VTS Version 10.0
180 commits
to master
since this release
VTS Library NuGet Package 10.0
Visit nuget.org for information on our latest NuGet package.
Release Notes
- Updated NuGet packages
- Removed dotnet standard from solution and retargeted remaining project to .Net 6.0 (Issue #76)
- Started scripting project for .NET Polyglot Notebook and Jupyter Notebook samples (Issue #121) - currently C# scripts that parallel MATLAB vts_solver_demo.m and vts_mc_demo.m coded
- Updated BuildTestReleaseMCCL powershell script to run MCCL unit tests
- Replaced Moq with NSubstitute (Issue #82)
- Updated RangeOfT to implement IEnumerable directly, tagged obsolete code for removal in the future (Issue #90)
- Added files for creating the code documentation on GitHub pages
- Created GitHub actions to build Vts.sln and run Vts.Library.sln Tests upon PR submission (Issue #100)
- Started to publish static web hosted documentation to GitHub pages (Issue #92)
- Added unit tests to increase code coverage and cleaned up code (Issues #102, #105)
Monte Carlo code changes:
- Removed unused DirectionalArbitrarySource
- Added DirectionalImageSource that can be used to initialize source from bitmap
- Added SlantedRecessedFiberDetector for fiber detectors that are in an angle above tissue surface, and unit tests (Issue #103)
- Fixed bugs, security issues and maintenance issues in MCCL and the Monte Carlo Post Processor (MCPP) (Issues #79, #107)
- Renamed VirtualBoundaryType Dosimetry to InternalSurface to be more general
- Added unit tests to increase code coverage and cleaned up code (Issues #102, #105, #110)
- Corrected bug found in ReflectedMTOfXAndYAndSubregionHistDetector and TransmittedMTOfXAndYAndSubregionHistDetector having to do with serialization when Y.Count is not equal to X.Count (Issue #115)
Documentation for the library can be accessed here
VTS MATLAB Package 10.0
NOTE: This version of the MATLAB interoperability only works with MATLAB R2022b and higher. If you have a previous version of MATLAB, use one of the previous releases.
Use the MATLAB function dotnetenv
to switch between environments dotnetenv("core")
or dotnetenv("framework")
- this version uses "core"
Download: VTS_MATLAB_v10.0.0.zip
Release Notes
See above
This release contains sample scripts for the following:
- using MATLAB to call the solvers in the VTS Libraries.
- using MATLAB to call the Monte Carlo tools in the VTS Libraries.
These files will only work for MATLAB on Windows.
On Windows: .NET 6.0 - download here
MATLAB (R2022b and higher)