Major changes
- #14753 - Make fast-jar the default packaging
- #14512 - Upgrade to GraalVM 21.0.0
- #14529 - Remove Vert.x Axle/RX managed instances
Complete changelog
- #14964 - Minimal change in JavaDoc
- #14963 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.28.Final
- #14956 - Load JDBC drivers parent first
- #14951 - Bump liquibase-core from 4.2.2 to 4.3.0
- #14950 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.77 to 2.15.79
- #14947 - Fix potential IllegalArgumentException
- #14942 - Funqy Google Cloud Functions codestart
- #14941 - Update members of bot label groups
- #14938 - Turn off CORS headers appended by the Metrics handler
- #14937 - Qute - force getters access for panache entities
- #14925 - Fix quarkus websocket guide, failing test
- #14916 - Update smallrye openapi to 2.0.20
- #14915 - Follow the convention for the security-openid-connect-multi-tenancy-quickstart
- #14913 - More diagnostic output when checking for proper docker setup
- #14908 - Fix Flyway extension in relation with GraalVM master
- #14903 - Update to RestEasy 4.5.9.Final
- #14901 - Bump gradle to 6.8.2
- #14899 - Deprecate --uber-jar option in quarkusBuild task
- #14895 - ConsumeEvent - defer request context destruction for async return types
- #14890 - Fix for scala codestart unit test
- #14877 - Liquibase: fix missing relative csv, sql, procedure & view files in native
- #14873 - Allow further configuration of Elasticsearch RestClient through HttpClientConfigCallback
- #14867 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.75 to 2.15.77
- #14866 - Small enhancements in Dev UI Logger
- #14865 - @DefaultValue for enums ignored in openapi.yaml / swagger-ui
- #14864 - Add support for Jib's alwaysCacheBaseImage
- #14863 - Bump junit-jupiter from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 in /devtools/gradle
- #14862 - Bump junit-jupiter from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #14861 - Jib containers add config alwaysCacheBaseImage option
- #14857 - Upgrade Sentry to 4.1.0
- #14854 - Reactive Messaging HTTP: auto register payload classes for reflection
- #14843 - Ensure MetadataImplementor#validate is not run twice
- #14839 - Add utility method for dealing with default packages
- #14838 - Bump junit-jupiter from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1
- #14837 - Bump junit-bom from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1
- #14833 - LegacyJarRequiredBuildItem for Lambda: get ready for fast-jar as default
- #14832 - Document @RegisterForReflection(targets=)
- #14830 - Minor gripes about Log UI in Dev UI
- #14829 - Postgres TestContainer fails with "No suitable driver found" when switching test profiles
- #14826 - ArC - make it possible to turn any annotation into a qualifier
- #14825 - Unpacking the static resources from webjars
- #14822 - ArC - make it possible to turn an annotation into a qualifier without adding @qualifier to it
- #14815 - Update to smallrye-jwt-2.4.3
- #14810 - Fix flakey test
- #14807 - Always set quarkus.http.port with port=0
- #14806 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.74 to 2.15.75
- #14805 - Fix test in sample gradle projects
- #14801 - Qute message bundles - use locale from the selected variant if needed
- #14799 - Gradle tests appear to be failing
- #14797 - Improve Quarkus extension codestarts
- #14794 - Qute type-safe message bundles - use locale from the selected variant if "locale" attribute not set
- #14793 - Qute - improve Java array support
- #14792 - Add Optional parameter support in RESTEasy Reactive
- #14790 - Add log stream in Dev UI
- #14784 - Make ordinal configurable in Vault config source
- #14783 - Minor Resteasy Reactive Servlet fixes
- #14781 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.73 to 2.15.74
- #14780 - Improve cache performance with MP REST Client
- #14773 - Add mutiny-test-utils to Quarkus bom
- #14772 - Update to SmallRye Reactive Messaging 2.8.0
- #14768 - Replacing deprecated constants from jackson-databind
- #14766 - Misc cleanup - unused variables, close KubernetesClient, make inner class static
- #14763 - Connectors - removal of unused code
- #14755 - Adding mutiny-test-utils in Quarkus bom
- #14754 - Allow further configuration of Elasticsearch RestClient through custom HttpClientConfigCallback
- #14753 - Make fast-jar the default packaging
- #14735 - CI: Fix cancel-previous-runs in ci-fork-mvn-cache
- #14717 - Bump impsort-maven-plugin from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0
- #14714 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.72 to 2.15.73
- #14712 - OpenAPI: 1.11.x picks up annotated interfaces from dependency JARs
- #14708 - Support executing specific Quarkus test profiles via the quarkus.test.profile.tags sys-prop
- #14703 - Use as MongoDB hosts
- #14699 - ServiceProviderBuildItem improvements
- #14698 - Enable vertx providers only when Jackson is present
- #14691 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.71 to 2.15.72
- #14690 - Bump debezium-core from 1.4.0.Final to 1.4.1.Final
- #14681 - Add new "examples" parameter to Create & CreateProjectMojo
- #14680 - Update gradle to 6.8.1
- #14679 - Update SR Context Propagation to 1.1.0
- #14673 - Add Vertx JsonObject and JsonArray support to RESTEasy Reactive
- #14670 - OpenAPI invalid document - missing schema element
- #14668 - Vert.x JsonObject in RESTEasy Reactive response has extra nesting level
- #14667 - QuarkusUnitTest prints a warning when quarkus-arc-deployment is missing
- #14663 - Apply tiny polish to RESTEasy Reactive startup code
- #14659 - CI: Also archive log files on failure
- #14657 - Bump flyway-core from 7.5.1 to 7.5.2
- #14656 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.70 to 2.15.71
- #14655 - Add support for AppCDS generation in Jib built container images
- #14651 - Disable snapshot artifacts for Google Mirror
- #14649 - Remove remaining usages of native-image goal
- #14648 - Upgrade Dev UI to Bootstrap 4.6.0
- #14644 - Revert "Use proper config phase for JacksonBuildTimeConfig"
- #14643 - Fix Vertx declarative message consumers
- #14638 - Move tools to JUnit 5.7
- #14637 - Add ability to disable global test resources
- #14633 - Revert "Attach the extension descriptor as a JSON artifact to the runtime extension project"
- #14632 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.69 to 2.15.70
- #14628 - Attach the extension descriptor as a JSON artifact to the runtime extension project
- #14625 - Remove resteasy-json-p-provider and jakarta-servlet-api dependencies for quarkus-smallrye-jwt
- #14624 - Converting Dev Console to Dev UI inside endpoint page
- #14622 - Enhance dev console for hibernate-search extension
- #14621 - Test that insecure-skip-tls-verify is respected
- #14618 - Qute - deal with null collections
- #14614 - Upgrade to Infinispan 12.0.0.Final
- #14610 - Deal with null collections in Qute
- #14607 - Integrate AppCDS generation into Jib container image generation
- #14600 - Move Consul Config to Vert.x Web Client instead of Apache HTTP Client
- #14598 - Upgrade amazon-lambda-http to use API Gateway 2.0 http event
- #14596 - Bump assertj-core from 3.18.1 to 3.19.0
- #14594 - Apply small fixes and polish to vault / vert.x integration
- #14593 - Bump assertj-core from 3.18.1 to 3.19.0 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #14592 - Bump assertj-core from 3.18.1 to 3.19.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #14591 - The exceptions thrown into an event flow (or a separate thread) are quietly captured and the developer won´t know it
- #14588 - Use proper config phase for JacksonBuildTimeConfig
- #14579 - Dev UI - list reactive messaging channels
- #14575 - Dynamically Enable / Disable QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager
- #14570 - Adding 'Static Resources' Category inside endpoint page in Quarkus Resteasy Reactive Extension
- #14567 - Add some documentation for fast-jar
- #14562 - SecurityContext is application scoped
- #14558 - Change repository order in gradle test
- #14554 - RESTEasy Reactive: ContainerRequestContext getEntityStream returns empty stream
- #14539 - Bump jandex from 2.2.2.Final to 2.2.3.Final
- #14538 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.68 to 2.15.69
- #14529 - Remove Vert.x Axle/RX managed instances
- #14527 - Fix configuration of listeners and plugins properties
- #14526 - Ensure that Azure functions is always properly configured with the uber-jar package type
- #14524 - Hide Oidc HtmlUnit CSS log errors
- #14522 - OIDC HtmlUnit tests started logging CSS retrieval errors after update to Keycloak 12.0.2
- #14518 - Use Quarkus bom in jbang codestarts
- #14514 - Add some useful info for Spring developers
- #14512 - Upgrade to GraalVM 21.0.0
- #14509 - Test REST endpoint parameter validation with @ConvertGroup
- #14507 - Add hang detection to @QuarkusTest
- #14506 - Init socket options before Mongo Start
- #14503 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.67 to 2.15.68
- #14502 - Bump flyway-core from 7.5.0 to 7.5.1
- #14501 - Pull native profile up to integration-tests-parent
- #14495 - Improve backward compatibility
- #14493 - Encapsulate Vert OAuth2 code inside a single class
- #14488 - Dependency exclusions on extensions are ignored
- #14485 - Dependency exclusions on extensions are ignored
- #14484 - Dev UI card for Hibernate Search
- #14470 - ApplicationLifecycleManager - hints for macOS when port 8080 is occupied
- #14465 - Don't include on-demand indexed classes in getAllClasses
- #14452 - Update mailer guide documentation
- #14450 - Quarkus JWT producing 401 errors using @RolesAllowed
- #14443 - Expose custom gradle configuration for quarkusDevMode
- #14434 - Remove deprecated Capabilities constants
- #14430 - SmallRye Metrics extension should play better with the general CORS filter
- #14425 - Qute: add possibility to ignore parts of expressions during validation
- #14424 - CI hangs in MongodbPanacheMockingTest
- #14412 - CI: Fix skipping of wiremock in TCKs for initial build
- #14410 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.66 to 2.15.67
- #14406 - Qute - add content filters
- #14399 - Mailer guide shows examles with CompletionStage, Quarkus way is using Uni now
- #14388 - Revert "Introduce getSession() to PanacheEntity and PanacheRepository"
- #14385 - Adding Additional endpoint
- #14383 - CI: add tcks to initial build for maven artifact caching
- #14382 - Bump mockito-core from 3.7.0 to 3.7.7
- #14379 - Introduce getSession() to PanacheEntity and PanacheRepository
- #14378 - Bump mockito-core from 3.7.0 to 3.7.7 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #14377 - Bump mockito-core from 3.7.0 to 3.7.7 in /devtools/gradle
- #14369 - Update Keycloak version to 12.0.2
- #14362 - Move snapshot dependencies to another layer when using creating a container-image with Jib
- #14359 - update jbang codestart to use platform @pom
- #14355 - Add support for ClassLoader config
- #14353 - Allow for re-authentication with FORM auth
- #14347 - Separate layer for snapshot dependencies in quarkus-container-image-jib
- #14344 - Render template based email as Uni
- #14342 - Support custom named Entities in Spring Data JPA repositories
- #14336 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.64 to 2.15.66
- #14335 - FormAuthenticationMechanism customisation
- #14334 - Gradle Plugin Classpath Setting
- #14332 - Add mutiny-kotlin to BOM and Kotlin guide
- #14322 - Update the Mutiny API for Vert.x to the version 1.4.0
- #14321 - Register CacheManagerImpl as a synthetic bean
- #14319 - Replace OkHttp with Mutiny in Vault extension
- #14315 - Add Dockerfile template for distroless in native mode
- #14314 - Dev Console- Adding Endpoints
- #14313 - Quarkus Form Authentication...404 Response
- #14303 - More config options for FormAuthenticationMechanism
- #14301 - Upgrade to Mutiny 0.13.0
- #14293 - Hibernate Validator - Support groups in method validation
- #14287 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.63 to 2.15.64
- #14286 - Update to Smallrye JWT 2.4.2
- #14285 - Update gradle version to 6.8
- #14262 - Bump flyway-core from 7.4.0 to 7.5.0
- #14261 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.62 to 2.15.63
- #14258 - Bump Jackson and Jib versions
- #14242 - Small change in
Install Java SDK
line in contribution guideline - #14232 - Add JWT innerSign/encrypt test
- #14227 - Support OIDC cookie-path-header and storing id and refresh tokens
- #14225 - Funqy expose CloudEvents
- #14217 - Fix reflective access warning in Qute
- #14198 - Document how to embeds config inside a dependency
- #14194 - DB2 container upgrade
- #14189 - Use X-Forwader-Prefix or other headers to set OIDC cookie path dynamically
- #14185 - Re-add xstream to Dependabot
- #14181 - ContainerImageInfoTest refactoring
- #14156 - Kafka healthcheck with SASL SSL
- #14150 - Upgrade PostgreSQL used for testing to postgres:13.1
- #14124 - CI: Introduce job to populate Maven cache in forks & quickly-ci profile
- #14105 - Allows template-based email to be rendered as a Uni instead of CompletionStage
- #14100 - Reactive RESTEasy and property based authentication leads to IllegalStateException
- #14055 - azure-functions fix ClassCastException at post-requests
- #13992 - Detect superfluous minimal deployment dependencies
- #13964 - Add framework for integrating with RESTEasy Reactive Methods
- #13896 - Create Extension using codestarts
- #13845 - Add oauth2 configuration to swagger-ui
- #13804 - Add a note on MongoDB Panache doc about query on same field
- #13716 - Reflective access warning in Qute
- #13537 - Refactoring Vault components to be CDI beans
- #13531 - AWS Lambda - APIGatewayV2 adoption and warning
- #13485 - Support ID and Refresh token strategy for keeping the OIDC token state
- #12957 - Add a way to select a specific example codestarts but still add extensions
- #12522 - Implement the Create Extension mojo using Codestarts
- #12185 - Qute: allow users to ignore some parts of an expression when performing type-safe validation
- #12179 - Ability to start test resources in parallel (concurrently)
- #12115 - Support version 2.0 of API Gateway Json
- #12056 - Ability to start test resources in parallel (concurrently)
- #11962 - quarkus:dev - Lift external dependency into application-classloader
- #11281 - Add configurable sequences to auto-escape in Qute
- #11156 - Provide a system to generate a nice README.md and index.html
- #10696 - Infra/CI: Archive /target//*.log and maybe more
- #9297 - Make sure GraalVM 20.1 works for Quarkus
- #9287 - Provide single MP Config value for getting effective HTTP port
- #6940 - Azure Functions - BaseFunction.java triggers a ClassCastException on Azure JavaWorker
- #4162 - Migrate vault client from okhttp to the quarkus rest client