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2024.07.18 Editors Meeting

Simeon Warner edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Call-in Information

See invite


  • Julian Morley (Stanford)
  • Rosy Metz (Emory)
  • Simeon Warner (Cornell)
  • Andrew Woods (Harvard)
  • Neil Jefferies (Oxford)

(The AI takes the notes)


  1. OCFL In Person Editor's Meeting Logistics
    • Agenda for the meeting has been created. 2025-09-17 through 19 (Face to face Ghent)
    • We think agenda looks good
  2. IPRES Workshop Logistics - divy up the work?
    • OCFL Workshop Date: Monday September 16
    • Abstract on iPres website
    • Verify workshop agenda
    • Should we create a page for the agenda here on the wiki?
    • Workshop Agenda
      • Design Philosophy (30 min) - history, philosophy, objectives [JULIAN + NEIL]
      • Implementing OCFL v1 (1 hr)
        • review of the specification [ROSALYN]
        • pre-recorded demo (validator, fixture objects, error messages, etc.), provide a docker instance so they can play with some of the tooling (if they want to). [ANDREW WOODS]
        • discussion of implementation notes, common challenges (object models, when to version, etc.), existing implementations [NEIL]
      • Towards v2 (30 min) - version 2 use cases and discussion with audience [SIMEON]

Standing agenda items

  1. Spec
    1. Open PRs - nothing
    2. Open Issues - nothing new
  2. Extensions
    1. Open PRs
      1. Waiting on Neil for Initial Extension
      2. Have asked @alvinsw & @ptsefton about intentions to work on else we should close the old PR
      3. Have asked @je4 to scope as object extension
    2. Open Issues - nothing new
  3. Fixtures
    1. Open PRs
    2. Open Issues


Action Items

Clone this wiki locally