Change Log
amplify-category-auth 2.28.2 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
auth: update oauth prompt help text to mention that selecting "no" will remove existing configuration (#6670 ) (83ec192 )
insert hostedUIProviderCreds empty array on hostedUI (#6485 ) (5ebee51 )
amplify-cli 4.44.1 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
amplify-codegen 2.21.3 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
amplify-codegen: correct docFilePath in codegen add and configure (#6530 ) (f82b069 )
amplify-codegen: use correct array type for includePattern (#6722 ) (e384524 )
amplify-go-function-runtime-provider 1.6.1 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
amplify-provider-awscloudformation 4.39.1 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
insert hostedUIProviderCreds empty array on hostedUI (#6485 ) (5ebee51 )
amplify-provider-awscloudformation: Amplify Admin authentication token refresh (#6721 ) (bda37b4 )
amplify-provider-awscloudformation: use right creds when waiting for ddb table (#6646 ) (e746d2a )
amplify-util-mock 3.28.1 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
graphql-auth-transformer 6.23.7 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
graphql-auth-transformer: fix auth on non model types (#6579 ) (deb53bd ), closes #6557
graphql-key-transformer 2.21.3 (2021-02-24)
Bug Fixes
graphql-key-transformer: fix delta with selective sync query (#6664 ) (c326c9c )
graphql-key-transformer: fix delta with selective sync query (#6683 ) (e6f0cd4 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.