What's Changed
- Add unit tests for sha256 functions by @hikinggrass in #548
- drop use of deprecated OpenSSL functions by @barsnick in #535
- Fix ConfigurationInventory reporting in GetBaseReport by @hikinggrass in #545
- OCPP1.6: Improved offline transaction handling by @Pietfried in #551
- Refactoring database handling to allow for unit testing by @marcemmers in #549
- Adding OCPP 2.0.1 status document by @RobertDeLeeuw in #540
- Made libwebsocket usage default by @AssemblyJohn in #555
- Support configurable TxStart and TxStop points by @Pietfried in #546
- OCPP2.0.1: Device model access for EVSE and Connector specific variables by @Pietfried in #553
- Validate a TxDefaultProfile. by @gberardi-pillar in #524
- OCPP1.6: Call set_connection_timeout in start function by @Pietfried in #557
- OCPP1.6: Handling when received CALL while in ConnectionState::Rejected by @Pietfried in #558
- OCSP updater improvements by @Pietfried in #559
- Messages are not waited for delivery when disconencted by @AssemblyJohn in #560
- Improved validation of TxProfile by @Pietfried in #561
- OCPP1.6: Retrieve faulted state from state machine by @Pietfried in #562
- Various custom data extensions by @hikinggrass in #541
- Response TriggerMessage Rejected for MeterValues if the measurand does not exist by @jannejy in #564
- OCPP2.0.1: Allowing NotifyReportResponse by CSMS in pending by @Pietfried in #565
- Fix Integrity Check of number of Evses and Connectors by @Pietfried in #570
- Fixed message received from CSMS too large by @AssemblyJohn in #569
- Remove redundant conversions for CustomData by @hikinggrass in #571
- Add IdTagInfo to startTransaction.conf callbacks by @bWF0dGhpYXMK in #498
- Add functionality for database migrations by @marcemmers in #556
- Executing disconnected callback when websocket connection is closed by @Pietfried in #573
- Move handling of changed variable by @Pietfried in #575
- OCPP2.0.1: Reasonable default config by @Pietfried in #576
- Schedule Validation Follow-Ups by @christopher-davis-afs in #537
- Updated for libevse usage by @AssemblyJohn in #583
- Send idToken at finish transaction only if it is deauthorized using a token by @jannejy in #578
- Remove evse from TransactionEvent Updated and Ended by @jannejy in #581
- Drop transaction message from database if delivery attempts are exceeded by @hikinggrass in #579
- Switch to libevse-security tag v0.6.0 by @hikinggrass in #586
- Removed dependency on websocket++, minimized dependencies by @AssemblyJohn in #568
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0