We propose Graph-of-Thought (GoT) reasoning, which models human thought processes not only as a chain but also as a graph. By representing thought units as nodes and connections between them as edges, our approach captures the non-sequential nature of human thinking and allows for a more realistic modeling of thought processes.
bash install.sh
Download the dataset from the following repository and put name_map.json
and problems.json
under data/Scienceqa/
We use the same extracted vision features and instruct captions from mm-cot.
You can download vision_features and put the files under vision_features
Instruct captions can be found in data/Scienceqa/instruct_captions.json
Download the dataset from the following repository and put all json files under data/AQuA/
# Thought graph construction
python construct_GoT_scienceqa.py
#train stage1: rationale generation
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 main.py \
--data_root data --dataset ScienceQA \
--caption_file data/ScienceQA/instruct_captions.json \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg rationale --img_type vit \
--got_root GoT_dataset \
--bs 8 --eval_bs 16 --epoch 100 --lr 5e-5 \
--output_len 512 --use_caption --use_generate --prompt_format QCM-E \
--output_dir experiments/ScienceQA_GoT_base/ \
#evaluate stage1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--data_root data --dataset ScienceQA \
--caption_file data/ScienceQA/instruct_captions.json \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg rationale --img_type vit \
--got_root GoT_dataset \
--bs 8 --eval_bs 16 --epoch 100 --lr 5e-5 \
--output_len 512 --use_caption --use_generate --prompt_format QCM-E \
--output_dir experiments/ScienceQA_GoT_base/ \
--bf16 \
--evaluate_dir {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}
#construct GoT thought graph for stage 2
python construct_GoT_scienceqa.py --generate_pred {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT} \
--output_dir GoT_output/scienceqa_pred/base
#train stage2: answer generation
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 main.py \
--data_root data --dataset ScienceQA \
--caption_file data/ScienceQA/instruct_captions.json \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg answer --img_type vit \
--bs 8 --eval_bs 16 --epoch 50 --lr 4e-5 --output_len 64 \
--use_generate --prompt_format QCMG-A \
--got_root GoT_output/scienceqa_pred/base \
--output_dir experiments/ScienceQA_GoT_base/ \
--eval_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_eval.json \
--test_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_test.json \
#evaluate stage2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--data_root data --dataset ScienceQA \
--caption_file data/ScienceQA/instruct_captions.json \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg answer --img_type vit \
--bs 8 --eval_bs 16 --epoch 50 --lr 4e-5 --output_len 64 \
--use_generate --prompt_format QCMG-A \
--got_root GoT_output/scienceqa_pred/base \
--output_dir experiments/ScienceQA_GoT_base/ \
--eval_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_eval.json \
--test_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_test.json \
--bf16 \
--evaluate_dir {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT_STAGE2}
# construct AQUA thought graph
python construct_GoT_aqua.py
#train stage1: rationale generation
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 main.py \
--data_root data --dataset AQuA \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg rationale --bs 8 --eval_bs 16 \
--epoch 100 --lr 5e-5 --output_len 512 \
--use_generate --prompt_format QC-E \
--output_dir experiments/AQuA_GoT_base \
#evaluate stage1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--data_root data --dataset AQuA \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg rationale --bs 8 --eval_bs 16 \
--epoch 100 --lr 5e-5 --output_len 512 \
--use_generate --prompt_format QC-E \
--output_dir experiments/AQuA_GoT_base \
--bf16 --evaluate_dir {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}
##construct stage 2 AQUA thought graph
python construct_GoT_aqua.py --generate_pred {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT} \
--output_dir 'GoT_output/AQuA_pred/base'
## stage 2 train answer generation
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 --master-port 1979 main.py \
--data_root data \
--dataset AQuA \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg answer \
--bs 20 --eval_bs 20 --epoch 20 --lr 4e-5 --output_len 64 \
--prompt_format QCG-A --use_generate\
--got_root GoT_output/AQuA_pred/base \
--output_dir experiments/AQuA_GoT_base \
--eval_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_eval.json \
--test_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_test.json \
#evaluate stage2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 --master-port 1979 main.py \
--data_root data \
--dataset AQuA \
--model declare-lab/flan-alpaca-base \
--user_msg answer \
--bs 20 --eval_bs 20 --epoch 20 --lr 4e-5 --output_len 64 \
--prompt_format QCG-A --use_generate\
--got_root GoT_output/AQuA_pred/base \
--output_dir experiments/AQuA_GoT_base \
--eval_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_eval.json \
--test_le {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT}/predictions_ans_test.json \
--bf16 \
--evaluate_dir {PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT_STAGE2}
title={Beyond chain-of-thought, effective graph-of-thought reasoning in large language models},
author={Yao, Yao and Li, Zuchao and Zhao, Hai},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16582},