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Registration and Lifecycle

Jacob MacDonald edited this page Oct 1, 2015 · 9 revisions

To register a custom element, use the PolymerRegister annotation on a class, and pass in the tag name for the new element. The class must extend either PolymerElement or a native HTML element class. See the section Extend native HTML elements for more information.

By specification, the custom element's name must contain a dash (-).

You must also call initPolymer at some point in your program, which will find all the annotations and do the actual registration.


class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
  MyElement.created() : super.created();
  void ready() {
    text = `My element!`;

main() async {
  // Actually registers the elements.
  await initPolymer();

  // create an instance with createElement:
  var el1 = document.createElement('my-element');

Extending other custom elements is not directly supported today, although it may work in some cases. If you want to share behavior between elements it is recommended that you encapsulate the shared logic in a behavior, which is a special type of mixin class.

Define a custom constructor

If you want users of your element to be able to do new MyElement(), you can do that by simply making a factory constructor which calls document.createElement('my-element'). You can also set up additional state if desired.


class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
  MyElement.created() : super.created();
  factory MyElement() => document.createElement('my-element');

main() async {
  await initPolymer();

  MyElement el1 = new MyElement();

Extend native HTML elements

Polymer currently only supports extending native HTML elements (for example, input, or button, as opposed to extending other custom elements, which will be supported in a future release). These native element extensions are called type extension custom elements.

To extend a native HTML element, extend the native class instead of PolymerElement, and mix in PolymerBase and PolymerMixin. Then, call polymerCreated() inside the created constructor. You must also supply the tag name in the extendsTag named parameter of the PolymerRegister annotation, but this restriction may go away in the future.


@PolymerRegister('my-input', extendsTag: 'input')
class MyInput extends InputElement with PolymerBase, PolymerMixin {
  MyInput.created() : super.created() {
  factory MyInput() => document.createElement('input', 'my-input');
  void ready() {
    style.border = '1px solid red';

main() async {
  await initPolymer();

  MyInput el1 = new MyInput();

To use a type-extension element in markup, use the native tag and add an is attribute that specifies the extension type name:

<input is="my-input">

Lifecycle callbacks

Polymer elements can contain all the standard Custom Element lifecycle callbacks:

  • created
  • attached
  • detached
  • attributeChanged

Polymer adds an extra callback, ready, which is invoked when Polymer has finished creating and initializing the element's local DOM. I


class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
  MyElement.created() : super.created() {
    print('${localName}#$id was created');

  void attached() {
    print('${localName}#$id was attached');

  void detached() {
    print('${localName}#$id was detached');

  void attributeChanged(name, oldVal, newVal) {
    print('${localName}#$id attribute $name was changed to '

Ready callback and local DOM initialization

The ready callback is called when an element's local DOM is ready.

It is called after the element's template has been stamped and all elements inside the element's local DOM have been configured (with values bound from parents, deserialized attributes, or else default values) and had their ready method called.

Implement ready when it's necessary to manipulate an element's local DOM when the element is constructed.

void ready() {
  // access a local DOM element by ID using `$`
  $['header'].text = 'Hello!'

**Note:** This example uses [Automatic node finding](local-dom#node-finding) to access a local DOM element.

Within a given tree, ready is generally called in document order, but you should not rely on the ordering of initialization callbacks between sibling elements, or between a host element and its light DOM children.

Initialization order

The element's basic initialization order is:

  • PolymerElement created constructor (the super.created() call).
  • local DOM initialized
  • ready callback (as a result of super.created()).
  • Your custom element created constructor.
  • attached callback

Note that the initialization order may vary depending on whether or not the browser includes native support for web components. In particular, there are no guarantees with regard to initialization timing between sibling elements or between parents and light DOM children. You should not rely on observed timing to be identical across browsers, except as noted below.

For a given element:

  • The ready callback is always called before created.
  • The created callback is always called before attached.
  • The ready callback is called on any local DOM children before it's called on the host element.

This means that an element's light DOM children may be initialized before or after the parent element, and an element's siblings may become ready in any order.

For accessing sibling elements when an element initializes you can call async from inside the attached callback:

void attached() {
  async(() {
    // access sibling or parent elements here

**Dart note:** In Polymer JS, the `ready` method will actually be called before the `created` constructor, but in dart it is the other way around. This is because it gets invokes as part of the `polymerCreated()` call inside of the `PolymerElement.created()` constructor, which runs before your custom element constructor.

Static attributes on host

If a custom elements needs HTML attributes set on it at create-time, these may be declared in a hostAttributes static field of your class. This takes a map where keys are the attribute name and values are the values to be assigned. Values should typically be provided as strings, as HTML attributes can only be strings; however, the standard serialize method is used to convert values to strings, so true will serialize to an empty attribute, and false will result in no attribute set, and so forth (see Attribute serialization for more details).


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  static const hostAttributes = const {
    'string-attribute': 'Value',
    'boolean-attribute': true,
    'tabindex': 0,

Results in:

<x-custom string-attribute="Value" boolean-attribute tabindex="0">

**Note:** The `class` attribute can't be configured using `hostAttributes`.


Elements can share code in the form of behaviors, which can define properties, lifecycle callbacks, event listeners, and other features.

For more information, see Behaviors.