. Negative numbers shift to the left and positive numbers shift to the right. This is only applied if the Endings property is set to Custom.
endings enumeration PlacementEndings How markers are placed at the end points of a line.
offsetAlongLine double Where the pattern should begin relative to the starting point of the geometry. The entire pattern is shifted along the line for the specified distance. Negative numbers shift to the left and positive numbers shift to the right. This is only applied if the Endings property is set to No Constraint or Custom.
placementTemplate [double] The numeric pattern that defines the sequence of placed markers and the length of space between them.


Property Type Description
maxRandomOffset double The maximum random offset.
maxZoom double The largest size of the marker to be placed on the line. The value is expressed as a ratio.
minZoom double The smallest size of the marker to be placed on the line. The value is expressed as a ratio.
numberOfSizes long The number of different sizes of markers to be placed on the line.
seed long The starting value for generating a random number. This random number is used by the Randomization property to determine which size a marker will receive. This is only used if the VariationMethod is set to Random.
variationMethod enumeration SizeVariationMethod The order in which the change of size in the markers should occur.


Represents marker placement around polygon which places a marker on a specific position on the polygon outline.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
position enumeration PlacementAroundPolygonPosition The position of the marker around the polygon.
offset double The offset from the polygon edge. Negative numbers offset toward the inside of the polygon.


Represents marker placement at extremities which places markers at only one or both endpoints of a line.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
extremityPlacement enumeration ExtremityPlacement Which ends of the line a marker will be placed.
offsetAlongLine double The distance from the ends of a line that the marker will be placed.


Represents marker placement at geometry M values.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
interval double The interval of measured units used to place markers.
skipMarkerRate long The rate of markers to skip.
placeAtExtremities boolean A value indicating whether markers should be placed at extremities.


Represents marker placement at ratio positions which places a set number of markers along the line or the outline of a polygon.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
beginPosition double The distance from the beginning of a line that the marker will be placed.
endPosition double The distance from the end of a line that the marker will be placed. The ending of a line is determined by the direction in which the line was digitized.
flipFirst boolean A value indicating whether only the first marker will be rotated 180 degrees.
positionArray [double] The array of positions.


Represents marker placement inside a polygon which defines how a polygon is filled with a pattern of markers.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
gridAngle double The orientation angle that the markers are placed on within the polygon.
gridType enumeration PlacementGridType The grid type which defines how markers are placed.
offsetX double The marker row offset horizontally.
randomness double The randomness of the pattern when markers are placed randomly in a polygon.
seed long The starting value for generating a random pattern.
shiftOddRows boolean A value indicating whether every other row of markers should be shifted to create an offset grid.
stepX double The distance between each marker on the X-axis of the grid.
stepY double The distance between each marker on the Y-axis of the grid.
offsetY double The marker row offset vertically.
clipping enumeration PlacementClip The clipping option which specifies how markers should be clipped at the polygon boundary.


Represents a marker placement on the line.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
relativeTo enumeration PlacementOnLineRelativeTo The location on a line where a marker will be placed. The direction of the line is determined by the direction in which the line was digitized.
startPointOffset double The distances from a specified location on a line that a marker will be placed.


Represents a marker placement on vertices which places a single marker on a line or polygon outline at a set distance from the middle or one of the endpoints.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description
angleToLine boolean A value indicating whether to angle the marker to the line.
offset double The offset.


Property Type Description
placeOnControlPoints boolean A value indicating whether a marker will be placed on the control points of the line.
placeOnEndPoints boolean A value indicating whether a marker will be placed on the endpoints of the line.
placeOnRegularVertices boolean A value indicating whether a marker will be placed on the vertices of the line.


Represents marker placement polygon center which defines how a single marker will be placed within the polygon.


Property Type Description
primitiveName string The primitive name.
placePerPart boolean A value indicating whether to consider individual geometry parts or the whole geometry.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
method enumeration PlacementPolygonCenterMethod The method used to determine the polygon center.
offsetX double The value which offsets the marker horizontally from the center.
offsetY double The value which offsets the marker vertically from the center.
clipAtBoundary boolean A value indicating whether the marker should be clipped if it extends pasts the boundary of the polygon.

Enumeration: MarkerPlacementType

Marker placement types.

Property Value Description
InsidePolygon 0 Place inside the polygon.
PolygonCenter 1 Place inside the polygon at the center.
RandomlyInsidePolygon 2 Place randomly inside the polygon.

Enumeration: MaterialMode

Material modes.

Property Value Description
Tint 0 Tint materials and textures with color property.
Replace 1 Replace materials and textures with color property.
Multiply 2 Multiply materials and textures with color property.


Represents material properties.


Property Type Description
specularColor Color The specular color.
shininess float The shininess.
externalColorMixMode enumeration ExternalColorMixMode How this material combines with externally defined colors.


Represents a material which defines how the multipatch or mesh is drawn.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
color Color The material color.
materialMode enumeration MaterialMode The mode in which the material is applied.


Represents a mesh symbol which is used to draw multipatch features or mesh features.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] The geometric effects that are applied to the symbol.
symbolLayers [CIMSymbolLayer] The symbol layers. Symbol layers are the components that make up a symbol. A symbol layer is represented by a stroke, fill, marker, or procedural symbol layer.
thumbnailURI string The representative image of the symbol.
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether the symbol size properties are rendered using real world units or page units. When set to true the symbol will draw using real world units (e.g. meters).


Property Type Description
animatedSymbolProperties CIMAnimatedSymbolProperties The collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol layer has animation data.


Represents a marker symbol for 3D objects.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
modelURI string The URI of the binary reference containing the "web resource".
width double The marker width.
depth double The marker depth.
tintColor Color The color which defines the color that is applied to the marker.
isRestricted boolean A value indicating whether the model can be exported.
thumbnail string The representative image of the marker.
useAnchorPoint boolean A value indicating whether or not to ignore the marker anchor point and insert the model directly at the data point.
LODs [CIMObjectMarker3DLOD] The array of levels of detail.
primitiveShapeType enumeration PrimitiveShapeType The PrimitiveShapeType.


Represents a level of detail of an object marker 3D.


Property Type Description
faceCount long The total number of triangles in the geometry of this level of detail.
modelURI string The URI of the binary reference containing the "web resource" for this level of detail.


Represents a picture fill which fills polygonal geometry with a picture. Supported file types are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
URL string The URL of the image. Typically a base64 encoded image.
offsetX double The distance that the image is offset in the horizontal direction.
offsetY double The distance that the image is offset in the vertical direction.
rotation double Angle of the image within the fill.
scaleX double The width of the symbol without changing the height (or depth in 3D), as a ratio.
height double The height of the image.
textureFilter enumeration TextureFilter How the image is resampled.
colorSubstitutions [CIMColorSubstitution] The color substitutions which allows colors in the image to be substituted with a different color.
tintColor Color The color that is applied as a tint to the image. The color is applied to the whole image. When the tint is set to white the image appears with its native colors.


Represents a picture marker created from a raster (bitmapped) image file. The image can have color substitutions to replace one or more colors in the image or it can have a tint applied to the whole image depending on the picture type. Supported formats are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
colorSubstitutions [CIMColorSubstitution] The color substitutions for the picture.
depth3D double The depth of the image when drawn in 3D.
invertBackfaceTexture boolean A value indicating whether the image is right-reading when viewed from behind.
scaleX double The scale X which changes the width of the symbol without changing the height (or depth in 3D), as a ratio.
textureFilter enumeration TextureFilter How the image is resampled.
tintColor Color The color that is applied as a tint to the image. The color is applied to the whole image. When the tint is set to white the image appears with its native colors.
URL string The image that is used in the symbol layer. Typically a base64 encoded image.
verticalOrientation3D boolean A value indicating whether the marker stands upright as though locked in place. The marker can be viewed from all angles.
animatedSymbolProperties CIMAnimatedSymbolProperties The collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol layer has animation data.


Represents a picture stroke which draws linear geometry with a repeating image file. Supported file types are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
capStyle enumeration LineCapStyle How the stroke should draw at the ends of the geometries.
joinStyle enumeration LineJoinStyle How the symbol is drawn at the stroke segment connections.
lineStyle3D enumeration Simple3DLineStyle How strokes will be rendered in 3D.
miterLimit double The maximum 'sharpness' that is allowed for Miter joins. If the spike created by the miter join exceeds the miter limit times the width of the stroke, the sharp angle will be clipped and rendered with a bevel join. This property is only applied to the symbol layer when the JoinType is set to Miter.
width double The width of the stroke.
closeCaps3D boolean A value indicating whether to close caps when drawing them in 3D. When set to false, the caps are hollow.


Property Type Description
colorSubstitutions [CIMColorSubstitution] The color substitutions for the picture.
textureFilter enumeration TextureFilter How the image is resampled.
URL string The image that is used in the symbol layer. Typically a base64 encoded image.
tintColor Color The color that is applied as a tint to the image. The color is applied to the whole image. When the tint is set to white the image appears with its native colors.


Represents a pie chart marker which is a marker that draws numeric values arranged in a circle.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
display3D boolean A value indicating whether to draw the chart with a 3D perspective.
parts [CIMChartPart] The individual components of the chart marker.
thickness3D double The thickness or depth of a chart. Only applied when Display3D is true.
tilt3D double The tilt (rotation around the X axis) of the chart. Only applied when Display3D is true.


Property Type Description
clockwise boolean A value indicating whether the orientation of the wedges of the pie chart are clockwise or counterclockwise.
showOutline boolean A value indicating whether or not to show the outline symbol.
outlineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The line symbol that is applied to outline of the whole pie chart.

Enumeration: PlacementAroundPolygonPosition

Options for how markers are placed in a uniform grid or randomly.

Property Value Description
Top 0 The marker is placed above the polygon.
Bottom 1 The marker is placed below the polygon.
Left 2 The marker is placed on the left of the polygon.
Right 3 The marker is placed on the right of the polygon.
TopLeft 4 The marker is placed on the upper left side of the polygon.
TopRight 5 The marker is placed on the upper right side of the polygon.
BottomLeft 6 The marker is placed on the lower left side of the polygon.
BottomRight 7 The marker is placed on the lower right side of the polygon.

Enumeration: PlacementClip

Options for how the markers should be clipped at the polygon boundary.

Property Value Description
ClipAtBoundary 0 Markers are clipped at the boundary of the polygon.
RemoveIfCenterOutsideBoundary 1 Markers are not drawn if their center falls outside of the polygon.
DoNotTouchBoundary 2 Markers are not drawn if they touch the boundary of the polygon.
DoNotClip 3 Markers are not clipped and may extend past the boundary of the polygon.

Enumeration: PlacementEndings

Options for how markers are placed at control points.

Property Value Description
NoConstraint 0 No constraint on how the markers are placed.
WithMarkers 1 A marker is placed at the control point.
WithFullGap 2 A space equal to the placement template will be placed at the control point.
WithHalfGap 3 A space equal to half the placement template will be placed at the control point.
Custom 4 Will fit the pattern to the length of the features by adjusting the gaps slightly.

Enumeration: PlacementGridType

Options for how markers are placed in a uniform grid or randomly.

Property Value Description
Fixed 0 Markers are placed on a uniform grid.
Random 1 Markers are placed randomly in the polygon.
RandomFixedQuantity 2 Markers are placed randomly with a fixed quantity (dot density).

Enumeration: PlacementOnLineRelativeTo

Options for the location on a line where a marker will be placed.

Property Value Description
LineMiddle 0 Marker is placed in the middle of the line.
LineBeginning 1 Marker is placed at the beginning of the line.
LineEnd 2 Marker is placed at the end of the line.
SegmentMidpoint 3 Marker is at the midpoint of each segment in a line feature.

Enumeration: PlacementPolygonCenterMethod

Options for how a single marker will be placed within the polygon.

Property Value Description
OnPolygon 0 Place on the polygon.
CenterOfMass 1 The centroid of the polygon is used.
BoundingBoxCenter 2 The bounding box of the polygon is used.

Enumeration: PlacementRandomlyAlongLineRandomization

Options for the amount of randomness to be used for the size and rotation of the markers on the line.

Property Value Description
Low 0 A low amount of randomness is applied
Medium 1 A medium amount of randomness is applied
High 2 A high amount of randomness is applied

Enumeration: PlacementStepPosition

Options for the placement step position.

Property Value Description
MarkerCenter 0 The marker center.
MarkerBounds 1 The marker bounds.


Represents a point symbol used to draw point features and point graphics.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] The geometric effects that are applied to the symbol.
symbolLayers [CIMSymbolLayer] The symbol layers. Symbol layers are the components that make up a symbol. A symbol layer is represented by a stroke, fill, marker, or procedural symbol layer.
thumbnailURI string The representative image of the symbol.
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether the symbol size properties are rendered using real world units or page units. When set to true the symbol will draw using real world units (e.g. meters).


Property Type Description
callout Callout The callout of the point symbol.
haloSize double The size of the halo that extends beyond the symbol shape.
haloSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The polygon symbol that is used to draw the halo for a point symbol.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
scaleX double The X scale which changes the width of the symbol without changing the height (or depth in 3D), as a ratio.
symbol3DProperties CIM3DSymbolProperties The collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol is used in a 3D context.
angle double The amount of variation applied to the symbol, measured in degrees, propagated cumulatively to all marker symbols.
angleAlignment enumeration AngleAlignment Whether point symbols align to the map or to the display when a rotation is applied to the map.


Represents a point symbol callout which draws a point symbol as the background and a line symbol for leaders. Often used for highway shields.


Property Type Description
leaderTolerance double The leader tolerance which is the closest distance (in points) to the text the anchor point can be for the callout to draw.
leaderOffset double The leader offset which is an offset value defining the distance (in points) between the anchor point and the beginning of the drawn leader.


Property Type Description
leaderLineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The line symbol to draw leaders with.
gap double The gap (in points) between the point symbol and the beginning of the leader line.
lineStyle enumeration LeaderLineStyle The style of line to generate when a Point leader is drawn defined by an enumeration value. Line leaders will always be drawn with their own geometry.


Property Type Description
pointSymbol CIMPointSymbol The symbol that will be drawn as the background behind the text. The most common use case for this type of symbol is a highway shield. When drawing a highway shield this property will be the shield itself without numbers.
backgroundScale enumeration PointSymbolCalloutScale An enumeration value that defines how the background is scaled to fit the dimensions of the symbol.

Enumeration: PointSymbolCalloutScale

An enumeration that defines how the background point symbol is scaled to fit the dimensions of the text.

Property Value Description
None 0 No scaling.
PropUniform 1 Uniform scaling.
PropNonuniform 2 Non-uniform scaling.
DifUniform 3 Uniform scaling.
DifNonuniform 4 Non-uniform scaling.


Represents a polygon symbol which is used to draw polygon features or polygon graphics.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] The geometric effects that are applied to the symbol.
symbolLayers [CIMSymbolLayer] The symbol layers. Symbol layers are the components that make up a symbol. A symbol layer is represented by a stroke, fill, marker, or procedural symbol layer.
thumbnailURI string The representative image of the symbol.
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether the symbol size properties are rendered using real world units or page units. When set to true the symbol will draw using real world units (e.g. meters).


Property Type Description


Represents a procedural symbol layer which defines rendering using script-based logic to construct complex 3D objects and textures from simple geometries. Properties of the symbol are derived from a rule package (.rpk file).


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
attributes [CIMCGAAttribute] The symbol attributes as specified by the CGA code in the rule package.
rulePackage string The URI of the referenced rule package file.
rulePackageName string The name of the package displayed in the user interface.


Represents a shape vertex. Each Vertex in a 3DShapeGraphic is represented by three points, contained in a ShapeVertex. The first point is the actual position of the Vertex. The second represents the normalized vector that describes the orientation of the point. The last point is optional - it defines the coordinates of the texture that correspond with this point in the shape. In this case only x and y are used as the traditional texture coordinates S and T.


Property Type Description
position Point The position.
normalVector Point The normal vector.
textureCoordinate Point The texture coordinate.


Represents shape vertices.


Property Type Description
indices long The indices.
shapes string The shape.

Enumeration: Simple3DLineStyle

Simple 3D line styles which define how strokes will be rendered in 3D.

Property Value Description
Tube 0 Stroke draws as a tube where the width determines the diameter of the tube.
Strip 1 Stroke draws flat upon the surface.
Wall 2 Stroke is vertically oriented where Width determines the height of the wall.


Represents a simple line callout for drawing basic leader lines.


Property Type Description
leaderTolerance double The leader tolerance which is the closest distance (in points) to the text the anchor point can be for the callout to draw.
leaderOffset double The leader offset which is an offset value defining the distance (in points) between the anchor point and the beginning of the drawn leader.


Property Type Description
lineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The line symbol used to draw leader lines.
autoSnap boolean A value indicating whether or not to auto-snap the line leaders to the text.

Enumeration: SizeVariationMethod

Size variation methods which define the order in which the change of size in the markers should occur.

Property Value Description
Random 0 Change in size is applied randomly.
Increasing 1 Markers are drawn with a pattern where the markers increase in size.
Decreasing 2 Markers are drawn in a pattern where the markers decrease in size.
IncreasingThenDecreasing 3 Markers are drawn in a pattern where the size increase and then decrease.


Represents a solid fill which fills polygonal geometry with a single solid color.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
color Color The color that is applied to the fill.


Represents a stroke drawn at specified edges of a mesh using solid color.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
color Color Color of the mesh stroke.


Represents a solid stroke which draws linear geometry with a single solid color.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
capStyle enumeration LineCapStyle How the stroke should draw at the ends of the geometries.
joinStyle enumeration LineJoinStyle How the symbol is drawn at the stroke segment connections.
lineStyle3D enumeration Simple3DLineStyle How strokes will be rendered in 3D.
miterLimit double The maximum 'sharpness' that is allowed for Miter joins. If the spike created by the miter join exceeds the miter limit times the width of the stroke, the sharp angle will be clipped and rendered with a bevel join. This property is only applied to the symbol layer when the JoinType is set to Miter.
width double The width of the stroke.
closeCaps3D boolean A value indicating whether to close caps when drawing them in 3D. When set to false, the caps are hollow.


Property Type Description
color Color The color that is applied to the stroke.


Represents a stacked bar chart marker which is a chart made of vertical stacked bars displaying values.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
display3D boolean A value indicating whether to draw the chart with a 3D perspective.
parts [CIMChartPart] The individual components of the chart marker.
thickness3D double The thickness or depth of a chart. Only applied when Display3D is true.
tilt3D double The tilt (rotation around the X axis) of the chart. Only applied when Display3D is true.


Property Type Description
fixedLength boolean A value indicating whether this chart is a fixed length.
showOutline boolean A value indicating whether or not to show the outline symbol.
outlineSymbol CIMLineSymbol The outline symbol.
verticalBar boolean A value indicating whether this chart has a vertical bar.
width double The width.

Enumeration: SymbolUnits

Symbol unit types.

Property Value Description
Relative 0 Relative units.
Absolute 1 Absolute units.

Enumeration: TextCase

The letter case used to draw text.

Property Value Description
Normal 0 Text is proper/mixed case.
LowerCase 1 Text is all lower case.
Allcaps 2 Text is all upper case.


Represents a text margin which defines the margin to apply around text.


Property Type Description
left double The left margin.
right double The right margin.
top double The top margin.
bottom double The bottom margin.

Enumeration: TextReadingDirection

Text reading directions.

Property Value Description
LTR 0 Text is drawn from left-to-right.
RTL 1 Text is drawn from right-to-left.


Represents a text symbol which is used to draw text graphics, bleeds, and annotation. Text symbols do not contain any symbol layers but can have callouts.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
angle double The amount of rotation applied to the text symbol, measured in degrees, around the geometry.
angleX double The amount of rotation of the text symbol around the X axis, measured in degrees, around the geometry. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt. It is applied in 3D.
angleY double The amount of rotation of the text symbol around the Y axis, measured in degrees, around the geometry. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll. It is applied in 3D.
blockProgression enumeration BlockProgression The direction in which multi-line text is stacked.
callout Callout The callout or background of the text with optional leader lines.
compatibilityMode boolean A value indicating whether to draw the text in a fashion compatible with ArcMap.
countryISO string The ISO code for the base country of the text.
depth3D double The depth of the glyph when drawn in 3D. This is an extrusion of the characters of the text in the Z axis.
drawGlyphsAsGeometry boolean A value indicating whether fonts that are drawn as rasters at some scales to draw as vectors instead.
drawSoftHyphen boolean A value indicating whether soft hyphens should be drawn. Soft hyphens are invisible markers that indicate where a hyphenated break is allowed within the text. They are only drawn if there is word wrapping at the end of a line.
extrapolateBaselines boolean A value indicating whether the baseline of the text geometry should be expanded in the same manner as the existing geometry if the text extends beyond the baseline.
flipAngle double The angle (in degrees from vertical) at which point rotated text is flipped (mirrored) in place.
fontEffects enumeration FontEffects Whether the text is drawn as subscript or superscript.
fontEncoding enumeration FontEncoding The font encoding.
fontFamilyName string The font family name of the font. e.g. Comic Sans.
fontStyleName string The style name for the font family. e.g. Regular, Bold, or Italic.
fontType enumeration FontType The type of font that the font family/style name reference.
fontVariationSettings [CIMFontVariation] An array of CIM font variation objects, describing a particular instance of a variable font through the font axis tags and their values. The number of CIM font variations will correspond to the number of variation axes specified by the font. This is only used for variable fonts.
glyphRotation double An additional rotation that is applied to the individual glyphs contained in the text. This is applied to the individual glyphs whereas Angle, AngleX and AngleY are affect how the entire text string is oriented.
haloSize double The size of the halo that extends beyond the symbol shape.
haloSymbol CIMPolygonSymbol The polygon symbol that is used to draw the halo for a text symbol.
height double The size of the text in points.
hinting enumeration GlyphHinting If hinting from the font is used for text rendering. Hinting is information included with most fonts to effectively fit the vector glyphs of the font into the raster grid onto which they are displayed.
horizontalAlignment enumeration HorizontalAlignment The alignment type used to align the text to the geometry horizontally. Affects which side of a point geometry the point text is drawn or which end of a line it is drawn close to. Commonly used to define how stacked text appears.
indentAfter double How many points to indent the text back from the end of the baseline.
indentBefore double How many points to indent the text from the beginning of the baseline.
indentFirstLine double How many points to indent the text from the beginning of the baseline for the first line only.
kerning boolean A value indicating whether the text is drawn with metric kerning, which adjusts the spacing between individual letter forms.
languageISO string Whether the ISO code for the base language of the text.
letterSpacing double The additional spacing that is added to each glyph beyond what is defined by its character box in the font. Value indicates the percentage of a glyph's width. Also known as tracking.
letterWidth double The width that is added to each glyph beyond what is defined by its character box in its font. This is a percentage of the original glyph.
ligatures boolean A value indicating whether text is to be drawn with ligatures, which occur when two or more letters or portions of letters are joined to form a single glyph.
lineGap double The spacing between lines of text. This is also known as leading or line spacing.
lineGapType enumeration LineGapType The type of line gap that is applied.
offsetX double The X offset.
offsetY double The Y offset.
offsetZ double The Z offset.
shadowColor Color The color of the shadow that is defined for the text symbol. The shadow is drawn as an offset copy of the text.
shadowOffsetX double The shadow offset from the text symbol in the horizontal direction. If X and Y are zero, no shadow is drawn.
shadowOffsetY double The shadow offset from the text symbol in the vertical direction. If X and Y are zero, no shadow is drawn.
smallCaps boolean A value indicating whether the text should be drawn as Small Capitals, where lower case text is converted to small caps and upper case text is left as upper case.
strikethrough boolean A value indicating whether to draw the text with a strike through it.
symbol CIMPolygonSymbol The polygon symbol that is used to draw the glyphs of the text.
symbol3DProperties CIM3DSymbolProperties The collection of properties that are applied to the text symbol only in a 3D context.
textCase enumeration TextCase The letter case used to draw the text.
textDirection enumeration TextReadingDirection The base text direction to draw the text.
underline boolean A value indicating whether to draw the text with an underline.
verticalAlignment enumeration VerticalAlignment The vertical alignment of the text.
verticalGlyphOrientation enumeration VerticalGlyphOrientation The orientation for the non-vertical text in a vertical layout. For example, an English fragment in a Japanese text.
wordSpacing double The additional spacing that is added to between the words of the text string. 100% indicates that regular spacing is used.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the text symbol.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol should overprint in press printing.

Enumeration: TextureFilter

Texture filter types.

Property Value Description
Draft 0 Low draft quality.
Picture 1 Higher quality, recommended for pictures.
Text 2 Higher quality, recommended when it is important to preserve edges for zoomed in images.


Represents a vector marker which can represent vector graphics. It's constructed from MarkerGraphics which are geometries and symbols used as building blocks for the marker.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
depth3D double The depth of the marker when drawn in 3D.
frame Envelope The outer boundary of the entire vector marker.
markerGraphics [CIMMarkerGraphic] The vector graphics that define the shape of the marker.
verticalOrientation3D boolean A value indicating whether the marker stands upright as though locked in place. The marker can be viewed from all angles.
scaleSymbolsProportionally boolean A value indicating whether the strokes and or fills of a marker are scaled proportionally when the symbol size is changed. When enabled, the strokes for the outline or fill of the polygon symbol used to draw the marker will be scaled proportionally with changes to the symbol size. If this property is not enabled, then the stroke will draw with the specified width regardless of the marker size.
respectFrame boolean A value indicating whether the frame of the vector marker should be honored when drawing the marker.
clippingPath CIMClippingPath A clipping path for the vector marker graphics.

Enumeration: VerticalAlignment

Vertical alignment types.

Property Value Description
Top 0 Top of the highest ascender in the text symbol is used to align the text.
Center 1 Text is centered on the geometry.
Baseline 2 Text is aligned so that the geometry lines up with the baseline of the text symbol. Descenders will go past the baseline.
Bottom 3 Bottom of the lowest descender is used to align the text.

Enumeration: VerticalGlyphOrientation

Vertical glyph orientation.

Property Value Description
Right 0 Align right.
Upright 1 Align upright.


Represents a water fill which fills polygonal geometry with animated water.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
color Color The intrinsic color of the water.
waveStrength enumeration WaveStrength Strength of the waves. This property along with waterbody size are the parameters which drive the wave appearance.
waterbodySize enumeration WaterbodySize The waterbody size allowing for a range of sizes from small pools to oceans. This property along with wave strength are the parameters which drive the wave appearance.
waveHasDirection boolean A value indicating whether the waves are directionless (false), or if they have a dominant direction (true).
waveDirection double The azimuthal bearing for direction of the waves. Only has effect when WasHasDirection is true.

Enumeration: WaterbodySize

Waterbody size.

Property Value Description
Small 0 Small water body.
Medium 1 Medium water body.
Large 2 Large water body.

Enumeration: WaveStrength

Strength of waves.

Property Value Description
Calm 0 Calm glassy water with no waves.
Rippled 1 Rippled water.
Slight 2 Slightly wavy water.
Moderate 3 Moderately wavy water.


Represents a marker symbol for 3D objects.


Property Type Description
effects [CIMGeometricEffect] Whether the geometric effects that are applied to the symbol layer. Effects dynamically alter the feature geometry when the symbology is applied. Multiple effects applied to a symbol layer are rendered sequentially.
enable boolean A value indicating whether the symbol layer is visible. The symbol layer draws only when enabled. Currently, an invisible layer is not considered in any transformations when in a 3D context.
name string The internal name of the symbol layer used for symbol level drawing.
colorLocked boolean A value indicating whether the color set at the basic properties level is applied to the symbol layer. If the symbol layer is color locked then changes made to the color in the basic properties will not be applied to the symbol layer.
primitiveName string The primitive name.
overprint boolean A value indicating whether or not the symbol layer should overprint in press printing.


Property Type Description
anchorPoint Point The specified location where all transformation property operations originate.
anchorPointUnits enumeration SymbolUnits A value which specifies if the anchor point location is considered a percentage of the size or as an absolute distance.
angleX double The angle the marker is rotated around the X axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as tilt and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Tilt.
angleY double The angle the marker is rotated around the Y axis. This type of rotation is also referred to as roll and is only applied in 3D. The order of how this is applied with respect to other rotations depends on the RotationOrder3D. The name in the user interface is Roll.
dominantSizeAxis3D enumeration DominantSizeAxis Which axis is considered as the Size in 3D. Only applicable when the marker layer is a 3DShapeMarker.
offsetX double The value the marker is moved along the X axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetY double The value the marker is moved along the Y axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
offsetZ double The value the marker is moved along the Z axis from the anchor point. This is applied after all rotation, as opposed to anchor point which is applied before the rotation.
rotateClockwise boolean A value indicating whether the rotation is applied clockwise or counterclockwise to the marker layer.
rotation double The angle that the marker is rotated around the anchor point, in degrees.
size double The height of the marker. Modifying Size changes the marker's height to the specified size and the width is updated proportionally.
billboardMode3D enumeration BillboardMode The billboard mode of the marker.
markerPlacement MarkerPlacement Marker placements which determine how markers are placed along a line or within a polygon.


Property Type Description
modelURI string The URI of the binary reference containing the GLTF or GLB which contains the node structure.
additionalModelURIs [string] The URIs of additional binary references used by the model.
width double The marker width.
depth double The marker depth.
tintColor Color The color which defines the color that is applied to the marker.
isRestricted boolean A value indicating whether the model can be exported.
thumbnail string The representative image of the marker.
useAnchorPoint boolean A value indicating whether or not to ignore the marker anchor point and insert the model directly at the data point.
animatedSymbolProperties CIMAnimatedSymbolProperties The collection of symbol properties that apply when the symbol layer has animation data.