Releases: GeoDaCenter/geoda
GeoDa V1.12.1.197
release notes:
fix Hierarchical Clusters Crash #1791
fix Differentiate between values in co-location map #1794
fix Scatter plot matrix not showing time periods of grouped variables
fix Crash: grouped variables + Conditional plots #1795
fix incompatible on osx106 vs 1014
fix Encoding setup is not working on typed characters.
fix multi layer not working after base layer #1804
fix multi layer: pan seems to break connection#1806
fix Table stack issue: precision is not preserved for columns in stacked table #1801
fix Table: change properties after re-order columns issue
fix Weights creation issue: after select variable in creating from Table variables
fix Weights intersection issue
enhancement to support case-sensitive field name for different dataset
update spanish and chinese version
update UI of weights creating dialog: add "weights intersection" and "weights union"
Re-organize Tool menu and add a Tools icon to the to toolbar #1802
change "edit map layer" to "Edit Layer Settings" #1805
#1786 Turn the cluster centers back into the original variable units
#1785 fix: HDBSCAN computing error
#1782 fix: GeoDa shows Debug window after open data from a directory with special characters (Windows Only)
#1687 fix: box plot statistics misaligned and in different units
#1780 fix: field with encoded string (e.g. chinese) doesn't display correctly on screen
#1778 fix: Auto weighting in clustering will crash when use points data
#1761 enhancement: Auto weighting on all clustering methods
#1757 fix: cluster variable setting typo for iterations
#1756 fix: kmedoids has no maximum iterations
#1755 fix: k medians cluster map - incorrect heading
#1753 fix: bivariate moran scatter plot - time enabled variables does not show Moran's I
#1752 fix: bivariate Moran scatterplot crashes (time enabled variables)
#1747 crash: points file with null geometry will crash Thiessen polygon creation
#1775 conditional plots - allow a single dimension of conditioning
#1774 conditional map - custom classification doesn't work
#1765 skater spanning tree weights properties incorrect
#1764 skater spanning tree gwt format incorrect
#1763 no id variable for gwt skater spanning tree
#1762 no summary for geometric centroids in spectral and hdbscan
#1760 report weights for geometric centroids
Nightly build
GeoDa 1.10
New features:
- Local Geary Cluster Map
- Multivariate Local Geary Cluster Map
- Clustering: PCA, KMeans, Hierarchical Clustering
- Add Swig module for Python interface
(Note: this release contains a fix for possible bugs of Sample/Recent panel, which might crash GeoDa when connect to dataset)
Fixes & updates:
#872 Bivariate Moran Scatterplot Bug with Time-Grouped Variables
#828 Add undefined option to selection tool
#869 #755 #750 #683 Spatial rate crashes on windows
#739 Open csv crash
#882 Switching PCP axes
#873 Recent doesn't show thumbnail for drag-n-drop gda file
#874 legend s does not adjust when needed
#724 Save unsaved changes (time info) warning incorrect
#823 crash when cancel in the middle of loading WFS
#279 two smaller plots automatically show after choosing regimes regression in Moran scatter plot
#866 animation UI update
#865 using time-grouped variables in PCA bug
#864 crash when resize window to 0 height/width
#821 movie play crashes
#775 spatial rates crash with time grouped variable
#803 add kmeans++ for kmeans
#652 "smarter" way to size the legend and map relative to each other
#788 update UI for resizing issue
#819 Local Geary crashes with time grouped variable / weights with ne
#819 local multi geary crash with time grouped variab
#804 init implementation of dendrogram
#803 allow users to specify # of iterations to run to get better start seed
#790 K-Means maps: make it easier to compare legends
#790 init ci K-Means maps: make it easier to compare legends
#770 Space-Time weights connectivity map crashes
#726 Randomization seed not selected automatically
#729 Moran scatterplot - needs view option to turn on selection
#666 Fix unique/categorical values
#698 and other log enchancement
#657 CSV icon keeps hovering
#689 save pca saving results number of pca seems fixed bug
force when load dbf, no geometries been loaded
@lixun910 Add autoupdate check point for linux ad162c9
@lixun910 Merge remote-tracking branch 'GeoDaCenter/master' d4cdd44
@lixun910 Merge branch 'master' into dev1.9 3466a41
@lixun910 update 9309962
@lixun910 fix issue #639 crash when open custom category in histgram bee0a51
@lixun910 fix issue 644
GeoDa 1.8.16
GeoDa 1.8.16 Release:
Major updates:
upgrade to wxwidgets 3.1.0 (support Retina Display on Mac)
update to new rendering system with transparency support (new highlighting design in maps/plots)
add build scripts to support CentOS/Redhat release
#505 New realtime weights; brush on Moran scatter plot
#585 New Add view + save stats to correlogram b402a50
#584 New add conditional map to LISA be4e41b
#584 New add conditional map to local cluster maps 89c27f4
#504 New support Undefined values: update Lisa with undefs
#630 New add quality print-out map (postscript and svg) option ac9a260
#510 New csv config dialog (lat/lng)
#483 New open recent add gda project file to recent file list
#512 New highlight design in GeoDa
#531 New highlight style on all plots
#509 New report bug to github
#511 New preference dialog allows customizstion of GeoDa
#550 New add sample data for direct access
#455 New support convert between field types
#524 New add feature to allow user to set display precision of axes
#631 New Update logic of autoupdate to allow create directory when upload 5d212d6
#632 New support http/https geojson
#492 turn off LOWESS for selected subset
#491 auto detect encoding from .cpg file
#496 enable mouse click on white space in table
#497 change axis range of Moran Scatterplot
#504 lisa calc undef incorrect
#498 LOWESS can't update in Moran Scatterplot
#499 correlogram crash
#500 crash: weights creation with invalid geometries
#501 scatter plot table deal with undefs
#502 rates map supports undef
#506 save error with time variable
#507 update basemap warning msg
#508 set aspect ratio of scatter plot to 1 and add option to toggle
#515 Univariate LISA crashes with grouped variable
#514 Merge Table: last column chopped out of view
#533 histogram selection issue
#541 issue set default folder for weights creation
#483 disable resize in open dialog
#390 cvs header option
#549 Listing # of undefined per variable in scatterplot matrix
#554 Unique values and natural breaks maps: Not working right with small number obs
#561 don't show csvconfigure in Merge dialog
#547 PCP background not update
#544 variable calculation excess risk handles undefined values
#566 Add neighbor selection back to LISAs and G/G*
#565 raw rate map setting update
#550 update rc file 980b7c5
#536 detect and remove empty rows at the end of table 14855b1
#578 view stats bug in histogram 0d323df
#566 include neighbors with undefined values as neighbors f4167a4
#566 LocalG include neighbors with undefined values as neighbors 743da57
#353 geoda blurs on retina display 5198b1f
#583 Add selected vs unselected in different time periods 4de5951
#582 Fix boxmap labels 7d9dfe5
#583 clean legend in average charts f58194e
#588 change field type crash in windows fix 261bebd
#589 fix crash load basemap for points data f3917f5
#591 crash when open WFS (slow connection) a62dbde
#602 crashed when save to csv with invalid row 7994eb9
#627 export NAT to POSTGRES a7a8ac0
#583 only show highlights points of selected space&time in line chart 77a093a
GeoDa 1.8.14
GeoDa 1.8.12
#452 update basemap labels to Carto from CartoDB
#456 weights header bug
#457 averages results don't match manually calculated ones in one case
#460 Problems with shp-> geojson conversion
#462 rook weights not sensitive to precision threshold
#463 project file default for first order contiguity weights
#464 distance units in Weights Manager properties
#465 1.8.10 release on Mac has logger.txt output -- which should not be generated
#466 Weights creation bug with X and Y centroids selection v.s. LAT/LON fields selection
#468 Correlogram Parameter Selection dialog
#469 1.8.10 ubuntu version crashed: segmentation fault