This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 1, 2021. It is now read-only.
Features / Refactoring
- Remove two unrequired scripts (#736) by @tk26eng
- Parallelize test-keypoint-detection (#742) by @hadusam
- Parallelized lmnet test without GPU (#738) by @hadusam
- Remove TensorFlow's bug workaround (#748) by @tfujiwar
- Add target x86_avx to make_list of convert command (#755) by @hadusam
- Split global.tpl.h into types.h and global.tpl.h (#744) by @primenumber
- Optimize concat on depth (#756) by @primenumber
- Optimize func_Split for ChHWBCl (#759) by @primenumber
- Use ChHWBCl instead of HWChBCl if can (#729) by @primenumber
- jinja free tensor_view.h (#764) by @primenumber
- Change device buf type (#767) by @primenumber
- Remove unused config (#766) by @primenumber
- Use set instead of list to check matching by using 'in' statement (#765) by @hadusam
- Remove tensorflow-on-arm dependency (#774) by @iizukak
- Update TensorFlow 1.15.0 -> 1.15.2 (#773) by @iizukak
- Change pycocotools dependency, submodule to requirements.txt (#775) by @iizukak
- Convert prob to float before finding output class in classification prediction (#745) by @lm-jira
- Rename QTZ_binary_channel_wise_mean_scaling (#659) by @Joeper214
- Remove check-dataset-storage test (#779) by @iizukak
- Remove tox.ini (#780) by @iizukak
- Rename QTZ_binary_mean_scaling (#671) by @ Joeper214