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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Feb 8, 2014 · 6 revisions

module omegaToolkit wraps omegaTookit::ui::Container3dSettings

Stores settings used by ui container when rendering in 3d mode.


Property Description
enable3d When set to True renders this container in 3d mode
position The container 3d position as a Vector3 value
normal The container 3d normal as a Vector3 value
up The container 3d up vector as a Vector3 value
scale The container scale. Scale is the conversion between pixels and world units
alpha The container transparency (between 0.0 and 1.0)
node The SceneNode this container is attached to. When a container is attached to a scene node and rendered in 3d, its position and orientation will be relative to the attached node. This is useful to create camera-attached 3d widgets.


Attaching 3d widgets to scene nodes

# A custom container and attach it to the camera as a 3d head-up display
from omegaToolkit import *
uim = UiModule.createAndInitialize()

hud = Container.create(ContainerLayout.LayoutVertical, uim.getUi())
hud.setStyle('fill: #00000080')
l1 = Label.create(hud)
l2 = Label.create(hud)
l3 = Label.create(hud)

l1.setFont('fonts/arial.ttf 20')
l1.setText("Heads up display test")

l2.setFont('fonts/arial.ttf 14')
l2.setText("Camera position:")

l3.setFont('fonts/arial.ttf 14')

# enable 3d mode for the hud container and attach it to the camera.
c3d = hud.get3dSettings()
c3d.enable3d = True
c3d.position = Vector3(0, 2.5, -2.5)
# Rotate the hud a little. Note that rotation needs to be specified 
# as a vector.
c3d.normal = quaternionFromEulerDeg(0,-30,0) * Vector3(0,0,1)
# Scale is the conversion factor between pixels and meters
c3d.scale = 0.004
c3d.node = getDefaultCamera()

def onUpdate(frame, time, dt):
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