DCC 0.4.5 release
We are proud to release version 0.4.5 of DCC as of today.
- #48: CircSkipJunctions does not contain junction orientation
- #25: DCC does not check if annotation file is present during start
- #26: CircCoordinate file gene annotation conatins only "." when run without -ss
- #27: DCC output directory needs to be created before logging starts
- #28: Temporary file names for circRNA counts are wrongly concatenated
- #29: Temporary file problem
- #30: fails if -R is not set
- #31: IndexError: list index out of range
- #32: Cant find 'tmp_unsortedNoChrM'
- #36: BAM error
- #38: Check for sorted BAM files fails if first chromosome has less than 100 mapped reads
- #39: Single End Read run crashes
- #40: Extract the circRNA sequences using the script getcircfasta
- #42: DCC crashes with -fg set and -M unset
- #46: Gene name annotations not included in final results
- #47: Dubious CircSkipJunctions output
- The
output file now has a fourth default column that includes the strand of the annotation. Also, all non-zero entries have now the following format:1:9930458-9935491-:2
, therefore including the strand information before the read count.