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Jacob MacDonald edited this page Oct 5, 2015 · 6 revisions

You can declare properties on your custom element by adding the @property annotation to any public field of the class. This allows a user to configure the property from markup (see attribute deserialization for details). Any property that's part of your element's public API should be annotated with @property.

In addition, the Property annotation can be used to specify:

  • Property change observer. Calls a method whenever the property value changes.
  • Two-way data binding support. Fires an event whenever the property value changes.
  • Computed property. Dynamically calculates a value based on other properties.
  • Property reflection to attribute. Updates the corresponding attribute value when the property value changes.


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created():
  @Property(observer: 'userChanged')
  String user;
  @Property(reflectToAttribute: true)
  bool isHappy;
  @Property(notify: true)
  num get count;

  @Property(computed: 'computeUserMessage(user, isHappy)')
  String userMessage;
  void userChanged(String newUser, String oldUser) { ... }

  String computeUserMessage(String user, bool isHappy) =>
    '$user is{!isHappy ? ' not' : ''} happy';

The Property object supports the following named arguments for each property:

Key Details
reflectToAttribute Type: bool

Set to true to cause the corresponding attribute to be set on the host node when the property value changes. If the property type is bool, the attribute is created as a standard HTML boolean attribute (set if true, not set if false). For other property types, the attribute value is a string representation of the property value. Equivalent to reflect in Polymer 0.5. See Reflecting properties to attributes for more information.

notify Type: bool

If true, the property is available for two-way data binding. In addition, an event, propertyName-changed is fired whenever the property changes. See Property change notification events for more information.

computed Type: String

The value is interpreted as a method name and argument list. The method is invoked to calculate the value whenever any of the argument values changes. Computed properties should never be written to directly. See Computed properties for more information.

observer Type: String

The value is interpreted as a method name to be invoked when the property value changes. Note that unlike in 0.5, property change handlers must be registered explicitly. The propertyName-changed method will not be invoked automatically. See Property change observers for more information.

Property name to attribute name mapping

For data binding, deserializing properties from attributes, and reflecting properties back to attributes, Polymer maps attribute names to property names and the reverse.

When mapping attribute names to property names:

  • Attribute names are converted to lowercase property names. For example, the attribute firstName maps to firstname.

  • Attribute names with dashes are converted to camelCase property names by capitalizing the character following each dash, then removing the dashes. For example, the attribute first-name maps to firstName.

The same mappings happen in reverse when converting property names to attribute names (for example, if a property is defined using reflectToAttribute: true.)

**Compatibility note:** In 0.5, Polymer attempted to map attribute names to corresponding properties. For example, the attribute `foobar` would map to the property `fooBar` if it was defined on the element. This **does not happen in 0.8** — attribute to property mappings are set up on the element at registration time based on the rules described above.

Attribute deserialization

If a field is annotated with @property, an attribute on the instance matching the property name will be deserialized according to the type specified and assigned to a field of the same name on the element instance.

The type system includes support for Map and List values expressed as JSON, or Date objects expressed as any Date-parsable string representation. Boolean properties set based on the existence of the attribute: if the attribute exists at all, its value is true, regardless of its string-value (and the value is only false if the attribute does not exist).



class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();

  String user;

  @Property(notify: true)
  bool manager = false;

  attached() {
    text = 'Hello World, my user is ${user == null ? 'nobody' : user}.\n'
        'This user is ${manager ? '' : 'not'} a manager.';


<x-custom user="Scott" manager></x-custom>
<x-custom>'s text content becomes:
Hello World, my user is Scott.
This user is a manager.

In order to configure camel-case properties of elements using attributes, dash- case should be used in the attribute name:


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  String userName;


<x-custom user-name="Scott"></x-custom>
<!-- Sets <x-custom>.userName = 'Scott';  -->

**Note:** Deserialization occurs both at create time, and at runtime (for example, when the attribute is changed using `setAttribute`). However, it is encouraged that attributes only be used for configuring properties in static markup, and instead that properties are set directly for changes at runtime.

Property change observers

Custom element properties may be observed for changes by specifying observer argument of the Property annotation for the field with the name of a function to call. When the property changes, the change handler will be called with the new and old values as arguments.


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();

  @Property(observer: 'disabledChanged')
  bool disabled;

  @Property(observer: 'highlightChanged')
  bool highlight;

  void disabledChanged(newValue, oldValue) {
    toggleClass('disabled', newValue);
    set('highlight', true);

  void highlightChanged([_, __]) {
    async(() {
    }, waitTime: 300);

**Dart note:** You must also annotate each of the methods with @reflectable in order to make them available via reflection.

Compatibility note: The argument order for change handlers is currently the opposite of the order used in 0.5.

Dart note: Property change observation is currently achieved in Polymer Dart by using the set function to modify any properties on your class. This is different from Polymer JS because we cannot dynamically create fields on your class. We will investigate alternatives for Polymer Dart 1.1.0.

Observing changes to multiple properties

To observe changes to a set of properties, use the @Observe(...) annotation.

These observers differ from single-property observers in a few ways:

  • Observers are not invoked until all dependent properties are defined (!= null).
    So each dependent properties should have a default value assigned (or otherwise be initialized to a non-null value) to ensure the observer is called.
  • Observers do not receive old values as arguments, only new values. Only single-property observers defined in the Property object receive both old and new values.


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  bool preload;
  String src;
  String size;
  @Observe('preload, src, size')
  void updateImage(bool newPreload, String newSrc, String newSize) {
    // ... do work using dependent values

In addition to properties, observers can also observe paths to sub-properties, paths with wildcards, or array changes.

Observing path changes

You can also observe changes to object sub-properties using the Observe annotation, by specifying a full path ( as a function argument.


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  User user;
  void userManagerChanged(User newUser) {
    print('new manager name is ' +;

To observe a change to a path (object sub-property) the value must be changed in one of the following ways:

  • Using a Polymer property binding to another element.
  • Using the set API, which provides the required notification to elements with registered interest.

**Dart note:** The above rules also apply to top-level properties in Dart.

Deep path observation

To call an observer when any (deep) sub-property of an object changes, specify a path with a wildcard (*).

When you specify a path with a wildcard, the argument passed to your observer is a change record object with the following properties:

  • path. Path to the property that changed.
  • value. New value of the path that changed.
  • base. The object matching the non-wildcard portion of the path.


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();

  User user;

  void userManagerChanged(Map changeRecord) {
    if (changeRecord['path'] == 'user.manager') {
      // user.manager object itself changed
      print('new manager name is ' + changeRecord['value'].name);
    } else {
      // sub-property of user.manager changed
      print('${changeRecord['path']} changed to ${changeRecord['value']}');

List observation

Finally, to observe mutations to lists (changes resulting from calls to add, addAll, clear, fillRange, insert, insertAll, removeItem, removeAt, removeLast, removeRange, removeWhere, replaceRange, retainWhere, setAll, and setRange), specify a path to an array followed by .splices as an argument to the observer function.

The value received by the observer for the splices path of a list is a change records with the following properties:

  • indexSplices. Lists the set of changes that occurred to the list, in terms of list indicies. Each indexSplices record contains the following properties:

    • index. Position where the splice started.
    • removed. List of removed items.
    • addedCount. Number of new items inserted at index.
  • keySplices. Lists the set of changes that occurred to the array in terms of "keys" used by Polymer for identifying list elements. Each keySplices record contains the following properties:

    • added. Array of added keys.
    • removed. Array of removed keys.


class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();

  List<User> users = [];
  void usersAddedOrRemoved(Map changeRecord) {
    if (changeRecord == null) return;
    changeRecord['indexSplices'].forEach((s) {
      s['removed'].forEach((user) {
        print('${} was removed');
      print('${s['addedCount']} users were added');

  void addUser() {
    add('users', new User("Jack Aubrey"));

List mutation methods. Observing changes to arrays is dependent on the change to the list being made through one of the list mutation methods provided on Polymer elements, which provides the required notification to elements with registered interest.

When you specify a wildcard path on an array, the observer is for both splices as well as array element sub-property changes. So the observer in the following example will be called for all additions, removals, and deep changes that occur in the array:

class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  List<User> users = [];
  void usersChanged(Map changeRecord) {
    if (changeRecord['path'] == 'users.splices') {
      // a user was added or removed
    } else {
      // an individual user or its sub-properties changed
      // check "changeRecord.path" to determine what changed

List mutation methods

When modifying lists, a set of list mutation methods are provided by the PolymerMixin class which mimic the List api, with the exception that they take a path string as the first argument and a few other minor differences. The path argument identifies a list on the element to mutate, with the following arguments matching those of the native List methods.

These methods perform the mutation action on the list, and then notify other elements that may be bound to the same list of the changes. You must use these methods when mutating a list to ensure that any elements watching the list (via observers, computed properties, or data bindings) are kept in sync.

Every Polymer element has the following list mutation methods available:

  • add(String path, item)
  • addAll(String path, Iterable items)
  • clear(String path)
  • fillRange(String path, int start, int end, [fillValue])
  • insert(String path, int index, element)
  • insertAll(String path, int index, Iterable elements)
  • removeItem(String path, value)
    • remove was renamed to removeItem because HtmlElement already has a method by that name.
  • removeAt(String path, int index)
  • removeLast(String path)
  • removeRange(String path, int start, int end)
  • removeWhere(String path, bool test(element))
  • replaceRange(String path, int start, int end, Iterable replacement)
  • retainWhere(String path, bool test(element))
  • setAll(String path, int index, Iterable iterable)
  • setRange(String path, int start, int end, Iterable iterable, [int skipCount = 0])



<dom-module id="custom-element">
    <template is="dom-repeat">{{users}}</template>


class CustomElement extends PolymerElement {
  CustomElement.created() : super.created();
  void addUser(User user) {
    add('users', user);
  void removeUser(User user) {
    removeItem('users', user);

Property change notification events

When a property is set to notify: true, an event, propertyName-changed, is fired whenever the property value changes. These events are used by the two-way data binding system, and can also notify external scripts and frameworks to respond to changes in the element.

For more on property change notifications and data binding, see Property change notification and two-way binding.

Read-only properties

When a property only "produces" data and never consumes data, this can be made explicit to avoid accidental changes from the host by defining only a getter for the field. In order for the element to actually change the value of the property, it must use a private variable which holds the actual value, following normal dart semantics. Then, to notify the system that the value has changed, you must call notifyPath('propertyName', value);.

class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
  MyElement.created() : super.created();
  String get myValue => _myValue;
  String _myValue;
  someEventHandler() {
    _myValue = 'hello!';
    notifyPath('myValue', _myValue);

**Dart note:** In Polymer Js they create magic `_set{{PropertyName}}` functions, which set the value and call notifyPath. In dart we can't create these on the fly, so you have to manually call `notifyPath`.

For more on read-only properties and data binding, see Property change notification and two-way binding.

Computed properties

Polymer supports virtual properties whose values are calculated from other properties.

To define a computed property, pass computed: 'someFunction(...) to the @Property annotation:

@Property(computed: 'computeFullName(first, last)');
String fullName;

The function is provided as a string with dependent properties as arguments in parenthesis. The function will be called once for any change to the dependent properties.

The computing function is not invoked until all dependent properties are defined (!= null). So each dependent properties should have a default value (or otherwise be initialized to a non-null value) to ensure the property is computed.

**Note:** The definition of a computing function looks like the definition of a [multi-property observer](#observing-changes-to-multiple-properties), and the two act almost identically. The only difference is that the computed property function returns a value that's exposed as a virtual property.


<dom-module id="x-custom">

    My name is <span>{%raw%}{{fullName}}{%endraw%}</span>



class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  String first;
  String last;
  @Property(computed: 'computeFullName(first, last)')
  String fullName;
  String computeFullName(String first, String last) {
    return '$first $last';

Arguments to computing functions may be simple properties on the element, as well as any of the arguments types supported by observers, including paths, paths with wildcards, and paths to array splices.
The arguments received by the computing function match those described in the sections referenced above.

**Note:** If you only need a computed property for a data binding, you can use a computed binding instead. See [Computed bindings](data-binding-syntax#computed-bindings).

Reflecting properties to attributes

In specific cases, it may be useful to keep an HTML attribute value in sync with a property value. This may be achieved by setting reflectToAttribute: true on a property in the Property annotation object. This will cause any change to the property to be serialized out to an attribute of the same name.

class XCustom extends PolymerElement {
  XCustom.created() : super.created();
  @Property(reflectToAttribute: true)
  String myString;
  ready() {
    set('myString', 'ready');
    // results in attributes['my-string'] = 'ready';

Attribute serialization

When reflecting a property to an attribute or binding a property to an attribute, the property value is serialized to the attribute.

By default, values are serialized according to value's current type.

  • String. No serialization required.
  • DateTime or num. Serialized using toString.
  • bool. Results in a non-valued attribute to be either set (true) or removed (false).
  • List or Map. Serialized using JSON.stringify.

To supply custom serialization for a custom element, override your element's serialize method.