Releases: catenax-ng/tx-traceability-foss
Releases · catenax-ng/tx-traceability-foss
Full Changelog: 11.0.2...11.0.2
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
[11.0.1 - 22.05.2024]
- #859 added autocomplete on subset of assets in notification creation/edit view
- #997 added publish assets state check to parts table
- #XXX added border to dashboard notifications table and view all count
- #778 return empty PageResult when no contract agreement Ids are found instead of http 404 in /contacts API
- #XXX Fixed some sonar issues in frontend application
- #958 Fixed bug where available parts filter was reset when list of affected parts are zero in notification creation
- XXX Removed EdcNotifiactionMockServiceImpl class and replaced with mocks
- #XXX Switched eclipse-temurin:21-jre-alpine@sha256:fb4150a30569aadae9d693d949684a00653411528e62498b9900940c9b5b8a66 to 23467b3e42617ca197f43f58bc5fb03ca4cb059d68acd49c67128bfded132d67
- #837 Moved data import and IrsResponseMappers under same interface and shared methods
- #947 Updating irs-helm from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 to use latest catena-x policy
- #963 update irs-client-lib.version from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT to fix /contracts api
- #989 changed german word "Eigen" to "Eigene"
- #992 improved uux in selection of columns in table settings
- #994 moved search bar above new and existing configurations
- #994 disable inputs of newly added bpn configurations
- #995 disable creation and editof notifications for admin role
- #991 make menu table headers unvisible to not block column and filters of tables
- #915 Updated user manual documentation (chapters and screenshots)
- #998 fixed bug where global search bar could search for BPN and adjusted placeholder label to reflect column names
- #913 Changed severity icons
- #978 Fixed edc policy creation with edc version 0.7.0
Known knowns
- eclipse-tractusx#990 Frontend Refactoring
- eclipse-tractusx#914 Frontend Refactoring
- eclipse-tractusx#915 Frontend Refactoring
- eclipse-tractusx#908 Fix notification detailed view logic and table header z-index
- eclipse-tractusx#993 [UUX] Improve save button visibility when creating/editing notifications
- eclipse-tractusx#994 [UUX] Improve BPN-EDC configuration screen
- eclipse-tractusx#996 [UUX] Update portal configuration link
- eclipse-tractusx#1001 [UUX] Add legend to tables
- eclipse-tractusx#919 Replace Icons in the app with new ones
- eclipse-tractusx#913 Redesign colors of quality incident status and severity colors for UUX
- eclipse-tractusx#999 [UUX] Improve user feedback after approving notification
- eclipse-tractusx#787 Display errors after unsucessfully sending notifications
- eclipse-tractusx#1000 [BUG] Table not loading after editing and hitting back
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
Full Changelog: 11.0.0...11.0.0
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
[10.8.4 - 17.04.2024]
- #780 store api documenation in docs/api to conform with TRG 1.08
- #622 Notification Update API
- #774 Added initial concept for handling multiple BPNs
- #834 Added possiblity to exclude elements from the results of the asset api filter
- XXX Updated insomnia collection
- #834 Behaviour of parts selection in edit / create notification view
- #823 migrate to irs-helm 6.18.0
- #636 migrate to digital-twin-registry version 0.4.9 from 0.3.22
- #622 Added functionallity to edit existing notifications within CREATED state
- #602 use digitalTwinType instead of semanticId to determine asBuilt or asPlanned assets
- Spell check arc42 documentation and administration guide and make it consistent
- bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.4.14 to 1.5.4
- bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.3 to 4.0.0
- bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0
- bump from 2023.0.0 to 2023.0.1
- bump org.awaitility:awaitility from 3.0.0 to 4.2.1
- bump org.asciidoctor:asciidoctorj-diagram from 2.2.13 to 2.3.0
- bump io.cucumber:cucumber-bom from 7.15.0 to 7.16.1
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
Full Changelog: 10.8.2...10.8.2
- #695 OAuth2.0 Client scope configuration
- #606 Added error message into notifications on failure
- #596 Added Policy management documentation
- Added overview of the scheduler tasks in documentation
- #736 Added Contract Detailed View
- #706 Created notification classes to support both alert and investigations
- #706 Notification controller having the same endpoints as alerts and investigations controllers
- #736 add contractAgreementId as searchable field for /contracts
- Added capitalization section in
- #616 Allow edc notification update with empty asset list
- #630 Added Parts extended detailed view
- #709 Bumped spring-core from 6.0.17 to 6.1.5
- #606 cucumber tests retry on error
- #606 refactored response model to only be used by common model package tx-models
- #709 Fixed CVE-2024-22257 overriding spring-security-core from 6.1.7 to 6.2.3
- #596 Policy management has been moved to different module
- #616 Merged quality investigations / alerts into a single view
- #762 updated documentation for release 24.5
- #706 StartNotificationRequest now requires additional parameter type ("ALERT", "INVESTIGATION") which
- #706 Search criteria allows to filter by new type parameter
- #706 Notification response have new title parameter
- #718 update tj-actions/changed-files from v42 to v44
- #718 update maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.5 to 3.5.0
- #718 update jsonschema2pojo-core from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1
- #718 migrate Spring Boot from 3.1.9 to 3.2.4
- #630 Updated user manual with new part detailed view also for supplier and customer parts
- #736 fixed bug in request logic of contracts detailed view
- Improved the release documentation
- #706 QualityNotification naming in code replaced with Notification
- Shedlock, resilence4j, templateResolver as not used anymore
- #706 Removed alert and investigation specific classes and services to replace them with merged notification classes