All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Conversion Host Wizard: Set VDDK as default transformation method (#1008)
- Hide Back and Cancel buttons on the last step of Migration wizards (#1009)
- Fix conversion host name not appearing on plan details after conversion host is deleted (#1015)
- Remove PreMigration Ansible playbook (#567)
- Remove CollapseSnapshots state and methods (#566)
- Remove check of task.options[:collapse_snapshots] (#564)
- Add assert_privileges() to download_migration_log() (#1007)
- Add BreadcrumbPageSwitcher for Plans, Mappings and Settings pages (#963)
- Enable (un-hide) the Conversion Hosts tab of the Settings page (#922)
- Add Download Log action to conversion host list items that creates a file from context_data (#948)
- Add option to sort plans by Completed time, and fix alignment in plan list views (#934)
- Mapping Wizard: filter datastores to only those with storage_domain_type === 'data' (#947)
- Add OpenStack Trusted CA Certificates field to Conversion Host Wizard (#952)
- Prevent migration task info popovers with long error messages from being pushed off the screen (#962)
- Use conversion_hosts API for RHV target cluster warnings instead of host CF tags (#847)
- Rename Concurrent Migrations to Migration Throttling (#892)
- Add info popover to broken infra mapping error icons (#906)
- Phase 2 of vertical menu fixes (#822)
- Add 'Status Detail' enhanced error message to info popover on a migration task (#918)
- Plan Wizard VMs Step - VMWare Folder View (#917)
- Add new options for migration throttling (#897)
- Rename Concurrent Migrations to Migration Throttling (#892)
- Add "Flavor" and "Security Group" CSV columns and associated warnings (#845)
- Prevent Settings form from being destroyed on unmount (#839)
- Edit Plan: fetch correct status of pre-selected VMs using VM validation service (#841)
- Fix breadcrumb bars to be consistent with the rest of CloudForms (#925)
- Migration Plans in Progress page: fix error with deleted target provider (#923)
- Fix call to transformation_log_queue (#926)
- Filter cloud_tenants to Openstack providers explicitly (prevents errors with RHV-4.3 providers) (#920)
- V2v specify migration log type (#887)
- Add Virt-v2v-wrapper log download menu item (#888)
- Set backdrop='static' on all modals to prevent accidentally closing them (#844)
- Fetch providers first (#849)