1340 commits
to jetty-9.4.x
since this release
Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members
- @joewitt (Joe Witt)
- @rk1165 (Ravi Kumar)
- @leonchen83 (Baoyi Chen)
- #5870 - jetty-maven-plugin fails to run ServletContainerInitializer on Windows due to URI case comparison bug
- #5855 - HttpClient may not send queued requests
- #5845 - Use UTF-8 encoding for client basic auth if requested
- #5830 - Jetty-util contains wrong Import-Package
- #5825 - Revisit Statistics classes (@rk1165)
- #5824 - Build up of ConstraintMappings when stopping and starting WebAppContext
- #5821 - JMX-ify Scheduler implementations (@rk1165)
- #5820 - backport fix for ArithmeticException in Pool
- #5804 - Jetty 9.4.x spotbug issue map iteration using entrySet(), diamond list creation
- #5801 - Implement max duration of HTTP ConnectionPools
- #5794 - ServerConnector leaks closed sockets which can lead to file descriptor exhaustion (@joewitt)
- #5785 - Reduce log level for WebSocket connections closed by clients
- #5783 - Fix ConnectionStatistics.*Rate() methods
- #5778 - fix ByteBufferPool race condition
- #5755 - Cannot configure maxDynamicTableSize on HTTP2Client
- #5743 - max usage count fixes
- #5726 - Implement and test a WebSocket Proxy with the 9.4 Jetty API
- #5725 - Review Preventers
- #5722 - Broken Documentation links
- #5718 - Use File.list and File.walk within a try with resource
- #5713 - Get rid of test dependencies on derby
- #5709 - Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0
- #5689 - Jetty ssl keystorePath doesn't work with absolute path
- #5672 - Bump maven-jxr-plugin from 2.5 to 3.0.0
- #5666 - Bump geronimo-atinject_1.0_spec from 1.1 to 1.2
- #5633 - Allow to configure HttpClient request authority
- #5499 - Improve temporary buffer usage for WebSocket PerMessageDeflate. (@leonchen83)