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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Jun 12, 2013 · 29 revisions

[[modue omegaToolkit]] wraps omegaTookit::ui::Widget

Base class for GUI elements


Method(s) Description
setVisible(visible), isVisible() Gets or sets the visibility for the widget
setPosition(position), getPosition() Gets or sets the widget position in pixels as a Vector2 value
getSize(), 'getSize(size) Gets or sets the size of the widget in pixels as a Vector2 value
getWidth(), 'setWidth(value) Gets or sets the widget width
getHeight(), 'setHeight(value) Gets or sets the widget height
setName(name), getName() Gets or sets the widget name
setStyle(style) Sets one or more widget styles as key: value pairs
setStyleValue(style, value) Sets the value for a single style key
refresh() Forces a widget refresh
hitTest(position) Checks if the specified pixel position (as a Vector2 value) lies within the widget area
setUIEventCommand(command) Sets the command to be invoked when events happen in the widget area (like clicks or value changes)
getLayer(), setLayer(value) Gets or sets the layer for the widget. Layers influence the drawing order of widgets within the same container
transformPoint(point) Transforms a point from global pixel coordinates to local pixel coordinates in the widget space. Returns a Vector2 value
setCenter(point), getCenter() Gets or Sets the widget position by it center
setAlpha(value) getAlpha() Gets or sets the transparency of the widget. Blendng must be enabled through setBlendMode
setBlendMode(value) setBlendMode() Gets or sets the blend mode for the widget
setUpdateCommand(cmdstring) getUpdateCommand() Gets or specified an update command to be executed for each update cycle on the widget. Example: widget.setUpdateCommand("print('widget updated')")
isStereo() setStereo(value) Gets or sets stereo mode for the Widget. Some widgets (like Image) perform rendering differently when stereo mode is enabled. For instance, Image supports rendering of side-by-side stereo images.

Widget layers

The method getLayer() returns a value from the WidgetLayer enumeration. The WidgetLayer enumeration contains the following values: Front, Middle, Back

Widget Blend Mode

The method getLayer() returns a value from the WidgetBlendMode enumeration. The WidgetLayer enumeration:

  • BlendInherit sets the blend mode to inherited from parent
  • BlendNormal sets the blend mode to standard blending
  • BlendAdditive sets the blend mode to additive blending


The methods setStyle and setStyleValue accept the following style keys:

  • fill: sets the widget fill color. Example: widget.setStyleValue('fill', '#ff0000')
  • border: sets the border style for all borders. widget fill color. Border style is a border width followed by a borer color. Example: widget.setStyleValue('border', '2 #ffff00')
  • border-top, border-bottom, border-left, border-right: sets each border side style separately
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