Releases: actnwit/RhodoniteTS
Releases · actnwit/RhodoniteTS
Major Changes
- Significant drawing performance improvements (WebGL & WebGPU)
- IBL and glTF KHR_materials_clearcoat, KHR_materials_transmittance support in WebGPU.
- Support ClassicUberShader in WebGPU.
Minor Changes
- (Destructive) getTexturePixelData, downloadTexturePixelData and getPixelValueAt methods of RenderTargetTexture are now async functions
What's Changed
- fix: reduce draw count by @emadurandal in #1321
- remove duplicated submodule by @emadurandal in #1322
- fix: ibl in webgpu by @emadurandal in #1323
- feat: env in webgpu by @emadurandal in #1324
- feat: fbo wgpu by @emadurandal in #1325
- add missing this.__update = false by @emadurandal in #1326
- fix: sorting by @emadurandal in #1327
- remove unused import by @emadurandal in #1328
- feat: support clearcoat in WebGPU by @emadurandal in #1329
- feat: transmission by @emadurandal in #1330
- feat: classic uber webgpu by @emadurandal in #1331
- add _shallowCopyFrom to VrmComponent by @emadurandal in #1332
- fix: projection matrix by @emadurandal in #1333
- fix: _setForce by @emadurandal in #1334
- Fix: test works by @emadurandal in #1335
- optimize code by @emadurandal in #1336
- optimize performance (cache texture binding) by @emadurandal in #1337
- optimize startRenderLoop by @emadurandal in #1338
- opt: webgpu 3 by @emadurandal in #1339
- opt: webgpu 2 by @emadurandal in #1340
- Fix: morph webgpu by @emadurandal in #1341
- opt: renderpass by @emadurandal in #1342
- fix: isvisible by @emadurandal in #1343
- opt: forward render pipeline by @emadurandal in #1344
- opt: webgpu by @emadurandal in #1345
- opt: rendering by @emadurandal in #1346
Full Changelog: v0.11.10...v0.12.0
Major Changes
- VRM1 model's outline is now properly drawn
- Fix(Destructive Change): To set diffuseCubeMap and specularCubeMap to MeshRendererComponent, use the setIBLCubeMap method
- Improve Animation Retarget process
What's Changed
- fix: VRM1 outlineWidthFactor unit by @emadurandal in #1310
- feat: camera by @emadurandal in #1311
- fix: material by @emadurandal in #1312
- add resetViewerTransform method to WebXRSystem.ts by @emadurandal in #1313
- feat: retarget by @emadurandal in #1314
- fix: animation blending ratio by @emadurandal in #1315
- fix: xr frustum culling by @emadurandal in #1316
- feat: add setUseGlobalTime and setAnimationTime by @emadurandal in #1317
- feat: webgpu by @emadurandal in #1318
- fix: setIBLCubeMap in MeshRendererComponent.ts by @emadurandal in #1319
- feat: logger by @emadurandal in #1320
Full Changelog: v0.11.9...v0.11.10
Major Changes
- Improve WebXR stability
- If camera's spect is set to a negative value, the aspect of the viewport is adopted.
- Improved stability of Frustum Culling.
- Improve Result Class
- Improve Skinning stability
What's Changed
- test: puppeteer by @emadurandal in #1296
- fix: matrixRestInner by @emadurandal in #1297
- feat: webgpu by @emadurandal in #1288
- feat: Result class by @emadurandal in #1298
- Fix: skeletal animation by @emadurandal in #1301
- fix: transform by @emadurandal in #1300
- test: add AABB test by @emadurandal in #1302
- fix: world aabb calculation by @emadurandal in #1303
- refactor by @emadurandal in #1304
- feat: animation loop by @emadurandal in #1305
- feat: animation retarget blending by @emadurandal in #1306
- test: frustum by @emadurandal in #1307
- fix: reset this.__xrInputSources at the end by @emadurandal in #1308
- feat: camera aspect by @emadurandal in #1309
Full Changelog: v0.11.8...v0.11.9
Major Changes
- Support Physics Simulation (For Cube and Sphere) using Oimo.js
What's Changed
- refactor: samples by @emadurandal in #1287
- feat: make boneMatrix 4x3 from 4x4 by @emadurandal in #1289
- fix: optimize skinning by @emadurandal in #1290
- feat: add oimo.js by @emadurandal in #1291
- feat: add createCubes and createSpheres by @emadurandal in #1292
- refactor: pbr by @emadurandal in #1293
- fix: generate mipmap by @emadurandal in #1294
Full Changelog: v0.11.7...v0.11.8
Major Changed
- Animation Blending
- VRMA (VRM Animation) Support
- glTF KHR_materials_anisotropy Support
What's Changed
- refactor: vrm spring bone by @emadurandal in #1276
- fix: applyRotation by @emadurandal in #1277
- fix: make spring bone more stable by @emadurandal in #1278
- fix: enableCameraController and disableCameraController by @emadurandal in #1279
- feat: add useGlobalTime and time by @emadurandal in #1280
- refactor: require hdrpng by @emadurandal in #1281
- refactor: remove unused GlobalRetarget2 class by @emadurandal in #1282
- feat: animation blending by @emadurandal in #1283
- feat: vrma by @emadurandal in #1284
- fix: if the first joint has no animation (e.g. Root joint), expect th… by @emadurandal in #1285
- feat: gltf anisotropy by @emadurandal in #1286
Full Changelog: v0.11.6...v0.11.7
Major Changed
- VRM Constraint support
- Entity Reuse
- Specular Anti-aliasing
What's Changed
- feat: light by @emadurandal in #1268
- fix: range check for variance shadow mapping by @emadurandal in #1269
- fix: add _destory() to MeshComponent.ts by @emadurandal in #1270
- refactor: variance shadow map by @emadurandal in #1271
- feat: vrm constraint by @emadurandal in #1272
- feat: entity reuse by @emadurandal in #1273
- feat: introduce specular antialiasing by @emadurandal in #1274
- fix: colliders by @emadurandal in #1275
Full Changelog: v0.11.5...v0.11.6
Major Changed
- support VRM1 expression
- support VRM1 capsule collider
What's Changed
- fix: animation assigner and VRM extension detection by @emadurandal in #1258
- feat: add setters to rest by @emadurandal in #1259
- feat: support VRM1 expressions by @emadurandal in #1260
- feat: vrm1 physics by @emadurandal in #1261
- fix: vrm1 physics by @emadurandal in #1262
- fix: vrm spring bone physics by @emadurandal in #1263
- feat: vrm capsule collider by @emadurandal in #1264
- fix: vrm spring bone by @emadurandal in #1265
- feat: add getRotationRest method to SceneGraphComponent by @emadurandal in #1266
- fix: calculation of euler angles by @emadurandal in #1267
Full Changelog: v0.11.4...v0.11.5
Major Changed
- Improve VRM spring bone physics
What's Changed
- refactor: sampler by @emadurandal in #1246
- refactor: material by @emadurandal in #1252
- refactor: material by @emadurandal in #1253
- refactor: reduce circular dependencies by @emadurandal in #1254
- fix: vrm spring bone by @emadurandal in #1256
- fix: transparent by @emadurandal in #1257
Full Changelog: v0.11.3...v0.11.4
Major Changes
- Enhance Frustum Culling
- Update EffekseerComponent (Transparent Compositing with background HTML)
What's Changed
- fix: vrmEntity.getVrm().setVrmExpressions(vrmExpressions); by @emadurandal in #1238
- feat: add OCULUS_multiview and OVR_multiview2 by @emadurandal in #1239
- refactor: swc by @emadurandal in #1240
- refactor: material by @emadurandal in #1241
- refactor: material by @emadurandal in #1242
- refactor by @emadurandal in #1243
- refactor: add rebuildProgram by @emadurandal in #1245
- refactor: fix error by @emadurandal in #1244
- fix: materials_unlit by @emadurandal in #1247
- fix: frustum culling by @emadurandal in #1248
- Feat: add checking frustum outside/inside box by @emadurandal in #1249
- refactor: optimize importing by @emadurandal in #1250
- feat: effekseer by @emadurandal in #1251
Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.11.3
Major Changes
- Entity shallow copy function on EntityRepository class
- Support Instanced Skin Mesh with EntityRepository.shallowCopyEntity method
What's Changed
- feat: duplicating entity and Instanced Skin Mesh by @emadurandal in #1232
- feat: support Instanced Skinning of VRM model by @emadurandal in #1233
- fix: WebXRInput.updateMotionControllerModel by @emadurandal in #1234
- fix: min/max setting in accessor by @emadurandal in #1235
- fix: MeshHelper's default arguments by @emadurandal in #1236
- fix: MeshHelper's default arguments by @emadurandal in #1237
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.11.2