released this
23 Jan 09:58
Major changes
Complete changelog
#6731 - Fix a few links in the documentation
#6729 - Vault Transit Engine guide
#6727 - Make optional the oauth2 configuration when the extension is disabled
#6719 - Fix JaCoCo report
#6716 - Disable the DNS resolver when creating the options
#6715 - Add example of adding multiple classes to --initialize-at-run-time
#6714 - Fix bug in KubernetesClientProducer causing wrong config for kubernetes client
#6712 - Gizmo 1.0.1.Final
#6711 - RESTEasy standalone does not serve files if http-root is set
#6708 - doc: fix security-jwt.adoc according to quickstart project
#6699 - Enable JNI for logging-gelf
#6697 - Native build fails with "quarkus-logging-gelf" extension (Unsupported method
#6692 - Update JWT guide with a list of smallrye-jwt properties
#6689 - doc: improve the Kubernetes extension docs slightly
#6684 - -H:+AddAllCharsets passed to native-image even though no extension requested it
#6683 - -H:+AddAllCharsets passed to native-image even though no extension requested it
#6681 - Ensure that a missing system property doesn't break the application
#6678 - Optimize Vert.x startup by avoiding DNS resolver initialization
#6675 - Qute - fix default template extensions for java.util.Map
#6674 - Thread safety issues
#6672 - Add support for .yml in addition to .yaml
#6671 - Fix restricting bean types via @typed
#6668 - quarkus-config-yaml does not recognize "application.yml"
#6666 - Don't restart on web resource change
#6665 - Fix a problem where env vars do not have the right ordinal
#6636 - Document Vault Transit Engine
#6608 - OIDC test checking the custom principal name is unstable
#6519 - Qute - fix default template extensions for java.util.Map
#6417 - Dev mode not working anymore when META-INF/resources is generated
#6252 - fix: handling of arrays in kubernetes properties
#3655 - REST Client false exception mapping when using CompletionStage
#3394 - Introduce quarkus-cache extension
#2383 - Document how to use JWT default groups, custom headers, custom group and sub path/defaults, kid, whitelists, jwk rotation
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