Releases: SpectacularAI/sdk
Releases · SpectacularAI/sdk
- Replay API: Fixes to RGB-D input
- Python mapping API: Add image undistortion & RGB-D alignment helpers
- Improvements to SLAM performance
- Enable OAK-D Pro/S2 color camera for VIO/SLAM & RGBD mapping
- RealSense: new post-processing flag for mapping API. Improves final reconstructions
- OAK fix: should recognize OAK-D S2 the device by board name and set the IMU-cam extrinsics correctly
- OAK bug fix in saving
SLAM map (appeared in
example code: error on exit)
- Improve SLAM performance
- Support for OAK-D S2 devices
- Update to DepthAI v2.17.3
- Improved tracking accuracy
- Fixes issues with DepthAI plugin on Windows
- Improvements to SLAM accuracy
- Use depthai-core v2.16.0
Known issues:
- DepthAI plugin C++ version doesn't work properly on Windows. To get around this you can use the previous 1.1.1 version with depthai-core v2.15.3 or use SDK 1.2.0 with Python
- Fix OAK-D gyroscope spike anomaly issue by decreasing input IMU frequency. Improves performance on OAK devices
- Improve SLAM accuracy
- Reduce log spam on Windows
Release notes
- Improved SLAM
- Gyroscope anomaly filter for OAK-D
- close() and runReplay() to Replay API, startReplay() no longer blocks
Non-commercial C++ plugins for OAK-D and RealSense devices