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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Feb 8, 2014 · 8 revisions

Last revision: ver. 4.3.1 - 15 October 2013

module omegaToolkit extends Widget wraps the omegaTookit::ui::Container

Base class for GUI container elements


Method(s) Description
static Container create(Layout layout, Container parent) Creates a new container widget with the specified layout
Container3Settings get3dSettings() Returns the container 3d settings for the container. See Container3dSettings.
setPixelOutputEnabled(bool) bool isPixelOutputEnabled() Sets pixel output for the container. When enabled, the container will render to a pixel buffer instead of the screen
PixelData getPixels() Returns the pixel data from the container when pixel output is enabled. See PixelData.
addChild(Widget child) Adds a child Widget to this container
removeChild(Widget child) Removes a child Widget from this container
Widget getChildByIndex(int) Returns a child Widget by index. Returns None if index is invalid.
Widget getChildByName() Returns a child Widget by name. Returns None if name is invalid.
int getNumChildren() Returns the number of children of this container
bool isClippingEnabled(), setClippingEnabled(bool enabled) Gets or sets container clipping mode. If cliping is enabled, children widgets outside of the container bounds are not drawn.
ContainerLayout getLayout(), setLayout(ContainerLayout layout) Gets or sets the layout of this container. The ContainerLayout enumeration contains the following values: LayoutFree, LayoutHorizontal, LayoutVertical, LayoutGrid
VAlign getVerticalAlign(), setVerticalAlign(VAlign align) Gets or sets the vertical alignment of widgets in the container. Supported values are VAlign.AlignTop, VAlign.AlignMiddle, VAlign.AlignBottom
HAlign getHorizontalAlign(), setHorizontalAlign(HAlign align) Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of widgets in the container. Supported values are HAlign.AlignLeft, HAlign.AlignCenter, HAlign.AlignRight
int getMargin(), setMargin(int pixels) Gets or sets the margin between the container's content and its borders
int getPadding(), setPadding(int pixels) Gets or sets the padding space between elements within the container
bool isEventInside(Event e) Returns true if the event happens within the container boundaries. This method supports all pointer and ray-generating events, and works with 2D and 3D mode containers.
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