Releases: TencentBlueKing/blueking-paas
Releases · TencentBlueKing/blueking-paas
What's Changed
- fix: update Django to 4.2.17 by @narasux in #1814
- feat: enable bcs and lesscode by settings config by @jiayuan929 in #1822
- fix: 挂载卷资源名不能使用下划线 by @lTimej in #1829
- Feature flag 控制 by @leafage-collb in #1833
Full Changelog: v1.6.0-beta.2...v1.6.0-beta.3
What's Changed
- fix: 修复 django4.x 在 HTTPS 下出现的 CSRF 问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1794
Full Changelog: v1.6.0-beta.1...v1.6.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- fix: update cnative app image validate regex by @narasux in #1426
- fix: 查看事件排版优化、云原生应用的出口IP管理根据 FeatureFlag 控制用户是否可自己操作、访问管理文案修改 by @leafage-collb in #1428
- fix: 流水线构建状态更新出错问题 by @jiayuan929 in #1430
- feat: list idle application apis return type and is_plugin_app fields by @narasux in #1431
- feat: 持久存储特性接口区分集群不支持和应用特性未开启 by @SheepSheepChen in #1419
- refactor: EventSerializer 使用 get_items 获取字段 by @SheepSheepChen in #1416
- update: 进程详情中,CPU requests值展示优化 by @leafage-collb in #1433
- fix: 日志平台创建索引时部分字段添加分词导致无法精确查询 by @jiayuan929 in #1421
- feat: 闲置应用看板 by @leafage-collb in #1432
- updata: 持久存储功能修改项 by @leafage-collb in #1429
- fix: hook pod do not reconcile as expected when no web process found by @jamesgetx in #1425
- format: update existing license header to comment syntax & add header to more files by @piglei in #1438
- fix: 新建测试版本时 current_release 取值不正确 by @jiayuan929 in #1437
- feat: 应用列表页面默认包含已下架的应用 by @jiayuan929 in #1439
- refactor: 重构插件基本信息、基本信息:市场信息根据feature_flags展示、添加发布者 by @leafage-collb in #1389
- fix: 闲置应用下架操作对齐问题修复、闲置应用下架、退出应用的二次确认框都用气泡的样式 by @leafage-collb in #1442
- fix: 修复无 "default" 模块时告警策略下发失败的问题 by @SheepSheepChen in #1441
- fix: 应用迁移后未根据集群特性开启使用日志平台采集的应用特性 by @jiayuan929 in #1435
- remove: 搜索页面去掉 ”码客“ by @leafage-collb in #1446
- feat: admin 中以 docker 形式存储的包不提供下载功能 by @jiayuan929 in #1447
- refactor: simplifying code implementation of CloudAPIViewSet by @jamesgetx in #1444
- fix: 批量申请时,选择跨网关/组件导致url错误问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1445
- feat: improve the error message when app_desc.yaml contains invalid modules data(both v2 and v3) by @piglei in #1443
- refactor: SaaS 告警通知模版模版化 by @SheepSheepChen in #1423
- feat: support notify idle app module envs to developers by @narasux in #1448
- feat: 探针功能、进程配置样式调整 by @leafage-collb in #1449
- fix: token bucket rate limiter and cmsi http method by @narasux in #1450
- refactor: ignore ResourceNotFound when no image found by @jamesgetx in #1452
- feat: 添加工蜂智能研发工具指引文档 by @leafage-collb in #1458
- fix: 普通应用迁移云原生错误弹窗处理 by @leafage-collb in #1456
- fix: 通知中心应用ID(用于 API 网关自动授权) by @jiayuan929 in #1457
- fix: 探针7-5体验问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1455
- fix:体验修复 & 测试提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1454
- fix: unhidden apt buildpack by default by @narasux in #1463
- feat: support set custom domain ingress class separately by @jamesgetx in #1462
- fix: untranslated internationalization fields issue by @jiayuan929 in #1460
- fix: no matches found for kind=DomainGroupMapping and preferred=True by @jamesgetx in #1466
- feat: add JustLeaveAppManager for better experience by @narasux in #1472
- feat: 全局搜索根据新版设计稿重构 by @leafage-collb in #1467
- fix: Codecc 二次迭代,体验问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1434
- feat: support ignore idle apps by @narasux in #1471
- fix: tooltips多个存在不消失情况处理 & 体验提单汇总修复 by @leafage-collb in #1473
- refactor: 调整获取 logo 失败时的日志级别 by @SheepSheepChen in #1440
- feat: add perm_insure module to help configuring API perm by @piglei in #1474
- feat: Add terminated info to process for better observation of restart reasons by @SheepSheepChen in #1469
- feat: 闲置看板添加忽略操作 by @leafage-collb in #1475
- fix: 全局搜索focus兼容通知中心 by @leafage-collb in #1476
- feat: support AI Agent plugin App by @jiayuan929 in #1465
- feat: add descriptions for Built-in environment variables by @jiayuan929 in #1459
- update: 内置环境变量新版展示 by @leafage-collb in #1479
- refactor: remove inproper usage of
class & other misc enhancements by @piglei in #1477 - refactor: improve the permission_classes decorator by add more comments and better naming. by @piglei in #1481
- fix: ModuleEnvRoleProtectionViewSet unable to do permission check by @piglei in #1484
- fix:插件可见范围审批参数调整 by @jiayuan929 in #1486
- docs: update apiserver/ by @lyzqs in #1487
- fix:体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1483
- fix: perm_insure checking missing late extend django apps by @piglei in #1490
- feat: Support viewing last restart logs for process instances by @SheepSheepChen in #1478
- fix: fixed templates filling logic in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1493
- refactor: add missing error logs(view level) when getting repo failed by @piglei in #1489
- refactor: bkapp-operator 日志调整 by @SheepSheepChen in #1453
- feat: add workloads related env vars LOG_NAME_PREFIX/PROCESS_TYPE for cnative apps by @piglei in #1488
- fix: replicas alway reset to 1 when processes defined in app_desc.yaml by @piglei in #1494
- fix: 日志体验体验修复 by @leafage-collb in #1491
- feat: 应用搜索列表添加收藏标记 by @lyzqs in #1497
- fix: 体验提单修复 by @leafage-collb in #1495
- fix: rollback database model field default value by @lyzqs in #1499
- fix: bkci status may not return totalTime and executeTime by @narasux in #1503
- fix: V7.2 外发前整体特性验收修复 by @leafage-collb in #1501
- fix: 修复应用搜索列表中 icon 颜色和换行问题 by @lyzqs in #1504
- fix: hook pod gone away may block new deployment by @narasux in #1482
- refactor: remove the "tb" info from the DynamicApiError by @jamesgetx in #1498
- refactor: remove I18N binary file and compile the file before starting processes by @piglei in #1505
- fix: docker build fails because unexpected env var with empty value overrides the settings by @piglei in #1510
- feat: 支持自定义内置环境变量 (admin42) by @lyzqs in #1492
- fix: admin42 首页 / 导航栏根据用户身份进行限制显示 by @lyzqs in #1508
- fix: admin42 用户管理 / 用户列表页面体验优化 by @lyzqs in #1506
- fix: 修复 admin42 用户列表/环境变量管理页面体验问题 by @lyzqs in #1515
- fix: webfe cnative app image validate regex by @narasux in #1516
- docs: add dev guide for system apis by @piglei in #1507
- fix: fixed body style in admin42 by @lyzqs in #1518
- feat: 支持 Smart 应用修改中文名等 1.5 版本体验反馈问题 by @jiayuan929 in
What's Changed
- docs: fix some description in readme by @jamesgetx in #1451
- fix: patch buildpack-python bin/compile for export apt PATH variables by @narasux in #1480
- fix: patch default PIP_VERSION to 22.2.2 by @narasux in #1572
- fix: add space at end of compile.patch lines by @narasux in #1573
- feat: update kaniko-shim go version to 1.22.8 by @narasux in #1678
- feat: update cnb-builder-shim go version to 1.22.8 by @narasux in #1676
- feat: 初始化时加载代码,支持不同类型的代码获取方式 by @SheepSheepChen in #1602
- feat: 支持跨域请求 by @SheepSheepChen in #1692
- feat: 获取应用日志 by @SheepSheepChen in #1691
- feat: dev-sandbox 获取进程列表,获取进程状态 by @SheepSheepChen in #1701
- fix: 调整 dev_sandbox cors 相关配置的环境变量名称 by @SheepSheepChen in #1718
- fix: 沙箱应用进程会根据 app_desc 改变 by @SheepSheepChen in #1711
- feat: dev_sandbox 添加 healthz 接口 by @SheepSheepChen in #1720
Full Changelog: builder-stack-v1.0.1...builder-stack-v1.0.2
What's Changed
- feat: add regrant_user_group_policies command by @narasux in #1635
- fix:全局配置:BK_SHARED_RES_URL 未设置时,不应该发起请求 & 应用列表tooltips鼠标悬浮问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1652
- feat: bkpaas 网关添加对 bk_audit 的主动授权 by @jiayuan929 in #1653
Full Changelog: v1.5.0-beta.12...v1.5.0-beta.14
What's Changed
- feat: add regrant_user_group_policies command by @narasux in #1635
- fix:全局配置:BK_SHARED_RES_URL 未设置时,不应该发起请求 & 应用列表tooltips鼠标悬浮问题修复 by @leafage-collb in #1652
Full Changelog: v1.5.0-beta.12...v1.5.0-beta.13
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.4.1-beta.8...v1.4.1-beta.9
What's Changed
- feat: API 网关文档版本号通过变量渲染 by @jiayuan929 in #1620
- fix: 组织架构选择器不使用 fe_list_department_profiles API by @leafage-collb in #1624
Full Changelog: v1.5.0-beta.11...v1.5.0-beta.12
What's Changed
- fix: 添加 pymysql 配置 by @jiayuan929 in #1617
Full Changelog: v1.5.0-beta.10...v1.5.0-beta.11