This release fixes a number of issues around the PostgreSQL,
OracleDB and MySQL platforms database introspection.
Connection DSN generation fixes were applied for the
SQLAnywhere driver.
Corrections on how record fetching mode have been applied to
the DB2 driver.
Fixes were applied to the handling of cursors and result
caching with pdo_sqlsrv.
Total issues resolved: 16
- 889: #1234 On OracleDB, a "Table has no primary key" error is raised when the index and the constraint name don't match thanks to @nitso
- 1131: DBAL-1188: OracleDB: List table columns are returned in the wrong order thanks to @doctrinebot
- 1234: DBAL-1280: "Table has no primary key" when generating entities for Oracle tables thanks to @doctrinebot
- 2405: SQLAnywhere corrections for DSN generation and persistent connections thanks to @andipohl
- 2647: DBAL-2644: Fix
on DB2 with Portability wrapper thanks to @morozov - 2650: Fix result cache and PDO connection test on
thanks to @deeky666 - 2651: Fix closing statement cursor on
if not executed yet thanks to @deeky666 - 2654: Make functional sqlanywhere driver tests conditional thanks to @deeky666
- 2670: Slash before
in postgresqlLIKE
condition with anypg_
prefix to prevent confusion with the wildcard character thanks to @blackbjorn - 2673: #1131 On OracleDB,
returns columns ordered by position instead of by name thanks to @mdwheele - 2686: #889 On OracleDB, primary key is considered missing if
index_name != constraint_name
thanks to @SkydiveMarius - 2696: MySQL: Fix primary key alteration when adding new columns thanks to @drieschel
- 2714:
is not normalising PK column, and is unable to distinguish different casing thanks to @dhensby - 2715: #2714
is now case-insensitive thanks to @dhensby - 2720:
fails if there are quoted strings containing only backslashes thanks to @mondrake - 2730: Corrected duplicate
part in DDL statement thanks to @mondrake