released this
15 Aug 08:33
Major changes
#3517 - Add Apache Tika extension guide
#3167 - Make Tika extension configurable
#2953 - Usability improvements for Kafka Streams
Complete changelog
#3517 - Add Apache Tika extension guide
#3512 - Provide Apache Tika extension guide
#3511 - Some proofreading for the Spring Web guide
#3510 - Add a note about quarkus.ssl.native in the mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location description
#3508 - Use QuarkusClassWriter in HibernateEntityEnhancer
#3505 - Kubernetes client extension native: IntOrString$Serializer has no default (no arg) constructor
#3504 - Register JsonSerializer classes in KubernetesClientProcessor
#3503 - Quarkus Test Resources with same order are all ignored except one
#3502 - Specify in the JWT guide that using HTTPS mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location requires quarkus.ssl.native in the native mode
#3501 - Quarkus Test Resources with same order are considered equal
#3495 - Arc - ignore synthetic methods when discovering observers and producers
#3494 - Extension guide - mention -DnoDeps property
#3493 - Move Undertow substitutions to their own module so that camel-undertow can make use of them
#3491 - Gradle build fail without resource directory
#3490 - Fix NPE on build project without src
#3488 - Update Gizmo to 1.0.0.Alpha7
#3487 - Use a dynamic sources encoding during a hot reload compilation
#3486 - Hot reload: the sources encoding used during recompilation should be dynamic
#3480 - Fix NPE in BasicRestProjectGenerator when a resource is missing
#3477 - UTF-8 fix for create gradle project
#3475 - Align command and gradle to use ListExtensions as Maven
#3473 - Align QuarkusListExtensions and ListExtensionsCommand to ListExtensionsMojo
#3472 - Use AddExtensions in Gradle task
#3471 - Read sources using the UTF_8 charset during hot reload compilation
#3470 - Bootstrap Maven resolver: switch to Maven Wagon transporters
#3469 - Make sure that metrics are not created from SmallRye internal classes…
#3468 - Superfluous metrics are being created from SmallRye internal classes
#3467 - quarkus:dev hot reload changes default charset?
#3466 - Ensure Kubernetes resources are only created during a normal run
#3465 - quarkus-kubernetes extension throws NullPointerException during maven test phase
#3464 - Fix Gradle plugin --docker-build flag
#3463 - docs: fix some details about classes names and add bean creation
#3462 - TypeNotPresentException during entity augmentation
#3460 - Enhance TikaParser to support the embedded documents
#3459 - Tika extension configuration support
#3456 - Native ssl support in the Oauth2 extension
#3455 - Add the oauth2 extension in the doc index
#3453 - Make native tests 'image wait time' configurable
#3452 - Update jackson-bom to to fix a regression
#3451 - Fix for running Swagger UI extension on Windows
#3447 - Upgrade to Undertow 2.0.23.Final
#3444 - docs: add build hang cause
#3443 - CDI tries to inject variables passed to lambda function
#3442 - The version of undertow is vulnerable to CVE-2019-10184
#3440 - Doc IntelliJ OOME importing
#3439 - Split Spring guide into separate DI and Web guides
#3438 - Doc How to fix the OOM Exception when importing Quarkus into IntelliJ
#3435 - The OAuth2 extension should be able to set SSLContext with a server certificate in the native mode
#3432 - Introduce support for Spring Web
#3431 - Improve
#3422 - fix: get @TransactionConfiguration from the class
#3421 - fix: possible infinite loop on Oauth2 Identity Manager
#3420 - @TransactionConfiguration not read when put on classes (vs methods)
#3419 - OAuth2IdentityManager.verify(String id, Credential credential) - infinite loop
#3418 - Fix NPE on resteasy default NotFoundExceptionMapper
#3415 - Add create gradle project
#3414 - Upgrade RESTEasy to 4.2.0.Final
#3413 - Make native tests "image wait time" configurable
#3412 - add gzip docs support
#3411 - Fix JAXB usage in native executables
#3407 - CreateExtensionMojo should optionally add the newly created modules to BOMs
#3406 - Arc - add built in beans for BM, Event, Instance. Add automated tests.
#3405 - NullPointerException on Quarkus' NotFoundExceptionMapper
#3402 - Reactive Messaging - initialize MediatorManager earlier giving priority to StartupEvent observer
#3401 - Implement a JSON representation for the NotFoundExceptionMapper
#3400 - Reactive Messaging - bug injecting @stream in a class with @observes StartupEvent
#3397 - Fix Deadlocks using CreateProject with multiple threads
#3392 - Add Jackson dependency to Kubernetes Client
#3391 - Improve Hibernate ORM doc on development approaches based on blog
#3390 - Document create-extension Maven mojo
#3388 - Having Deadlocks using CreateProject with multiple threads
#3386 - Document create-extension Maven mojo
#3348 - [CreateProject] Empty directory levels in zipped archive
#3339 - Issues with project generation on Windows
#3332 - Support running Quarkus tests from Gradle
#3331 - NPE when using io.quarkus.cli.commands.CreateProject.doCreateProject() on native image
#3318 - Quarkus test fails on Jenkins
#3317 - Add QuarkusDevModeTest for testing hot reload
#3308 - Update the RESTEasy NotFoundExceptionMapper to provide JSON error response body
#3225 - NPE when trying to build a maven module that has no src folder
#3167 - Make Tika extension configurable
#3103 - Support testing with Gradle
#3102 - Enable Gradle add-extension by update gradle project structure to isolate extensions dependencies
#3101 - Offer a Gradle project template via gradle init
#2953 - Usability improvements for Kafka Streams
#2786 - --docker-build flag seems to have no effect with Gradle plugin
#2782 - Gradle build fails if there is no src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/
#2459 - Make it possible to inject built-in beans through BeanManager.getInjectableReference()
#2307 - Unit tests in gradle not running
#2305 - JAXB not working properly with native images
#2110 - Create a @QuarkusLiveReload test
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