70 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- Flipp: use height value from server response (#3940)
- Blue: Add placementId bidder param (#4051)
- Equativ: SmartAdserver alias with update to use mtype (#4045)
- Rise: Update bidder info yaml (#4039)
- Pubmatic: Forward displaymanager and displaymanagerver from app ext (#4000)
- Conversant: Enable audio requests (#3996)
- Smaato: Send imp.ext object entirely (#3995)
- Adkernel: rxnetwork alias (#3956)
- Rubicon: Add bid.ext.prebid.meta tests (#3949)
- Silvermob: Use mtype and add global host (#3936)
- New Adapter: Connatix (#3916)
- Adf: Update cookie matching endpoint domain (#3585)
@AntoxaAntoxic, @AvinashKapre, @Enigo, @MishelleBit, @braizhas, @ckbo3hrk, @freemmy, @johnwier, @patrickszeleczki, @rneuplanche, @samuelfabel and @zkosanovic