Releases: microsoft/python-environment-tools
Releases · microsoft/python-environment-tools
What's Changed
- Build from Azure Pipelines by @karthiknadig in #144
- Use Azure pipelines for binary builds by @karthiknadig in #145
- Cleanup and fixes by @karthiknadig in #148
- Ignore empty paths in windows registry search by @DonJayamanne in #156
- Always list all global poetry envs by @DonJayamanne in #158
- Fallback to finding conda install dir if not found by @DonJayamanne in #159
Full Changelog: v2024.14.0...v2024.16.0
What's Changed
- Changed the order of locaters by @Armd04 in #136
- Resolve with paths not just exe by @DonJayamanne in #140
- Build from Azure Pipelines by @karthiknadig in #147
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2024.12.0...v2024.14.0
What's Changed
- Test for homebrew, conda in codespaces and poetry by @DonJayamanne in #63
- Enable tests on windows and validate by resolving environments from all symlinks by @DonJayamanne in #67
- Identify more homebrew symlinks by @DonJayamanne in #70
- Rename
by @DonJayamanne in #75 - Handle requests in a separate thread by @DonJayamanne in #78
- Determine environments within the search instead of being asked to use a fallback by @DonJayamanne in #76
- Tests to validate result of resolved environments by @DonJayamanne in #77
- Additional symlink paths by @DonJayamanne in #80
- Optimize workspace serach for .venv and .conda by @DonJayamanne in #81
- Pipenv tests by @DonJayamanne in #83
- Hardcode exe returned for windows store envs by @DonJayamanne in #86
- style: simplify string formatting by @hamirmahal in #88
- Update documentation by @DonJayamanne in #89
- Add Samples and remove a JSON serialization layer by @DonJayamanne in #90
- Rename category to kind by @DonJayamanne in #91
- Remove unknown and make
optional when kind is unknown by @DonJayamanne in #92 - Create the object in a single operation by @cclauss in #93
- Parse env variables once and avoid unnecessary metadata reads by @DonJayamanne in #94
- Improvements to condarc search and parsing by @DonJayamanne in #95
- Identify and report conda envs not found by @DonJayamanne in #97
- Add more information about missing conda env_dirs by @DonJayamanne in #99
- Determine failures to find poetry envs by @DonJayamanne in #100
- Add a configure req, rename project to workspace by @DonJayamanne in #101
- Drop search path by @DonJayamanne in #102
- Allow refreshing again by @DonJayamanne in #103
- Add rpc method to get conda info by @DonJayamanne in #106
- Add support for finding without resolving by @DonJayamanne in #107
- Capture Performance metrics by @DonJayamanne in #108
- Drop test reporter by @DonJayamanne in #109
- Always clear cache before searching by @DonJayamanne in #110
- Capture environments.txt file for comparison by @DonJayamanne in #111
- Search for envs using user provided conda exe by @DonJayamanne in #112
- Cache interpreter info in memory by @DonJayamanne in #113
- Cache python interpreter info in file by @DonJayamanne in #115
- There can be only one refresh request at a time by @DonJayamanne in #116
- Tweek conda search paths by @DonJayamanne in #118
- Clear cache request by @DonJayamanne in #117
- Fixes to in-memory caching and added tests for file caching by @DonJayamanne in #119
- Update JSON RPC docs by @DonJayamanne in #120
- Ensure crt-static is applied to all platforms by @karthiknadig in #123
- Additional search paths for condarc by @DonJayamanne in #121
- Update refresh request by @DonJayamanne in #126
- Re-configure locators on every refresh by @DonJayamanne in #127
- Update documentation by @DonJayamanne in #128
- Return user friendly exe for Windows Store Python by @DonJayamanne in #133
New Contributors
- @hamirmahal made their first contribution in #88
- @cclauss made their first contribution in #93
Full Changelog: v2024.10.0...v2024.12.0
What's Changed
- Initial commit with skeletal code by @DonJayamanne in #1
- GHA for PR/CI by @karthiknadig in #2
- Fix linters and tests by @DonJayamanne in #4
- Add build from main and release with artifacts by @karthiknadig in #5
- Add other locators and more tests by @DonJayamanne in #7
- Add
by @karthiknadig in #6 - Add a CLI by @DonJayamanne in #8
- Run discovery on CI and adjust Conda env discovery by @DonJayamanne in #9
- Separate build and tests by @DonJayamanne in #11
- Conda ci test by @DonJayamanne in #13
- Preserve case for Windows paths as found on disc by @DonJayamanne in #15
- Add Homebrew and conda envs by @karthiknadig in #16
all paths by @DonJayamanne in #17- Tests to verify data extracted is accurate by @DonJayamanne in #19
- Updates to extraction of version by @DonJayamanne in #20
- Add tests for virtualenvwrapper, pyenv-virtuaenv, conda and a fixes by @DonJayamanne in #26
- Incremental reporting of Conda envs by @DonJayamanne in #28
- Updating markdown files by @cwebster-99 in #24
- Add
flags for windows by @karthiknadig in #30 - Refactor to add more tests and mac global searches by @DonJayamanne in #31
- Support getting versions for other virtual envs by @DonJayamanne in #32
- Add support for JSON RPC requests by @DonJayamanne in #34
- Support resolving Python environments by @DonJayamanne in #35
- Ensure local venvs are not detected as homebrew by @DonJayamanne in #37
- Use Custom crates feed for azure builds by @karthiknadig in #33
- Temporarily turn off custom registry by @karthiknadig in #39
- Support searching PATH, workspaces and some fixes by @DonJayamanne in #41
- Update devcontainers by @DonJayamanne in #40
- Remove duplicate environments by @DonJayamanne in #42
- Add support for Poetry along with some fixes to PyEnv, Conda by @DonJayamanne in #44
- Fixes parsing of cmd in history file on unix by @DonJayamanne in #47
- Ignore non-conda envs in Conda locator by @DonJayamanne in #49
- Capture total times by each locator by @DonJayamanne in #50
- Ensure we search in global paths on Windows by @DonJayamanne in #52
- Fixes for python in /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin by @DonJayamanne in #54
- Fix conda detection by @DonJayamanne in #55
- Fix detection of Python on Codespaces by @DonJayamanne in #56
New Contributors
- @cwebster-99 made their first contribution in #24
Full Changelog: