released this
07 Nov 16:12
Major changes
#28574 - Bump minimum GraalVM version to 22.2.0
Complete changelog
#29065 - Don't attach an uber-jar without a classifier
#29055 - Improve gRPC guide
#29054 - Add RR-common-types to the BOM
#29053 - Update the classloading reference guide to mention fast-jar vs legacy-jar
#29046 - Improve the Infinispan Client documentation with gradle
#29043 - Parent first dependencies method in Class Loading Reference guide not working for applications
#29041 - Removed unused method call to PathsUtil#findMainSourcesRoot
in JibProcessor
#29037 - Prevent possible NPE in OIDC BackChannelLogoutHandler
#29011 - Make the combination of @JSONVIEW and @SecureField work
#29010 - quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jackson with JsonView AND SecureField
#28988 - Prevent NPE in IDEDevModeMain
#28983 - Fix a link to Getting Started with Security doc
#28974 - Quarkiverse: Support release from feature branches
#28952 - Fix NPE in Hibernate Search devconsole
#28951 - Handle maintenance releases in
#28948 - Upgrade to JReleaser 1.3.0
#28939 - Warn about usage of Quarkus#blockingExit on the main thread
#28938 - Docs - reactive SQL clients also supports service binding
#28937 - Properly handle @JsonTypeIdResolver
#28935 - Prevent NPE in setAllHeaders
#28934 - Use non closeable output stream for writting the multipart entities
#28922 - NullPointerException in Reactive REST Client
#28920 - Downloading a big Multipart file on resteasy-reactive
is throwing an OutOfMemoryError
on Upstream
#28912 - Build fails with jackson annotated classes
#28894 - Mark Spring Data REST extension as stable in documentation
#28892 - Fix typo in security-getting-started.adoc
#28881 - Upgrade Hibernate ORM to 5.6.14.Final and ByteBuddy to 1.12.18, add test for HHH-15634
#28874 - Slightly optimize the number of allocations in Cache + Arc integration
#28871 - Fix context propagation documentation on how to disable using annotations
#28851 - Properly address the change default name mapping strategy for @RestHeader
#28850 - Disable relevant parts of Panache when Hibernate ORM/Reactive is disabled
#28845 - Propagate headers from @ClientHeaderParam
when using ClientHeadersFactory
#28843 - Use major.minor part of GraalVM version in documentation
#28842 - quarkus.hibernate-orm.enabled = false
doesn't work when using Panache
#28828 - Fix watch document with option when watch a database on reactive mongo client
#28823 - NullPointerException on startup in IDEDevModeMain
#28821 - Support programmatic multipart/form-data
#28810 - Ignore the error when the stream is closed and try to continue
#28799 - Error reading stream exception thrown from OutputFilter / NativeImageBuildStep
#28778 - Ban ConfigSourceFactory implementations from the main app module in the source codegen phase
#28776 - Qute docs - fix typo in User-defined Tags
#28758 - Unable to find ConfigSourceFactory provider after upgrading to Quarkus 2.13.3
#28756 - Reactive Routes- Proceed to the next handler when authenticated HTTP policy is set in
#28751 - Fix duplicated TOC in writing-extensions.adoc
#28749 - Render Java example properly in Security Getting Started docs
#28747 - Doc writing-extensions web site has a duplicated menu
#28745 - Mention Jaeger supporting OTLP out of the box
#28738 - @ClientHeaderParam is ignored when ClientHeadersFactory impl is used
#28736 - Make SecurityCheckStorage bean unremoveable
#28734 - Improve Kotlin Serialization for native mode
#28732 - Weird problem when using interface + class for JAX-RS Resources + Auth
#28730 - Bump mockito-bom from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1
#28715 - Unexpected behaviour when HTTP Authorization configured using
#28706 - Various small fixes to Hibernate Search guide
#28703 - Throw an IllegalStateException with basic info about the provider that failed to provide a resource
#28702 - Ensure that Ryuk does not get started when simply checking for Docker
#28685 - Revert Gradle patch that was too intrusive and introduced a regression and implement a simpler fix
#28683 - Add some documentation about LocaleResolver's for Hibernate Validator
#28682 - Fix gradle integrationTest task documentation
#28680 - Include more kinds of lists in test parameter converter support
#28677 - Quarkus test with @ParameterizedTest and @MethodSource using List.subList does not work
#28676 - Fix Liquibase + Mongodb connection string issue
#28672 - Incorrect connection string in liquibase-mongodb
#28657 - Provide a warning when a raw RestResponse return type is used
#28631 - Support programmatic multipart/form-data
#28627 - Using raw RestResponse
return type has unexpected consequences
#28574 - Bump minimum GraalVM version to 22.2.0
#28559 - Document how to use a custom locale resolver in Hibernate Validator
#28475 - Module support not available in GraalVM / Mandrel 21.3
#28440 - Build fails with Kotlin coroutine/suspend methods
#28374 - ArC - remove non-public jdk types from the set of bean types
#28261 - More Jakarta progress - Quartz, RESTEasy 6.2, SmallRye Reactive Messaging upgrade...
#28140 - Avoid letting our transformation rules getting transformed
#28092 - More progress on Jakarta
#28072 - Remove javax generated classes from mapstruct gradle tests
#28052 - Jakarta - EE 10 - RESTEasy 6.2 - Issue with config converter not being registered in native
#28018 - Jakarta - EE 10 - IBM Db2 native image build failure
#28005 - Jakarta - EE 10 - Gradle annotation processor test failing
#27962 - Jakarta - Fix some issues introduced when switching to parsson artifact and update WildFly Security to 2.0.0.Final
#27950 - Generate Code fails if project dependencies do not include a main SourceSet
#27910 - Allow transforming the DB2 JDBC driver to Jakarta APIs during Augmentation
#27809 - Jakarta - EE 10 - AWT test failures
#27807 - Jakarta - EE 10 - RestClientExceptionTest.testExceptionCaught failure
#27318 - Infinispan client extension does not work with gradle as build tool
#27066 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Native - Db2 driver depends on javax.transaction
#27065 - Jakarta - EE 9 - Native - Quartz and JTA
#25980 - Guide fix after code change
#25852 - Testcontainers ryuk abandoned during build without testing using Gradle
#22827 - OIDC-Client: Response status 0 and null entity when OIDC client auth is failing for Rest-Client-Reactive
#13665 - RESTEasy Reactive: change default name mapping strategy for @RestHeader
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