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Jacob MacDonald edited this page Aug 2, 2016 · 5 revisions

Event listener setup

Add event listeners to the host element by providing a @Listen('event-name)` annotation to any method.

You can also add an event listener to any element in the $ collection using the syntax nodeId.eventName.



<dom-module id="x-custom">
    <div>I will respond</div>
    <div>to a tap on</div>
    <div>any of my children!</div>
    <div id="special">I am special!</div>


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  void regularTap(event, [_]) {
    window.alert('Thank you for tapping');
  void specialTap(event, [_]) {
    window.alert('It was special tapping');

Annotated event listener setup

To add event listeners to local-DOM children, use on-event annotations in your template. This often eliminates the need to give an element an id solely for the purpose of binding an event listener. For now you must also annotate the method with @reflectable to make those methods available.



<dom-module id="x-custom">
    <button on-click="handleClick">Kick Me</button>


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  handleClick(event, [_]) {

Because the event name is specified using an HTML attribute, the event name is always converted to lowercase. This is because HTML attribute names are case insensitive. So specifying on-myEvent adds a listener for myevent. The event handler name (for example, handleClick) is case sensitive.

Compatibility note: The syntax differs from 0.5, which required curly brackets ({{}}) around the event handler name.

Lowercase event names. When you use a declarative handler, the event name is converted to lowercase, because attributes are case-insensitive. So the attribute on-core-signal-newData sets up a listener for core-signal-newdata, not core-signal-newData. To avoid confusion, always use lowercase event names. {: .alert .alert-info }

Custom event listeners

If you want to do your own custom event listeners (using on['some-event'].listen(...)) then you will most likely need to call convertToDart on the event you receive in order to have access to all its properties. This is because any event fired from polymer (or the fire method) is actually a JS event. Remember that when setting up your own event listeners you will also need to clean them up, otherwise you will get memory leaks.

class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();

  StreamSubscription _clickSubscription;
  attached() {
    _clickSubscription = this.on['tap'].listen((e) {
      e = convertToDart(e);
      // Read things from `e`.

  detached()  {
    // Always cancel your event subscriptions!!!

Gesture events

Polymer fires a custom "gesture" events for certain user interactions automatically when a declarative listener is added for the event type. These events fire consistently on both touch and mouse environments, so we recommend using these events instead of their mouse- or touch-specific event counterparts. This provides better interoperability with both touch and mouse devices. For example, tap should be used instead of click for the most reliable cross-platform results.

Listening for certain gestures controls the scrolling direction for touch input. For example, nodes with a listener for the track event will prevent scrolling by default. Elements can override scroll direction with this.setScrollDirection(direction, node), where direction is one of 'x', 'y', 'none', or 'all', and node defaults to this.

The following are the gesture event types supported, with a short description and list of detail properties available on event.detail for each type:

  • down - finger/button went down
    • x - clientX coordinate for event
    • y - clientY coordinate for event
    • sourceEvent - the original DOM event that caused the down action
  • up - finger/button went up
    • x - clientX coordinate for event
    • y - clientY coordinate for event
    • sourceEvent - the original DOM event that caused the up action
  • tap - down & up occurred
    • x - clientX coordinate for event
    • y - clientY coordinate for event
    • sourceEvent - the original DOM event that caused the tap action
  • track - moving while finger/button is down
    • state - a string indicating the tracking state:
      • start - fired when tracking is first detected (finger/button down and moved past a pre-set distance threshold)
      • track - fired while tracking
      • end - fired when tracking ends
    • x - clientX coordinate for event
    • y - clientY coordinate for event
    • dx - change in pixels horizontally since the first track event
    • dy - change in pixels vertically since the first track event
    • ddx - change in pixels horizontally since last track event
    • ddy - change in pixels vertically since last track event
    • hover() - a function that may be called to determine the element currently being hovered



<dom-module id="drag-me">
    #dragme {
      width: 500px;
      height: 500px;
      background: gray;
    <div id="dragme" on-track="handleTrack">{{message}}</div>


class DragMe extends PolymerElement {
  DragMe.created() : super.created();

  String message;

  void handleTrack(e, detail) {
    switch(detail['state']) {
      case 'start':
        message = 'Tracking started!';
      case 'track':
        message = 'Tracking in progress... ${detail['x']}, ${detail['y']}';
      case 'end':
        message = 'Tracking ended!';
    notifyPath('message', message);

Example with @Listen:


<dom-module id="drag-me">
    #dragme {
      width: 500px;
      height: 500px;
      background: gray;
    <div id="dragme">{{message}}</div>


class DragMe extends PolymerElement {
  DragMe.created() : super.created();

  String message;

  void handleTrack(e, detail) {
    switch(detail['state']) {
      case 'start':
        message = 'Tracking started!';
      case 'track':
        message = 'Tracking in progress... ${detail['x']}, ${detail['y']}';
      case 'end':
        message = 'Tracking ended!';
    notifyPath('message', message);

Event retargeting

Shadow DOM has a feature called "event retargeting" which changes an event's target as it bubbles up, such that target is always in the receiving element's light DOM. Shady DOM does not do event retargeting, so events may behave differently depending on which local DOM system is in use.

Use Polymer.dom(event) to get a normalized event object that provides equivalent target data on both shady DOM and shadow DOM. Specifically, the normalized event has the following properties:

  • rootTarget: The original or root target before shadow retargeting (equivalent to event.path[0] under shadow DOM or under shady DOM).

  • localTarget: Retargeted event target (equivalent to under shadow DOM)

  • path: Array of nodes through which event will pass (equivalent to event.path under shadow DOM).